11 February, 2009

Why You Shouldn’t Send Your Children to College

Posted by Socrates in college, education, egalitarianism, Frankfurt School, jewed culture, Socrates at 11:21 pm | Permanent Link

Why subject them to anti-White, Frankfurt School baloney when you can send them to a trade school for 1/4 of the price…


  • 10 Responses to “Why You Shouldn’t Send Your Children to College”

    1. Lutjens Says:

      College = Jew Bolshevik indoctrination center. Most college graduates don’t even sound ‘smart’ these days. They can’t speak properly for themselves (spewing the party line) nor are they good at what they supposedly studied. This is especially true for kikes, niggers, and spics.

    2. Zarathustra Says:

      Good article, herr Socrates.

      Oh yes, I know from personal experience in college classes that young, White college girls are the LEAST INTELLECTUALLY CRITICAL CREATURES ON EARTH. They are only interested in pleasing the professor by parroting back every word the Bolshevik windbag says to them. Young White college women are so damn submissive to authority and so friggin’ socially oriented that for them class time is just about passively agreeing with everything the teacher says in hopes of getting a good grade and being liked by everyone.

      Only medical and engineering majors should be allowed to go to college anymore. That would instantly remove all the dumb girls and affirmative action riff-raff that clog up our nation’s campuses these days.

    3. Z.O.G. Says:

      Why are females allowed access to higher education in the first place? What’s the point of that? It’s clear that the point of it is to indoctrinate them with Frankfurt School propaganda, as Socrates said. In other words, allowing females access to higher education is just another way of “deconstructing” and tearing down Western Civilization.

    4. 2050 Says:

      That Yeagley is one smart Indian. Of course it doesn’t really being smart to see what’s going on. Just watch tv and you see the white woman at the feet of the foreigner, as he said. He’s just honest enough to point it out. And to say that it’s not good.

      Once, maybe in 2003, I was working on the campus newspaper, working away at the computer. A white girl was in the newsroom also. I asked her what story she was working on. She said she was just looking around a dating website. I say, I hope you’re only looking for white guys, and surely you can filter out niggers from your search.

      She goes, “But they’re hot!”

      Yeagly’s right. Our women’s hearts are on the ground.

      Letting and even encouraging our children to go to college, will expose them to intense brainwashing, combined with peer pressure…

    5. Zarathustra Says:

      I’m seeing more and more White girls marrying Oriental guys these days. Hearts on the ground? More like in the sewer.

    6. The Red Skull Says:

      Destroy the Women of any Race,and you destroy that Race.Seems to be working well against us.The observation,by the ever astute Herr Z i believe, that young White women in College are mostly air-headed Bimbo’s intent on Partying,and chasing after campus apes to “prove” their not “evil,horrible,racists”is dead on.This travesty is why Hitler wanted to educate the youth of Germany,and the Future of Germany rested on the JungVolk.Young minds are impressionable slates waiting to be filled,and in most colleges,the Marxist Faculty does their level-best to inculcate white guilt, love of the negro,and rejection of their own heritage as “evil”.I knew a college professor who loved to complain about the communists and marxists and liberals contolled virtually every institution he taught at(he was the only conservative prof i ever knew).For all his “smarts” and high book-learning,he could never connect the Jew-Dots to see the “big picture” and when i pointed out the connection,with verifiable proof,i was shrugged off as “paranoid”.Liberals,Commies,and Marxists Oh My!Everywhere!But still the Sleeping Goy couldn’t see the Forest for the Trees. No,our women have a purpose,-to breed more white people.Combat lines and Colleges are 2 places women should never be if a society is run right.”Feminism” and “being a career girl” are 2 things that have gone a long way in the International Jew’s Eurocide of our people in general,and women in particular.I will say though,in fairness, that one of the smartest women i know is very smart cookie and an electrical engineer(she being an exception to the typical braindead Barbie).There should be a place and use for smart people of either sex in our movement,however,the majority of the women should be what nature intended them to be-the vessel of the continuence of our Race,especially as we are numerically in danger of extinction.The Military is worse for our females than college,as more race-mixing takes place there than any other institution run by ZOG.

    7. 2050 Says:

      red skull said:
      “The Military is worse for our females than college,as more race-mixing takes place there than any other institution run by ZOG.”

      you got that right red skull.
      The nigs stay safe at the bases, afraid to roll out of the gate, leaving that stuff to the white ‘tough guys’
      then they work on the white babes.

    8. Ein Says:

      red skull said:
      “The Military is worse for our females than college,as more race-mixing takes place there than any other institution run by ZOG.”

      you got that right red skull.

      Let me second that.

      First they got our young white women out of the home and into college, instead of raising families. They made housewife and mother into degrading occupations. Then they got them into the corporate world, competing with men and trying to be men (and de-masculinizing men). And now they’re into the military! Where can they possibly go next?

      Meanwhile, we are importing our next generation from the Third World because we’re told we won’t have enough babies to staff our industries and pay for our Social Security.

      But our young white women are off defending Israel’s interests abroad, while on the side they are romanced by all the horny blacks and browns who surround them. And Uncle Sam tells them it’s wrong to be racist.

    9. Zarathustra Says:

      What a disgrace this country has become…..the politicians won’t re-instate the Draft because they know that it would be career suicide for them if they did. And their own rotten punk kids would have to serve as well. So, the Pentagon recruits women to fill in the gaps. Especially WHITE women, if they can get them. But neither the female nor colored male troops are good for anything, so the much-maligned White guys get sent into combat and die instead, leaving the White female troops to get raped by their Groid bunk-mates.

      Any White husband or father stupid enough to let his White wife or daughter enlist in the military should be publicly castrated. I’ve seen pictures of how it’s done in Medieval law-books, so I’ll get out my rusty straight-razor and do the job myself.

    10. Howdy Doody Says:

      Attended a College with TWO enemy alien Anthropology pro’s at subversion and Flat Out Lies and teaching Anti White Shame and guilt! It was so blantant!

      One of these criminals brought in a so called Injun to CLASS set US straight on how evil and stupid US Where were supposed to be.

      A White Pussy Hound Was That sacred Injun, woo woo.


      The majority of films shown the week ends were anti White, and as were all Guests.

      The nuttier the guest the better.

      State school of course.
