17 February, 2009

Reasonably Good News

Posted by Socrates in "civil rights", illegal immigration, immigration, mestizos, Mexinvasion, Socrates, White martyrs at 9:56 pm | Permanent Link

A White, Arizona rancher has largely won his court battle with Mexicans, although he’s been ordered to pay a big fine:


  • 4 Responses to “Reasonably Good News”

    1. Luek Says:

      Was SPLC involved with this case?

      Also, what was the racial makeup of the jury?

      Since he did get dinged with a large damages award I assume the jury was all white.

    2. -jc Says:

      How ridiculous. I wouldn’t call that a win. What do you suppose it has cost him alread in legal fees? An appeal will also be costly. This will have the desired chilling effect on citizen’s arrests and embolden wetbacks.

    3. Coup d'Etat Says:

      Someone has to flip the bill. The illegals can’t pay and the Mexican defense fund won’t pay. And, that is the way it is in socialist America. Isn’t it just dandy to have any Mexicans in the U.S.? They are allowed to poke holes in the border fence and at our laws.

    4. sgruber Says:

      Mexicans in the U.S.? They are allowed to poke holes in the border fence and at our laws.

      Perhaps someone will put a few holes in them.