14 March, 2009

Keeping the Hate Alive

Posted by Archives in Arch Stanton, jew mentality, Nazis at 10:24 pm | Permanent Link

by Arch Stanton.

When you’re a people of hate then having someone or something to focus that hatred on is paramount to your existence. The jews have based their culture on hate, it is the foundation used to cement their people into a collective, hive-minded mentality. Hate induces the fear response and as the jews have discovered throughout the centuries, fear is the greatest motivator of the human organism. Whenever hate wells up in a person the fear response comes into play at the subconscious level. The jew’s conditioned response to this fear is the herd response, the banding together of the group for defense. As a jewess once said to me, “I’m not a jew until I find out you’re anti-Semitic, then I’m a jew!” Now I know that many have classified me as a “jew-hater” and I know jews would unequivocally classify me as anti-Semitic. But in fact I was helping this woman fix her kitchen that was in shambles.

At the end of the day she asked what favor she might do for me in return for my assistance. As I did not have a car at that point, I told her a ride down the beach would be nice. In the end we spent the entire day together. I learned much about her and about jews. Her father had two favored sons so, as is typical of a patriarchal society, she had been relegated to the Old Testament’s standard of a non-citizen or chattel. For this reason she had left home feeling totally abandoned by her family and her people. Her feeling of loneliness and “discontent” from her perceived separation was acute. I found her suffering in this quite tragic. In her condition I found Dr. MacDonald’s thesis sitting beside me. As we rode down the beach chatting amicably, I could only wonder what she might have thought had she read some of my postings to VNN. I also reflected on how my action of that day would be considered far more dangerous and unacceptable by the ADL than any amount of hatred or vitriol I might pen. But I did not hate her or her people and this was quite clear to her in my actions and words.

I am however outraged over the elite jew’s actions towards their own kind and outsiders. My problem with the average jew is that they support these actions to the detriment of one and all, including themselves. They are jews first and foremost; all others be dammed. The following article shows the process of promoting hate in action. People have a short memory so inciting historical hatred requires tremendous, ongoing effort. This can be seen in all the movies, TV programs, articles and the like that reference Nazis and their alleged atrocities. Hitler was a godsend to the jew’s program of hate. Of course they had to spend quite a bit of time muddying up the facts to achieve their final image of evil incarnate, but in the end Hitler served as the jew’s shining beacon of hate. Hitler and his Nazis are the jew’s magnifying glass; a lens that focuses the diffused beams of jewish hatred into an intense beam of action that can then be used to start raging fires among themselves and others.

Because the jews hate outsiders, outsiders learn to hate jews. This results in perfect cultural conditions for manipulating one and all by the top hierarchy of jews, those I refer to as the priesthood. The only reason this method works is because we all join in to play their game. It always comes down to “they hate us, so we hate them.” This is true for Negroes, Arabs, Asians and others; you name the culture and you will find mutual enmity among the varying races of that culture. The Old Testament repeatedly hammers the lesson of divide and conquer into the initiate. Keep your people unified while segregating others. Of course the jews have disguised this technique by verbally taking the opposite approach. While they legally create division at every level of our culture, i.e. sex, race, age, sexual preference, religion, preferential programs et al, they verbally preach tolerance and unification. Notice they never ask for love? That is left to various religious leaders for their Sunday sermons. The jews only invoke the idea of tolerance and tolerance by definition means a grudging acceptance of that which one does not understand or care for.

Of course the one thing no one is asked to tolerate are the Nazis for this beacon of hate must be unsullied by even the slightest tincture of tolerance, understanding or, god forbid, love. But the Nazis are rapidly fading from view and unless something is done they might soon be relegated to nothing more than a typically misunderstood jewish celebration. So what better revival than to disinter the Nazi golem from its moldering grave and have it rise from the dead to once again avenge the jewish people’s claim of “nefer again?” This is the perfect opportunity to say “Look, you did not listen to us, see we told you so; we were right all along!” Once again they will be able to claim jewish relevance as a light unto the world.

It’s hard to believe the world does not grow weary of the jew’s tricks. It’s hard to believe the other races do not rise up saying, “we’ve had enough of your lies and your deceptions. We’re sick and tired of the wars you bring forth and the suffering you cause around this planet. We’re sick and tired of you and your methods of conquering the world. You have your country, you need to live there in isolation. Then you can create whatever personal hell for yourselves you desire; but we will no longer tolerate your living among our cultures. Henceforth you will no longer be allowed to sow your discord, your hatred and discontent among our people. We know who you are and we know your methods and we hereby banish you forever to the house (state) of Israel , never to show your face again among our people.” Then all that will remain is to hoist a cold, frothy glass of Auschwitz beer in celebration.

Defectors Expose Plans of Germany’s ‘Real’ Nazis

  • 35 Responses to “Keeping the Hate Alive”

    1. gw Says:

      “Some of Britain’s schoolchildren think Auschwitz is a type of beer – rather than the notorious Nazi death camp, according to research.”

      Well then, something will have to be done about that! The solution is obvious: those kids need MORE EDUCATION ABOUT THE HOLYCAUSE!!!

    2. Old Raven Says:

      Hey Arch … are you the “Peter Stanton” who, at the time of this post, is a caller on “The Political Cesspool” ??? Hope so!

    3. Bret Ludwig Says:

      Not so long ago I had a discussion with a local Orthodox Jew. He asked if I was a Christian, and I said no. “You are not a Jew?”, he then asked.

      Maybe a flash came over my face, but i quickly said, “No” in a polite, cool voice.

      He seemed to struggle with the idea that I was neither a Jew-that is to say a goy, a gentile-but not a Christian: and so he asked if I was of any sort of religion. I said that I was not a believer in any personal or sentient god, but not necessarily a strict atheist. I then added, “I think Jesus was a fictional character, he didn’t really exist”.

      He seemed to become upset at that. I said, “Look, I’m not against anyone, but I don’t think Jesus actually existed. You are not one of those Messianic guys, are you?”

      Oh no. But he seemed really bothered. After a little discussion I came to the conclusion that for him, Jesus was a devil or boogeyman, and it wouldn’t do to deny the boogeyman. Jesus is very useful to the purveyors of Orthodox judaism, and probably the other kinds too-as a boogeyman.

    4. Ein Says:

      That’s a very interesting observation, Brett Ludwig. Thanks. What a pleasure to read some intelligent comments here from serious posters! Yes, they have been improving.

    5. Zarathustra Says:

      Mr. Ludwig, I’ll have to try that little experiment with a Jew sometime. I guess if you don’t believe in the baby Jay-zus, then the Jew has nothing left to control you with.

    6. Junghans Says:

      Guess that’s why the Hebroos are so perplexed with thinking “goy’im”, they are ‘dangerous’ freethinkers who question things like religious superstition and historical discrepancies. If one is Jew-wise, then he is ipso facto a “nazi” in their eyes (and paranoid minds), no matter how much the individual might insist otherwise.
      The “nazi”- Jew nexus is, indeed, deeply connected, and a psychological weapon that the Jews constantly use to sustain themselves, and use to browbeat the clueless white milk herd. The “chosen” tribe’s movers and shakers are, of course, cognizant of all this.That’s why they call it Shoah Business; several birds are killed with one big stone!

    7. CW-2 Says:

      My own experience of ‘hate’ is that it is a deeply damaging emotion and totally counter-productive too. That talmudic jews get some sort of sustenance from hate says alot about their particular psychology.

      For us, let’s not waste time ‘hating’ our enemies. We have better things to do helping our people overcome their individual and group difficulties.

    8. The Red Skull Says:

      Great Essay by Herr Stanton.The jews suck on hate and relish it like most people do a cherry slurpee.Thats because the self-chosenites PROFIT from the hate,and the “persecution”,in the form of a money-making lucrative racket.The persecuted jew Wails “Oppression!Anti-Semitism” and the coins and greenbacks flow from goy and worried tribespeople alike.Persecution is a powerful glue that bonds people together,and has bonded many jews into a more tribally aware group.When Whites have become persecuted enough,we will bond more together.Its already happening,as the SLPC reports a 50% increase in “hate groups”.The number off pissed-off Angry White People who don’t belong to any “official” group number in the MILLIONS!
      The Jews HAVE to continually beat down the Nazis for Several reasons.1-The Goyim can never be made to realize what a successful society Whites had without Jews!Everyone was employed,jews run out of business,so “corporate Judaism” couldn’t plant roots like America,No real crime or “homos” and Degenerates and illegal aliens demanding their “rights”,etc.etc.
      2.The Nazis had a real currency based on something,that pulled Germany out of the Depression in 3 years.An economic miracle unreported in the Jewpress.Can’t have a goy country with a non-jew regulated and interest free economy,can we?With actual indigeneous people instead of jews running the main banks.Compare that with Bernanke’s arrogant refusal to disclose the where-abouts of 2 TRILLION Fed Relief Dollars.
      Every Country in History that ever expelled the Jews,did so only after many doses of the famous jewish Castor Oil called “tolerance”.And after enough nasty spoonfuls of “tolerance” finally wised up and kicked the “chosen” out.Russia is a most recent example of this.By jailing or banishing the “jew oligarchs”,Russia re-instated National Indigenous Control again.This would explain the jews calls for a new “revolution” to replace Putin,and the US-Jew Puppet gov’ts actions toward Russia since Putin and Co came to Power.Russia is the best hope of the White Race at this time,as Westerners have been chemically and culturally castrated by multi-culti marxist propaganda for 60 years since WWJew.
      America is dying,never to rise again as “the United States”.Its dying because WE LET AN ALIEN PEOPLE CONTROL OUR INSTITUTIONS,and thereby-CONTROL OUR DESTINY.The JEWISH PARASITE has used us unmercifully for 100 years,now we are being gutted.Your being “phased out” in favor of much more compliant muds who don’t expect your high standard of living “whitey”.How’s it feel to be the new “indians”,slated for extermination.ONLY BY EXPELLING THE JEWS COMPLETELY AND FOREVER from our White societies,can we survive on the planet as a biological organism.SURVIVE,REPRODUCE,AND KEEP AN UNDEFILED BREEDING AREA OR DIE.That is Natures Law for everything on the planet.If our people fail to live by this Law,then we will perish.14 Words say it all.

    9. Coup d'Etat Says:

      It doesn’t really matter if the jews believe in Jesus or not. This is not the main factor how they control people — it is with MONEY and USURY, not with religion. Religion is something the jews kick around for shits and giggles only because they know the majority of the pulpits in their Christian religious beliefs don’t know that jews created their religion based on jewish culture while the pulpits mindlessly forfeit their own culture. Jewish culture — money, greed, chaos, hate, and destruction.

      The jews would rather a person be a Christian church goer because the jews know you will summit to them easily. If you claim you are not a practicing Christian, they may have a quick orgasm thinking you might be one of them. If you claim you are not a jew, the jew will get a little worried. In this end, YOU are controlling the jew in a short period of time.

      Ms Zara said:
      “I guess if you don’t believe in the baby Jay-zus, then the Jew has nothing left to control you with.”


    10. Zarathustra Says:

      “Ms Zara said:
      “I guess if you don’t believe in the baby Jay-zus, then the Jew has nothing left to control you with.”


      All I can say to you, sir, is good luck with your gender reassignment surgery. Just kidding! About the good luck part, I mean……….Cunt.

    11. Coup d'Etat Says:

      The Red Skull said:

      “2.The Nazis had a real currency based on something,that pulled Germany out of the Depression in 3 years.An economic miracle unreported in the Jewpress.Can’t have a goy country with a non-jew regulated and interest free economy,can we?With actual indigeneous people instead of jews running the main banks.Compare that with Bernanke’s arrogant refusal to disclose the where-abouts of 2 TRILLION Fed Relief Dollars.”

      And, the Germans had a country of no unemployment or reverse discrimination. They had a country manufacturing and producing goods instead of buying them from Eastern Europe or from jews. However, this sort of information will never hit the main airwaves or hit the printing presses.

      The jews are planning to make it official, even though we know billions are poured into Israel already, that Israel will be an international state not just a state. With all the money the jews are making by sucking the life from the imposed upon EU along with sucking the life from the U.S. and other countries, they will be wealthy enough while we will be sacked out of homes and/or money (similar to what happened to the Romans at the fall of the Roman Empire) to bring all the countries and religions under their rule or international state, and it will be a doctrine set forth. Whether this will be a success will be determined upon whether we stop the jews long before this happens.

    12. Zarathustra Says:

      “For us, let’s not waste time ‘hating’ our enemies. We have better things to do helping our people overcome their individual and group difficulties.”

      But CW-2, I really enjoy hating that obnoxious she-male that calls itself Cunt D’Etat! Surely you’ll agree that hate has its place? Or is it more of an amused contempt? No, it’s hate, all right.


      Herr Skull, our Race has survived the Ice Age, the Black Death and two World Wars. I hope we are not going to let some little tribe of cowardly alien parasites kill us off just because they control what’s on TV or what kind of money we use? If we became a race of savers and builders again, if we started having 5 or 6 healthy White children instead of one or two or none at all, if we fought back against raping, rioting spics and niggers and let the police and the government fear US for a change instead of it always being the other way around, we’d have this whole bullshit problem solved in no time.

    13. Coup d'Etat Says:

      What’s the matter, Ms Zara? Again, claiming you are a victim.

      Hate is not hate when one speaks the truth. It’s only hate when the one who thinks victim-hood should not be compromised.

    14. Zarathustra Says:

      “What’s the matter, Ms Zara? Again, claiming you are a victim………………………….It’s only hate when the one who thinks victim-hood should not be compromised.”

      What? A victim? Me? When did I write that? “Victim-hood should not be compromised”? What the (exlpetive deleted) are you trying to say?

    15. Zarathustra Says:

      “expletive deleted”.

    16. Ein Says:

      Guess that’s why the Hebroos are so perplexed with thinking “goy’im”, they are ‘dangerous’ freethinkers who question things like religious superstition and historical discrepancies.

      I suppose they fear that once your mind escapes the religious chains, you will next start to question other things. Dangerous things. Areas where they don’t want you treading.

    17. contumacyman Says:

      What whites need is to believe in their race – as a matter of FAITH. Somehow, some genius amongst us, must come up with a way to convince the masses of whites, from whatever religion they embrace as foremost, that their first faith and worship must be to their race – and let all other spiritual beliefs be subordinate to their devotion to their own race.

      How to do that? Someone smarter than I am has to figure that one out.

      Whether I be catholic, protestant, mormon, wicca, or, whatever, when I look upon my bare arms, I see WHITE, and, I know wherein my first loyalty lies – why so many other whites don’t see it that way is quite the mystery to me.

    18. The Red Skull Says:

      I forgot to mention What Nazi Germany had that (in my humble opinion)the Jews Hated most,and wanted to see destroyed the most.The Nazi’s(insert aghast expression here)! had a plan for the future,a solid sense of racial and cultural identity,and a strong leader who was Jew-wise.Mostly though,it was their unshakeable identity as a Jew-Free White Community that the Jews hated most,and wanted to see destroyed at all costs.Thats why the Jew has worked overtime for the last 60 years to tear down “white identity” in any way possible,for they fear an awakened,aware people,who are strong in racial and cultural identity.Its ok for the Chosen to have a hard-on for their people and culture,and even mud people its ok,but Whitey?No cultural and racial identity for you or you might wake up to the fact that there’s a Hebrew Parasite draining the life from your Nation,Culture,and People.
      National Socialism was and IS STILL, the best hope our people have for Racial Survival.That is why jews still hate it,and pillory endlessly Hitler,and the Reich.The Fuhrer didn’t intend for it to be a tool for anything but the Salvation of Germany,but the Principles apply with variation to all White Nations,thats why there’s a Nazi Party or Nazi-like Groups in every Western Nation.Herr Z points out we’ve survived many things,from ice-ages to plagues to jew-induced wars and this is all true.This next fight thats coming Ladies and Gentlemen,is for our very Survival as a Separate Human Oraganism(Homo Aryanous),and our Right to Exist on the planet-we are outnumbered 10 to 1.There is an enemy in our own house,letting the invaders in along with their poison.It is 11:45 pm for the White Race.Lets HOPE GOD has a special place in His heart for the White Race,and wants to see His finest Human Creation(US) survive.We need a Man like Hitler,to Rally the Survival Instincts of our People.Pray to The God(s) we get one.

    19. The Red Skull Says:

      Verdamnt!where is my follow up post Socrates?I just disappeared!

    20. Socrates Says:

      The Red Skull, sorry, your comment is stuck, yes, stuck, in the spam folder. Please fill in all required blank fields, using whatever info you wish, and resend it.

    21. Ein Says:

      Zara said: “What the (exlpetive deleted) are you trying to say?”

      Don’t ask her what she’s trying to say. She hasn’t the vaguest idea!

    22. Ein Says:

      RedSkull: In other words, what the Nazis had was merely what the Jews always had: a strong sense of racial and cultural self-identity, a keen aware ness of their past and a plan for their future.

      How dare they! Those racist, bigoted Nazis!!!
      They can’t do that. That’s somebody else’s prerogative. It’s like the Armenians (and others) trying to “steal” the holocaust. The nerve!

    23. Zarathustra Says:

      Excellent post as usual, Herr Skull. So, where is the next Napoleon, the next Alexander, the next Marcus Aurelius, the next Frederick II, the next Hitler? Is it no longer possible for the White Race to produce even a single “Overman”? This is certainly no Age of Heroes we’re living in.

    24. Ein Says:

      Is it no longer possible for the White Race to produce even a single “Overman”? This is certainly no Age of Heroes we’re living in.

      Quite so. This is an age of sleazy politicians, concerned about campaign financing, media exposure, TV time, and about polls. Can you imagine Napoleon worrying about a poll?

    25. The Red Skull Says:

      Herr Z asks;”So,where is the next Napoleon,the next Alexander,the next Marcus Aurelius,the next Frederick the II,the next Hitler?”
      -My response is-they probably came over and fixed your plumbing,or painted your house,or maybe worked on your car.They could be an officer or enlisted in the military now,or ex military.The Ubermen are out there,the circumstances will require they come forth like cream rises to the top.They will probably be of humble origins,as many Great Men have been.Most of our upper classes in the gov’t,military and corporate structures are too tied into the system to want to see it fall.Lower and middle classes have the most to gain from Regime Change.
      I think the Ubermen(and/or Women)are bound to appear.
      Hitler said he felt like he had been spared from the Carnage of WWI,because he felt history had a part for him to play out.His Decision to go into politics was based on this conviction.Somewhere,in the White World,we have men and women who will lead our people out of the
      jew-entranced forest of racial destruction,and back on the road to our rightful destiny.14/88!

    26. Emily Says:

      Coup d’Etat is accurate; Ein and Zara surprise me, although why shd they; sometimes they’re off the mark. I hate to criticize but Zara perhaps you need a little more variety in your life–you fall prey to feminine dispositions, means you fail to see something. Anyway, most of the time I accept your synopses. Ein, too. Btw, BR Smith is like a wave hitting shore, being pushed by the ocean–he can’t help it. The truth is too big! Touche. Lauds to Alex.

    27. Junghans Says:

      A frothy glass of Auschwitz Beer…macht man doch dürstig, ja? Would that be, dear beer lovers, eine Flasche Jüdische Gelb, oder, vieleicht Juden Gold?? Maybe even Luftmenscher Export! God forbid, not Wieseler Dunkel, or, worse yet, Neger Schwartz! Ach, da, es gibt ein Glass Auschwitzer Spezial, trink auf!

    28. Igor Alexander Says:

      “I learned much about her and about jews. Her father had two favored sons so, as is typical of a patriarchal society, she had been relegated to the Old Testament’s standard of a non-citizen or chattel. For this reason she had left home feeling totally abandoned by her family and her people. Her feeling of loneliness and ‘discontent’ from her perceived separation was acute.”

      We hear a lot of talk in the media and from feminists about how badly Muslims treat women (a lot of which, from what I’ve personally seen, isn’t really justified), but something we never hear about is how religious Jews treat women. I live in a city which has a lot of religious Jews, and I can tell you that the way many of them treat their women is appalling. Some of these Jewish women are scared to even look a man in the face; they look down at the ground if they pass a man on the sidewalk. Muslim women wearing head scarves don’t behave like this. In fact, most of the Muslim women I see seem more confident and self-assured than our supposedly “liberated” Western women; maybe it’s because they belong to a culture and religion which values them as women, rather than telling them they have to act like whores or like second-rate men?

      In cities that have large populations of religious Jews, like New York and Montreal, there are countless stories of the Jewish community trying to prevent gentile women from wearing clothing that religious Jews consider too revealing, i.e., wearing shorts and t-shirts while jogging, wearing leotards while doing aerobics in a gym, etc.

      As much as I despise feminists, I’m not looking to lock women up in cages, and the double-standard vis-a-vis Jews and Muslims says a lot about who runs our media and the *true* feminist agenda. It’s OK for lesbians to write theses excoriating the Amish for not allowing women to marry each other, and of course we all know that Muslim and Arab men spend every waking hour beating their wives and daughters, but the misogyny of Judaism for the most part remains off-limits.

    29. Igor Alexander Says:

      Montreal police directive on dealing with Hasidic community stirs debate
      Last Updated: Wednesday, November 15, 2006 | 3:51 PM ET
      CBC News

      A request from Montreal police that female officers take special measures when dealing with the Hasidic Jewish community has stirred up a debate about accommodating religious practices.

      In an internal police newsletter called L’Heure Juste, the Montreal police force recommends that female officers call on male backup when dealing with Hasidic men because Jewish law restricts observant Jews from fraternizing with women.

      (continued at:)

    30. Igor Alexander Says:

      Synagogue’s complaints prompt gym to tint windows, angering athletes
      Last Updated: Tuesday, November 7, 2006 | 8:13 PM ET
      CBC News

      Spandex tops, shorts and other revealing workout wear has driven a rift between YMCA clients and Hasidic Jews in Montreal’s Mile End district.

      Some members of the Avenue du Parc YMCA are upset with the centre’s administrators, who allowed windows on the building’s west side to be tinted in order to placate leaders of a Hasidic synagogue across the alley.

      The Y members claim the tinted windows compromise the building’s interior lighting and make it hard to practise tai chi and yoga.

      About 100 of them have signed a petition defending their workout clothes and demanding the tinted windows be removed.

      Members of the Yetev Lev synagogue, on Hutchison Street, paid for tinted windows at the Y after they complained their children and youth were unwittingly watching too many women in various states of undress work out at the gym.

      The congregation’s rabbi said public nudity is not acceptable to his members, nor to any religious Jew.

      Rabbi Asher Wieder says he doesn’t see the request as being unreasonable, given what Y members would normally look on to through the windows.

      “Their windows are basically [on] a lane, where traffic is, during the day, and even at night, trucks, deliveries, garbage removal. So really, there’s no view for them,” he told CBC Tuesday.

      But Y members want the congregation to accommodate its habits to the community centre, not vice versa. Michelle Pontbrilliant, a Y member for seven years, says she has a hard time believing congregation members can see right into the gym from their study halls in the synagogue.

      The problem surfaces when the young men wander into the alley on their study breaks, she contended in an interview with CBC.

      “They smoke, they take a break, five or 10 of them at a time. The windows are not giving onto the windows of the synagogue, as such. I don’t think the synagogue even has large windows.

      “I’m very surprised that it has to go as far as tinting the windows. I think it’s appropriate to find other means, if they want to take a break, they should take it in the front, not in the courtyard, if I can say so.

      The Y members who signed the petition said the synagogue should tint its own windows if it wants to shield Hasidic children from activities at the gym.

      YMCA manager Serge Saint-André said he will investigate his members’ complaints.

    31. Igor Alexander Says:

      That last story from:

    32. Igor Alexander Says:


      September 12, 2008

      It’s the Hasids vs. the hotties in a Brooklyn bike war.

      Leaders of South Williamsburg’s Hasidic community said yesterday that bike lanes that bring scantily clad cyclists – especially sexy women – peddling through their neighborhood are definitely not kosher.

      The red-faced religious sect is calling on city officials to eliminate the car-free lanes on Wythe and Bedford avenues, and to delay construction of a new one planned for Kent Avenue.

      “I have to admit, it’s a major issue, women passing through here in that dress code,” Simon Weisser, a member of Community Board 1 in Williamsburg-Greenpoint, told The Post.

      “It bothers me, and it bothers a lot of people.”

      The existing, one-way lanes are popular with North Williamsburg hipsters – many who ride in shorts or skirts.

      (continued at:)

    33. Igor Alexander Says:


      From: KimKo
      Newsgroups: soc.women.lesbian-and-bi
      Subject: Amish Lesbians?
      Date: 24 Oct 2007 17:40:04 -0400

      I am looking for quality articles on the subject of Amish Lesbians to
      add to the website http://www.amishlesbians.com

      “Amish Lesbians… do they exist?”

    34. Zarathustra Says:

      Amish lesbians! Got any pictures (pant, pant)?

    35. Ein Says:

      Amish lesbians! Got any pictures (pant, pant)?

      Amish lesbians???? (Zzzzzz…. snore, snore)