18 February, 2009

A Comment on the Movie “The Duchess”

Posted by Socrates in Britain, England, Europe, movies, Socrates, Western culture, White art/architecture at 11:43 pm | Permanent Link

This 2008 movie stars Keira Knightley and Ralph Fiennes. While not exceptional, this film is worth watching for the great art and architecture, which take the viewer back in time to a pre-Jewed Europe. Good cinematography, too.

  • 4 Responses to “A Comment on the Movie “The Duchess””

    1. Angryyoungman Says:

      “To Kill a King” was released in 2003 and was also a very good historical movie. Tim Roth (who interestingly enough is not Jewish) portrayed Cromwell and Dougray Scott played Sir Thomas Fairfax. It was a good chronicle of the beginning of the “Enlightenment” period, when Western tradition was rebelled against by the liberal democratic/capitalist ideology which has led our race into the disastrous predicament it is today.

    2. Angryyoungman Says:

      Excuse me, “predicament it is in today.”

    3. Zarathustra Says:

      From JS Bach to Fitty Cent. From Sir Christopher Wren to Daniel Liebeskind. From Catherine the Great to Nancy Pelosi. From Gibbon and Blake to People Magazine. From Gainesborough and West to Rothko and Krasner………How much futher will Western Civilization fall in the next 25 years, never mind the next 250?

    4. Krystian Kazimierzowicz Kowalczyk Says:

      “From JS Bach to Fitty Cent.”

      My favorite era of Western music was the Romantic (and on through about the first-half of 20th cent. around Shostakovich). Probably because the nationalism is so palpable in the various composers – there’s no way you’d mistake the Czech Martinu for the German Brueckner, the English Vaughn Williams, the Russian Rimsky-Korsakov or the Finlander Sibelius.

      “How much futher will Western Civilization fall in the next 25 years, never mind the next 250?”

      Will there even be a Western Civilization in 25 years, with the rate this is going?