27 March, 2009

Forcible Diversity in Dallas

Posted by Socrates in "civil rights", black crime, black culture, blacks, Celler, Celler Rights Laws, desegregation, Diversity, diversity is hate, housing, HUD, jewed culture, jewed law, Socrates at 1:04 am | Permanent Link

First, HUD houses in nice, White neighborhoods, and now, special set-aside homes for inkspots in Dallas. Why isn’t it a crime to ruin a neighborhood? – for example, in a “racially diverse” area you are less safe; your home progressively loses its value; fear of crime impacts your mental well-being. (Why not thank Jewish congressman Emanuel Celler for his Civil Rights Act of 1968, a.k.a. the Fair Housing Act?):


  • 7 Responses to “Forcible Diversity in Dallas”

    1. Lee Luttrell Says:

      Out West we call this Section 8 Housing. Same scam….use government money to put people in neighborhoods they can’t afford to live in. What is interesting is the high-rise condos. In New York the Jews filter people by letting the existing tenants vote on accepting a family into the building. I am still waiting for a lawsuit regarding these high-rise condos and this Section 8 Housing. Just think how well a minority kid could do in school, if he only had a high-rise view of the Las Vegas Strip while he did his homework!!!!

    2. CW-2 Says:

      ‘Diversity’, one of the many disguises of jew communism. While all these do-gooding clergymen, politicos and millionaires are telling us how great ‘diversity’ is and how it will ‘enrich’ our lives, they certainly don’t practise what they preach.

      How often do you see these champagne socialists letting out their mansions to ‘vibrant and enriching’ Somalis?? No, diversity is the chosen weapon aimed straight at the White working class.

      I’d like to see some ‘diversity’ in a few of the Rockefeller’s luxury estates. See how these globalists like what we have to put up with.

    3. CW-2 Says:

      ‘Diversiy’, one of the many disguises of jew communism. While all these do-gooding clergymen, politicos, and millionaires keep telling us about the wonderful benefits of diversity it is interesting that they don’t practise what they preach.

      Do you see these champagne socialists renting out their mansions to ‘vibrant and enriching’ Somalis. No, diversity, like bussing, is the chosen weapon aimed straight at the White working class.

      I’d like to see some ‘diversity’ in Rockefeller’s luxury estates. You know, that big-time globalist should turn one of his 40 acre golf courses over to affordable housing for hard working White families.

      Don’t hold your breath waiting!

    4. gw Says:

      How often do you see these champagne socialists letting out their mansions to ‘vibrant and enriching’ Somalis??

      Diversity, like school busing and integration a few decades ago, is something that’s good for SOMEONE ELSE.

      It’s a case of “Do as I say, not as I do.”

      It reminds me of the definition of Zionism: “A Zionist is a Jew who want’s some other Jew to go settle in Palestine.”

    5. Krystian Kazimierzowicz Kowalczyk Says:

      The liberal ideologies that Jews create are for export only. The parasitic kikes rarely practice as they preach – and when they do, it’s merely a matter of their ideologies incidentally influencing the most idealistic and high-minded among them. One could almost call it collateral damage.

    6. Howdy Doody Says:


      What immagration law ?

      Hate speech/homoland insecurity laws and bend over having Flips search White people at our airporsts is the order of the day.

    7. Francesca Says:

      “The liberal ideologies that Jews create are for export only. The parasitic kikes rarely practice as they preach – and when they do, it’s merely a matter of their ideologies incidentally influencing the most idealistic and high-minded among them. One could almost call it collateral damage.”

      Uh is this sort of like the ultimate trojan horse, christianity?