5 January, 2009

White Art: National Statuary Hall Collection

Posted by Socrates in art, Socrates, Western culture, White art/architecture at 11:03 pm | Permanent Link

Let’s see negroes even try to create stuff like this. These statues are at the National Statuary Hall Collection, The Capitol, Washington, D.C. Of course, sometime in the near future, these statues will have to be hidden from view in some dusty government warehouse in order to make room for “multicultural” works that reflect the “diversity” of modern America:

[Photo] and [Photo].

  • 10 Responses to “White Art: National Statuary Hall Collection”

    1. Zarathustra Says:

      Yes, the time will come in the not-too-distant future when statues of Jeff Davis and other White American heroes of the past will be dragged out of their places of honor and smashed to pieces by frenzied mobs of Negroes egged on by Jew agitators. All reminders of our White past will be relentlessly and openly vilified. All the paintings in the National Gallery of Art in DC will be cut out of their frames and tossed into a bonfire by cheering crowds celebrating the end of White oppression. And in their place will be African voodoo masks and crude idols made out of monkey shit.

    2. Howdy Doody Says:


    3. anthony Says:

      See how the Illuminist Jews destroy this lovely White culture with Stone Age ideals, courtesy of the Obamanation and its Obamunists. Diversity is destruction.

    4. ED! Says:

      Call your Congressional rep. and raise hell, then make sure your Thor’s hammer is ready for use! FZOG!


    5. lawrence dennis Says:

      And in their place will be African voodoo masks and crude idols made out of monkey sh*t.


    6. Cpt. Candor Says:

      Ah, the revolt of the underman! I wonder how long it will be before speaking proper English is considered a hate crime.

    7. gw Says:

      “the time will come when statues of Jeff Davis and other White American heroes of the past will be dragged out of their places of honor and smashed to pieces by frenzied mobs of Negroes egged on by Jew agitators.”

      Exactly! And not only Jeff Davis. I can see this coming for ALL of our traditional American folk heroes and role models. Libraries will be cleaned out too. (Do school kids still read about Paul Bunyon and Daniel Boone these days?)

      Eventually, given time, it will come too, even for revered personages like Washington and Jefferson. Despite the Left’s wrath against all white male authority figures, and their determination to deconstruct white, western civilization, I have noticed that they are still nervous about attacking the Founding Fathers — not just yet, that is. Those are left alone. That’s getting too high up, and they’re careful about not pushing too far, too fast. It’s sort of like England, where you can criticize everything and everyone … except the Queen, who is above reproach. Even so, in time, those old, white, male, racist slave-owners will be de-throned too in the campaign to eliminate all vestiges of white America.

      Needless to say, although the blacks will constitute the rampaging mobs who will do this nasty work, the philosophical concepts underlying the deconstruction of western society are too sophisticated for them to grasp — (all but for a few high-yellow “black intellectuals” hiding out in AA positions in our universities). The guiding hand directing all of this will be – as always – JEWISH.

    8. Carolina Dave Says:

      Reckon the Negro savages will knock the noses off of the statues, as they did the Sphinx, to make them resemble gorillas like themselves, claiming them as their own (which, since they probably will steal them, technically, it would be “theirs”)…
      Or, of course, simply crap on a piece of plywood, thereby creating the best representative “artwork” of the “artist”…(life imitating art, and all that)…
      A piece the jew will certainly rave over as “advanced artwork, of a truly noble people (sic)”…the Jews do love their Freudian perversions, after all…

    9. Chakatika Says:

      There is a problem with the depiction of negroes in art as realistic statues of them tend to make it look like they are being satirised. Somehow their features do not lend themselves to the permanency of marble or bronze without introducing elements of the ridiculous.

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