Douglas Reed and The Controversy of Zion
Posted by Socrates in 'anti-Semitism', book reviews, books, Douglas Reed, jews, Socrates, Zionism at 9:49 pm | Permanent Link
This 1978 book has created a lot of “anti-Semites.” Granted, Reed (above) isn’t everyone’s cup of tea, but there’s a lot of interesting information in the book:
2 February, 2009 at 11:02 pm
“In the end, it’s the monotheistic character of the Jewish and Christian religions that has itself been used as part of a political programme to consolidate power in the hands of a few. Yahweh is at the apex of the pyramid of power. Everyone’s bamboozled – revolutionaries and partisans of all sorts are constantly duped and made to turn against each other.”
Very well said.
Zionist Christians = eternally damned
2 February, 2009 at 11:44 pm
“. . .monotheistic character of the Jewish and Christian religions that has itself been used as part of a political programme to consolidate power in the hands of a few. . .”
MONO = one. As in MONOPOLY.
3 February, 2009 at 2:50 am
I would like to thank Socrates for pointing out this link to me. I have read through the SOTT website extensively, yet I somehow missed this very important article and I most certainly have missed Mr. Reed’s work. From what I have read in the article, this book makes many of the same points I have written about the Old Testament priesthood’s sacrificial system relation to the modern secular priesthood that runs the central banks. For me Mr. Reed is a must read. Thanks again VNN for bringing this to my attention as it will no doubt be of great benefit to my work.
3 February, 2009 at 4:12 am
If this book offers nothing more than a bunch of obscure, complicated Bible conspiracy theories, then it’s a good thing it’s been forgotten. Levites, Moloch, King Josiah……BORING AND IRRELEVANT.
3 February, 2009 at 2:19 pm
Yeltsin was a Russian buffoon and a servant of the Jew, not a Jew himself. You know, with all this accusing other people of being Jews, one might think they comprised 3/4 of the world’s population, instead of .25%, which is their actual number.
According to this “reasoning” they could not control the Banks (Capitalism), Communism or Zionism.
Anf if there are fifteen million to eighteen million Jews in the World, how does this comprse 25% of the World population?
And if i am a fool then you are a village Idiot!
Now pray tell me with your great intellect? where i am a fool? rather than the Jew behavior of name calling. After all you condem others for this.
3 February, 2009 at 2:23 pm
The above posting should be on the “poop fixation” page; but as posted it twice, it would not accept my posting.
3 February, 2009 at 5:23 pm
I wrote “.25%”, as in 1/4th of ONE PERCENT, sirrah, not 25%. At 15-18 million, Jews comprise approximately one-fourth of one percent of the world’s population. But guys like you would have us believe that Jews are 75% of the human race. Jews are not everywhere, nor do they occupy all positions of power, nor are they guilty of every crime. Let’s not get all irrational about Die Judenfragge, otherwise we’ll become as crazy as they are.
Cordially yours,
The Village Idiot
3 February, 2009 at 5:29 pm
0.25% OR 1 OF 400
Percentages less than 1% can be hard to understand. One can hit the 1/X on one’s calculator, then one will have the reciprocal
3 February, 2009 at 5:57 pm
Douglas Reed was a Germanophobe who only recognized the Communist menace in 1943, his earlier books are obsessively anti-Nazi.
3 February, 2009 at 9:44 pm
I have little doubt that there are more jews than what we are told. After al, ALL of the figures on jewish populations are furnished by jews. A good guess is that the worldwide population of jews, and of jews in the US is three times what we are told. Hardly a staggering number of them, but it does make more sense when you look at population numbers, their numbers in schools, and so forth.
4 February, 2009 at 5:03 am
“I wrote “.25%”, as in 1/4th of ONE PERCENT, sirrah, not 25%. At 15-18 million, Jews comprise approximately one-fourth of one percent of the world’s population. But guys like you would have us believe that Jews are 75% of the human race. Jews are not everywhere, nor do they occupy all positions of power, nor are they guilty of every crime. Let’s not get all irrational about Die Judenfragge, otherwise we’ll become as crazy as they are.”
I never suggested that Jews were everywhere or are to blame for everyting. This is a product of your over active imagiation.
“Those who have the power to make you believe in absurdities, have the power to make you commit atrocities”. Volaire.
This is how it works. You have Mossad and rouge elements in the security services who carry out these false flag opperations. The majority of Jews are not in on this, neither are the general public. It would be absurd to suggest otherwise.
Only the security services would have known that an exercise was taking place in the event of an attack on the Twin Towers and so forth. Yet we are to believe the “terrorists” were in on this and attacked the verry places that the armed forces were in place. Some people will believe any thing. Again this also applies to London on 7/7.
This Israli prime minister is on record as saying that this is very good for Israel.
The bottom line is that organised Jewery as opposed to Jews have been scheming for millenia, particularly for the last few centuries, while we have been sleeping. So therefore it would not take a large percentage of them to achive what they have to date.
I read in the newspapers a few weeks ago, that they have now developed the technology to use mobile phones on airoplanes. Yet we are told that they used mobile phones in the airoplane that crashesd on 9/11. How many more facts do i have to point out to you, to get you to see all the inacuracies in the official version of events.
Now again, where am i a fool for seeing the self evident bullshit that we were being fed.
And by the way it is the human spieces with different races, and not the human race that is often repeated. And Guy derives from Goy and i am certainly no Goy.
Some of us understand the consiracy beyond the five sences, so therefore have the cordinates to see though the official version of events. So don’t condem us because you cannot see the obvious.
4 February, 2009 at 6:44 am
Then how do you explain the February, 1993 bombing at the World Trade Center? Was MOSSAD behind that, too? Or the bombing of the USS Cole in 2000, or the bombing of the American Khobar Towers in 1998, or the bombings at the US Embassies in East Africa, also in 1998? Or the endless resistance attacks against the US occupation in Iraq and Afghanistan? Or the 1983 bombing at the US Marine barracks in Lebanon? There’s also the mysterious explosion of TWA Flight 800 in 1996 that has never been explained, either.
Let’s be realistic here…..America has stirred up a hornet’s nest of anger in the Mohammedan world. Why won’t you give those Mohammedans credit when they strike back at their Anglo-Zionist oppressors? They deserve at least that much.
4 February, 2009 at 12:05 pm
“Let’s be realistic here…..America has stirred up a hornet’s nest of anger in the Mohammedan world. Why won’t you give those Mohammedans credit when they strike back at their Anglo-Zionist oppressors? They deserve at least that much.”
You are most probably correct about this; as I do not claim to know anything for certain about the aforementioned; therefore i will not comment on them.
But i am clear regarding 9/11 and 7/7 in London, and recent events.
I do not come on here to creat friction. But i do not take kindly to being called a fool which i am a million miles from being.
So to move on, lets leave it at that and concentrate on our real enemies.
4 February, 2009 at 5:54 pm
OK, you are no fool. You are Jew-wise and concerned about things that matter. But this now makes you an enemy of the State, since you are not a submissive Goy farm-animal who only sees what is held directly in front of his dull, unblinking, bovine eyes.
5 February, 2009 at 1:01 am
Lots of them Says: “I have little doubt that there are more jews than what we are told. … A good guess is that the worldwide population of jews, and of jews in the US is three times what we are told.”
I’ll go with you on that. Absolutely. It seems like a good figure, if even a bit conservative. What about the non-religious Jews? (of which there are many) What about those who have (ostensibly) left Judaism? What about the part-Jews? (who are as bad a whole ones).
I don’t maintain that there’s a Jew hiding under every bed, but surely there are more around than we think.
5 February, 2009 at 6:33 am
Whats with the comment “the human race”. I have written several times to Christopher jon Bjerknes for using this deceptive term……….
5 February, 2009 at 6:54 am
The figure of 15 to 18 million jews worldwide, is the figure given in 1946 by the jewish world almanac, the world councils of churches, and the international red cross. So they are now more likly to be nearer the eighteen million mark or higher.
The jewish world almanac of 1938 also put the figure of jews at 15 to 18 million. And in 1946 the figure remailed the same despite the supposed gassing of six million jews. They really do take us for mugs.
There were 3 million jews in German occupied territory. Yet they gassed six million jews, and there were over 3 million survivors. so where did the six million gassed jews come from. Yes i know, the figure was conjured up from thin air.
As i stated before, not all jews are bad; but the problem is which ones do you trust. So the only conclusion you can draw from this is, don’t trust any of them.
5 February, 2009 at 10:07 am
Exactly, Dewi. And only 275,000 or so German concentration camp inmates died in those camps during the whole of WWII. And only some of those were Jews. And not a single gassed corpse was ever found, Jewish or otherwise.
11 February, 2009 at 5:03 am
“The jewish world almanac of 1938 also put the figure of jews at 15 to 18 million. And in 1946 the figure remailed the same despite the supposed gassing of six million jews. They really do take us for mugs.”
. —————————-
I had been reading the Jewish world almanac, which I had found in my public library. I found it fascinating. It was full of information I never knew. The book was not for circulation, so it couldn’t be taken out. The next time I went back, a few days later, to resume reading it, it was missing from the shelf! That seemed very strange, since it couldn’t be taken out. I asked the librarian about it, and she said it had been discarded because no one ever looked at it.
Nonsense! I had been in the midst of reading it! Very strange indeed.
11 February, 2009 at 12:26 pm
Think, White Man, THINK!!!!!!! Use your Aryan brain for something besides remembering sports statistics.