23 February, 2009

Army Officer Joins Taitz Legal Effort Re: Obama Citizenship

Posted by Socrates in Obama, Socrates at 4:44 pm | Permanent Link

Uh-oh. More people asking questions:


  • 5 Responses to “Army Officer Joins Taitz Legal Effort Re: Obama Citizenship”

    1. Zarathustra Says:

      Now would be a perfect time to expose Mr. Sotero as an unlawful resident of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. What’s the worst that could happen, the stock market loses 40% of its value and the US slides into a deep recession? That’s happening anyway! Let’s stop this darkie before he causes any more trouble.

    2. Howdy Doody Says:

      For it to have even happened, meant that the F.D.R. Cabal, and it children of hell took over the central regime lock stock and barrel !

      The NKVD outfits do not even have 50% straight White males, and of the White males in thos alphabet clubs how many have a brain ? 10% ?

    3. MadDog Says:

      What AKA Barry Soetoro does not understand is, this is not Africa. The people of the uSA(for the most part) know right from wrong. All his lawyers and his posturing will do him no good, for in the end, the truth will prevail and he will be led away in disgrace; hopefully in CHAINS!

    4. sgruber Says:

      The people of the uSA(for the most part) know right from wrong.

      False. Most voted for this TAR (Typical African Ruler).

      It’s the Kwa, my man. And they would be opposing ZOG. If you think anything legal will remove Obongo from office prior to 2012, you are mistaken, I do believe.

      But I do like your image of the Commander in Chimp in chains.

    5. Zarathustra Says:

      Don’t blame me, I voted for Ralph Nader.