11 February, 2009

Talking with Jews (or Not)

Posted by Socrates in jew mentality, Kevin MacDonald, Socrates at 6:28 pm | Permanent Link

by Dr. Kevin MacDonald:

[VNN Forum].

  • 4 Responses to “Talking with Jews (or Not)”

    1. Zarathustra Says:

      Myself, I feel no guilt or shame whatsoever about disliking most Jews or despising the Zionist Entity and its agents. And I see nothing “unique” about the Jews, except for their chutzpah. I just think about what they did to Dresden in February 1945, or what they are doing now in the Gaza Strip Ghetto to all those little Arab kids.

      Neither Jewish fairy tales about imaginary sufferings nor the quasi-Jewish religion of Christianity has put me on any guilt trip. I only feel guilt if I know I have personally wronged someone or let someone down. Other than that, I am guilt-free and my mind is sovereign territory. Thank you.

    2. NSN Says:

      There’s nothing special about their behavior. Every woman acts in exactly the same way.

    3. Lutjens Says:


      Unless of course the subhuman you may have wronged or let down is a sheenie rat bastard. I would hope you are guilt-free in that respect. I am.

    4. Junghans Says:

      This is another excellent, but overlooked article by Volksgenoße Kmac. Evidently Ms. Friedemann has been plagiarizing Eric Thomson, or she has had one hell of a kosher epiphany! Does anyone recall Eric’s most insightful historical observation of how “our race we slew for the Inner Jew”??

      Kmac goes on to relate his encounters with the Hate Race, and the fact that by all rational psychological measures, they are Clinically Sick! Paranoid schizophrenics who have unfortunately mentally Judaized and enslaved the English speaking captive nations.

      Dr.Goebbels once most brilliantly said “Die Judenfrage ist keine Frage der Moral, sondern, eine Frage die Sicherheit der Nation!”. I.e. “The Jewish question is not a question of morality, but, on the contrary, a question of the security of the nation!”.

      Take heed, racial comrades.