We Won World War II…Right?
Posted by Socrates in communism, General Decline, Germany, history, History for newbies, Hitler, jewed foreign policy, Jewish Tyranny, judeo-communism, Marxism, nation-building/nation-wrecking, Socrates, Soviet Union, World War II at 11:34 pm | 
Our teaming up with the Judeo-Soviets to gang-hump Germany led to wonderful things for the West. So let’s salute “the greatest generation,” shall we?
24 January, 2009 at 11:39 pm
Dec. 7 1941, sucker punched were the Japanese, US and GERMANY!
25 January, 2009 at 2:19 am
Note: Neither WWI nor WWII became World Wars until the USA joined in the fighting. America’s un-necessary involvement in those foreign, regional conflicts made them World Wars and resulted in tens of millions of deaths.
Is it any wonder the Establishment is always extolling Lincoln, FDR and Churchill? Those bastards are responsible for killing millions of White people, never mind the tens of millions of White children who were never born as a result of those deaths.
As I have stated before, nobody ever really wins a war, except for the Jews who finance them and the weapons manufacturers. The best young men are killed off or scarred for life, the dregs are left behind to reproduce more of their worthless kind. Just look at the lowlife welfare scum on the Maury Povich Show or Jerry Springer. It’s no joke, that is what modern-day America really looks like, thanks to all those damn wars the Jews, the politicians, the media and the bankers got us into.
25 January, 2009 at 7:00 am
“We Won World War II…Right?”
EXCELLENT question!
25 January, 2009 at 7:06 am
As Zarathustra said so well, America’s unprovoked, unnecessary meddling in those entirely FOREIGN conflicts transformed them into WORLD wars … resulting in catastrophe for the white race and Western civilization.
We have never gotten over it. I don’t know if we ever will.
25 January, 2009 at 8:13 am
That clown Howard “YEEEAAARRRGHH!!!” Dean was just quoted on this morning’s front page: “Your generation is the first multicultural generation in the history of America, the first generation that sees itself as the way America truly is. He (Obama) is you, and you are him…” To any White American WWII vets who may be reading this, isn’t it wonderful that large, growing chunks of “your” country now bear a strong resemblance to the more undesirable parts of the Turd World, and that a second-rate, American WINO politician is glorifying this fact by slightly modifying part of a speech given by Rudolf Hess? Are the inmates running this asylum or what?
25 January, 2009 at 8:39 am
That clown Howard Dean was just quoted on this morning’s front page: “Your generation is the first multicultural generation in the history of America…”
Well, he’s married to a Jewess. What can one expect? He’s gone over to the other side and become multicultural himself.
To think we escaped him for president. But now we have Obama instead!
25 January, 2009 at 10:01 am
Good post, F.W. Braun!
The liberal clergyman, Harry Emerson Fosdick, who died in the late sixties, spoke out against the war. He has a sermon where he notes the ENORMOUS costs of the FIRST world war, and how we all suffer for it.
He also notes how America and the Allies from the FIRST war put the screws to Germany, after that war.
In another sermon, he relates how an American youth came home, depressed beyond hope. His parents finally got out of him what happened: “I fougnt a German youth about my own age. We fought to the death. I ended up killing him for one reason–I was told to.”
Fosdick says that never again, he hopes, will clergyman use their skills in the service of a government that causes its own young men to do such horrible things in the name of patriotism.
The old-time liberals had a lot going for them.
I have never read of an “evangelical” speaking in this way, around that same time.
25 January, 2009 at 1:23 pm
Next time the jews, politicians, bankers, and war profiteers order us to kill our brothers, sisters, and ourselves so that they may profit from our slaughter…
let’s kill the jews, politicians, bankers, and war profiteers.
Enough with their shit!
25 January, 2009 at 3:12 pm
Terrorsaurus Says:
25 January, 2009 at 1:23 pm
Next time the jews, politicians, bankers, and war profiteers order us to kill our brothers, sisters, and ourselves so that they may profit from our slaughter…
let’s kill the jews, politicians, bankers, and war profiteers.
Enough with their shit!
25 January, 2009 at 3:38 pm
Howard Dean is married to a Jew bitch, and he is raising his children as Jews, i.e. they’ve all converted to Judaism.
So Howard Dean is another honorary Jew.
25 January, 2009 at 4:35 pm
“Wars are the Jews’ harvest.” They make great carpetbaggers.
For half of Poland we lose all of Eastern Europe AND Poland. Not to mention the architecture and culture and genes. “Never again” they say–Never again is right: No more fratricidal wars for Europeans.
25 January, 2009 at 5:14 pm
“Never again” they say–Never again is right: No more fratricidal wars for Europeans.
Next time (if there is one), we’ll be getting sent over there to protect the Third Worlders and bomb into submission the native Euros who will be trying to expell them. It’ll be Serbia/Kosovo all over again, but on a much larger scale.
We KNOW which side our anti-white government will be on. We’ve already seen it. Can’t let whites have their own countries to themselves! Gotta have more Diversity. Gotta have a Jew-friendly environment.
It’ll be whites killing whites all over again. With the You Know Whos pulling the strings.
25 January, 2009 at 5:51 pm
Gw is right; when a racial war breaks out in Europe, which seems very likely, the multiculti forces of zog-US will be called in to restore jew-order.
However, Aryans are the best fighters, period. Also Russia may have other ideas. I bet there are millions of White Russians who would love to get even with the jew.
25 January, 2009 at 7:49 pm
“Next time (if there is one), we’ll be getting sent over there to protect the Third Worlders and bomb into submission the native Euros”
Whose “we”? You also use the passive voice: who will be doing the sending? Here let me help you, if I may be presumptuos. “ZOG sends ‘us’ whites to kill whites fighting to eject non-whites from Europe.”
I don’t think so. Serbia is one thing, France another. And the US ain’t what she was even a year ago much less a decade. Your dark forecasts don’t help, unless you have an answer. Mine is this: All those I know will refuse cooperation, at the very least. And, well, at the most… What they try and what they do can be two mighty different things. Maybe folks here need to start thinking productively; it’s the next step after you are informed, which most here seem to be, at one level or another. “All is lost.” No way, buddy; no f’n way. We have a saying down here that may help: “It ain’t over until the last Rebel surrenders.” Get you head in the game boys.
25 January, 2009 at 8:26 pm
Its been said so many times before, (including on the forum thread) but I’ll say it again. The Third Reich fought the Alamo of the White Race.
I am sorry that all those millions of American (as well as other nations) soldiers were so horribly lied to, but it is their fault that Adolf Hitlers Germany was defeated. I know there wasnt much alternative media then, no internet etc. However, I find it hard to feel bad for them, you would think that if they were fighting in Europe that it might have occured to them: My God! I’m killing people that look like me, my own people.
I’m sure some of them eventually figured out that they were on the wrong side. Any that are alive today, I would hope would realize that this rotten mess we live in today is a direct result of the USA’s “victory” in WW2. Must be tough to live with.
26 January, 2009 at 12:46 am
Captain Candor:
Would you tell which speech of Rudolf Hess that was?
That is really interesting piece of information you have there.
26 January, 2009 at 12:50 am
Capatain Candor:
…”an” interesting piece of information.
26 January, 2009 at 1:44 am
Whose “we”? Here let me help you, if I may be presumptuos. “ZOG sends ‘us’ whites to kill whites fighting to eject non-whites from Europe.”
Who’s “we”? I thought that would be self-evident, at least to any intelligent person. No need to spell everything out. But thanks for the help. Gee, I was wondering who would be behind it! Now we know.
Your dark forecasts don’t help, unless you have an answer. …“All is lost.” No way, buddy; no f’n way.
Shall we have only happy talk from now on? The evening news can furnish that. And did I say “All is lost”? Where did you get those quote marks from? Please don’t put words into my mouth.
26 January, 2009 at 2:39 am
If “gw” in real life is anything like he comes across in his postings, then he is a genuinely good guy. Always articulate, fair-minded and civil, he does his homework before writing about a given subject and is a credit to the White Struggle. If we were all like that, then maybe we could make some real progress against our ruthless and pityless enemies.
26 January, 2009 at 8:20 am
Thank you, Z, for the kind words. I appreciate them. Unfortunately, as we see on this site far too often, some of us only want to bicker, squabble, and fight with each other. No wonder we make no progress!
Somebody said above that we are the best fighters. Yeah, but some of us just want to fight, period; they want to fight with EVERYBODY. Indiscriminately. They have no focus! They lose track of who’s friend or foe. They snarl and snap at everyone. Like a pit bull, they just like to jump in there and fight.
While at it, I could add that people nursing grudges that are generations past (using terms like carpetbaggers) are just like the Northern Irish, reliving battles that are 500 years old, and refusing to move on. I wish they’d head back up into them thar hills and resume happily feuding with their neighbors, the McCoys, leaving the rest of us in peace. Then maybe we can address our PRESENT DAY problems and, as you said, “make some real progress”
Any chance of that?
26 January, 2009 at 10:46 am
GW SAYS: “Next time (if there is one), we’ll be getting sent over there to protect the Third Worlders and bomb into submission the native Euros who will be trying to expell them. It’ll be Serbia/Kosovo all over again, but on a much larger scale.” Paraphrase, “all is lost.”
I don’t like someone telling me that my people at this stage of the game will go kill our European kin at the behest of zog and that that is the end of it.
Yeah, I know you know whose who, but if you had written it out clearly in your message then you would see how doom saying it is. THAT is why I did it,——.
“Carpetbagger” is a local term for a world wide phenomenon: those that follow wars and profit from them–you know who they are, as we know. They followed the Federals down South too. At least here we know who the carpetbaggers were, and they were Jews. Now you know. Also, we’ll forget the war for Southern independence when you forget WWII, which is not likely soon and that’s fine. We learn from these conflicts. The South could hold a heck of a bigger grudge than we do too. But we won’t listen to the overt propaganda which rises every time, and I eman every time, we all come together to discuss the sick, precarious position we find ourselves.
But try phrasing things in a way that is clear, AND leaves hope. Say that they will TRY to send “us’s” over there, for example–not that they WILL without a fight from us. Otherwise what are we even doing here?
As to focus, this is extremely important. You see, we can agree? Who are we? Who are they? Luckily that is where we educated (informed) Southerners have an advantage, as to who we are, at least. And, gentleman, that is my focus, been my focus all my life, will remain so–WHITE SOUTHERNERS FIRST, EUROPEANS WORLD-WIDE next, humanity next et. I do hope that you all don’t have a problem with that. And believe me when I say, I am very moderate when dealing with northerners. You think I’m bad, hahahahaha–oh boy have I some folks that you should meet! I argue for unification in the fight, but we will have our country back afterward.
I won’t be so mean if you won’t be so negative. Rough times are an opportunity for heroic deeds, not inevitable doom. And if we allow another war between Europeans to happen that will, we agree, be disastrous. But that is only if we ALLOW it to happen. See? we are in charge of our destiny with revising that little phrase. Always bring the ugly truth out, my man, I agree with that too, but don’t say we’ve lost–and bombing Europe again is close to that–before we have even fought. I think you all better start being “nice” yourselves because obviously ya’ll need some instruction on getting your mind right before a fight.
the white terrier
I can call my folks “red necks” or an implicit “hillybilly” but you won’t.
26 January, 2009 at 10:46 am
GW SAYS: “Next time (if there is one), we’ll be getting sent over there to protect the Third Worlders and bomb into submission the native Euros who will be trying to expell them. It’ll be Serbia/Kosovo all over again, but on a much larger scale.” Paraphrase, “all is lost.”
I don’t like someone telling me that my people at this stage of the game will go kill our European kin at the behest of zog and that that is the end of it.
Yeah, I know you know whose who, but if you had written it out clearly in your message then you would see how doom saying it is. THAT is why I did it,——.
“Carpetbagger” is a local term for a world wide phenomenon: those that follow wars and profit from them–you know who they are, as we know. They followed the Federals down South too. At least here we know who the carpetbaggers were, and they were Jews. Now you know. Also, we’ll forget the war for Southern independence when you forget WWII, which is not likely soon and that’s fine. We learn from these conflicts. The South could hold a heck of a bigger grudge than we do too. But we won’t listen to the overt propaganda which rises every time, and I eman every time, we all come together to discuss the sick, precarious position we find ourselves.
But try phrasing things in a way that is clear, AND leaves hope. Say that they will TRY to send “us’s” over there, for example–not that they WILL without a fight from us. Otherwise what are we even doing here?
As to focus, this is extremely important. You see, we can agree? Who are we? Who are they? Luckily that is where we educated (informed) Southerners have an advantage, as to who we are, at least. And, gentleman, that is my focus, been my focus all my life, will remain so–WHITE SOUTHERNERS FIRST, EUROPEANS WORLD-WIDE next, humanity next et. I do hope that you all don’t have a problem with that. And believe me when I say, I am very moderate when dealing with northerners. You think I’m bad, hahahahaha–oh boy have I some folks that you should meet! I argue for unification in the fight, but we will have our country back afterward.
I won’t be so mean if you won’t be so negative. Rough times are an opportunity for heroic deeds, not inevitable doom. And if we allow another war between Europeans to happen that will, we agree, be disastrous. But that is only if we ALLOW it to happen. See? we are in charge of our destiny with revising that little phrase. Always bring the ugly truth out, my man, I agree with that too, but don’t say we’ve lost–and bombing Europe again is close to that–before we have even fought. I think you all better start being “nice” yourselves because obviously ya’ll need some instruction on getting your mind right before a fight.
the white terrier
I can call my folks “red necks” or an implicit “hillybilly” but you won’t.
26 January, 2009 at 11:16 am
Date: Aug 19, 1945
Start Page: 1
Pages: 1
Text Word Count: 630
Release of censorship restrictions in the United States makes it possible to announce that Japan’s first peace bid was relayed to the White House seven months ago…
http://pqasb.pqarchiver.com/chicagotrib … (1872-1963)&edition=&startpage=1&desc=BARE+PEACE+BID+U.+S.+REBUFFED+7+MONTHS+AGO
26 January, 2009 at 12:15 pm
Not all carpetbaggers were jews, many were, the snake oil salesmen variety mostly.
26 January, 2009 at 5:10 pm
That was a Great Article of Political Opinion and puts the entire Allied/Commie victory in a nice Chocolate-Covered-Conspiracy-Nut-Shell!My thoughts were in the same line as: Did we land at Normandy and Fight in Korea and Vietnam to hand our country over to 3rd World Subhumans who drain us like the parasites they are?Only this “Writer for the Cause” has certainly summed up the checklist of Degradation and Decay better than i ever evolved.Save that and pass it around as a primer for PC Dodo Birds,who are intent on self-destruction through negation.The Jews are constantly trying to instill fear in our people about what a “Horrible,Evil,Twisted World” we’d live in if the Axis Won! the Great World War Jew.The Truth as usual is 180 out from the Kike Propaganda.The Truth is we are living NOW in a “Horrible.Evil,Twisted World”-Courtesy of The Jews and “Our?” “Victory”in the War.We defeated Ourselves! and As Usual,the Jews benefited from our loss.Now we have what that perceptive author check-listed.Until we see that the Purpose of Politics should be the Survival of Our Race and Culture,and that those 2 Things CANNOT go hand in hand with the Jews,then we will continue to be ruled like the Serfs they are wanting US to be.
Unfortunately,there are so many dumbed-down,brain-washed Whites that many will fall for THE LIE.I see the Dis-Unity in Our People here on this site and the fact that there are so many splinter groups,opinions,regional,religious,and sectional views that we all hold.The last couple posts,digging up the “Civil War”.Which is a War that has left Deep Scars on Our Land and People.And WHO Profited from that War?Gb an Gw please excuse me if i accidentally confuse either of you as your nom-de-pen’s are so close.I believe Herr “gw” just doesn’t understand why like many “yankees” and others as to WHY the Southerners(whites that is)just can’t let go of the “Civil War” and “move on”.I would say it might have something to do with the FACT they were their OWN SEPARATE Country!Or maybe that the other half of the Country they peaceably left,came down and Forced Them at Gunpoint back INTO the “Union”,or that the yankees and assorted other riff-raff also burned houses,farms and crops,stole or killed untold livestock,killed or brutalized/raped untold Southern Civilians,including women and children.Blockaded and interfered with her trade,with led to the starvation of thousands more.Cities towns and hamlets destroyed.Or, they were Beat Down Ruthlessly while the World Watched like some people in Gaza recently.Unlisted and unknown Atrocities never recorded.
Then!After all that suffering,for wanting to be “Free from the Fed”the Southrons get to enjoy 19th Century Jew PC with an Occupying Army that stayed 10 years! after the War,and Now the Niggers were “free” and with Whites not being able to vote for a period of years,the Nigger Gov’ts were “elected” with their obligatory Jew Snake-oil Salesman to “guide” the newly freed former slaves.Where the first examples of TNB in gov’t shone bright in the form of incompetence,graft,and corruption.Most people don’t even know that many of the Southern States did not even come back into the “union” till as late as 1870.In the meantime the Southers were stripped,pillaged and plundered economically like only kikes and carpetbaggers know how.The Southern States went from being some of the wealthier States in the “union” prior to the War,to the Poorest per Capita For over 150 years after the War of Northern Aggression.The South is Still Kept Down and Degraded thru the “redneck” hillbilly” image as one of the only “safe” PC groups to bash as even the Fags are too good to pick on anymore.No,i can’t understand WHY the South would hold a grudge at all.
Alot,if not most Southerners are very polite, warm,friendly people,many like “gb” who will talk to you yankees and others “nice and polite”,not while pointing a shotgun at you and not really want to “talk with Yankees” like the other folks he mentions.He realizes and I do too,that WE HAVE TO UNITE OR DIE.North,South,East,West,Catholic,Protestant,Pagan,Atheist Whatever.Our Back is Up Against the Wall as a SPECIES.The New South will have a Hard Row to Hoe but they WILL Succeed if they Believe enough.There is Already a huge Feeling of Seccession coming over the South and Many Other Parts of the Country as more and more people REALIZE the Yankee Empire Run by Jews, for their Benefit is Not working anymore.We Will have Our Country again-The South and we will run it how WE want.Yankees can run their corner,mid and northwesterners the same.No more Fratricidal wars between White Nations,here,or in Europe.It should be a Party Platform of the New White Party we’ll have to form for our political survival.And By the Way,Jefferson Davis Was HELD In CHAINS!-for 2 years and the North REFUSED to put him on trial to prove or disprove the legitimacy/not of Secession.What were them yankees afraid of?The Yankee Win and the Axis Loss were 2 of the Worst Happenings for our Race as a Whole Entity ever.This can’t be stressed hard enough to our people who survive the coming calamity.
26 January, 2009 at 5:24 pm
Oh and a compliment to “gb” on your lengthier post,i forgot to include your comment “The South could hold a heck of a Bigger Grudge than we do!”,i really enjoyed your insight and your defense of the The South inspired me.One “hillbilly” to another.Hiel The South!May The New South not have long to wait,to RECONSTRUCT HERSELF AGAIN.
26 January, 2009 at 6:41 pm
“May The New South not have long to wait,to RECONSTRUCT HERSELF AGAIN.”
Damn straight. And my compliments to you too, sir.
26 January, 2009 at 6:47 pm
Walter says:
“Captain Candor:
Would you tell which speech of Rudolf Hess that was?
That is really interesting piece of information you have there.”
I apologize for my delayed response. It was his speech from the beginning of the Sixth Reich Party Congress, as shown in Triumph of the Will. Here is the part I was referring to: “You (Hitler) are Germany, when you act, the nation acts, when you judge, the people judge!”
He later concludes the congress with “the Party is Hitler! Hitler, however, is Germany and Germany is Hitler!” I simply find humor in the similarity, and it made me wonder if Dean (or one of his speechwriters) got that phrase from either of Hess’ speeches.
26 January, 2009 at 6:48 pm
Indeed, “the Third Reich fought the Alamo of the White race”, but where is OUR General Houston??
With their blood the valiant men of NS Germany bought us time; time that is fast running out.
27 January, 2009 at 1:33 am
Red Skull, thank you for an excellent post.
As for Jefferson Davis who IMO was one of finest examples of in our history of a White race servant, and public servant above all else in his life.
The Pope came to Mr. Davis’ s aid when no one else did, and some Catholic Nuns I think got to visit his cage and wash his face.
Union thugs had Jefferson Davis in a box on a buck board and drove it for hours bouncing him all along the way.
All this was came from the Heart of Providence R.I. and Boston with all the elements who ran those shit holes.
27 January, 2009 at 1:36 am
PS, those Nun’s also gave him food and some gold or money along with something from the pope I can’t remember. Perhaps some one can find the facts and post here.
If you find the history of this their kindness was brave and so rightous!
27 January, 2009 at 1:39 am
Gb, why do you think all the biggest US military bases in America are located in the South? Because Dixie is still under Union occupation. ZOG also gets its best White soldiers, sailors, pilots and Marines from the South (Colored military personnel are only used for inferior grunt-work, like picking up cigarette butts and peeling potatoes). It’s White Southern boys who are doing almost all the fighting and dying for this Empire, not the darkies. I’m sure you will not disagree with that?
27 January, 2009 at 9:33 am
“It’s White Southern boys who are doing almost all the fighting and dying for this Empire, not the darkies. I’m sure you will not disagree with that?” – Zarathushtra
One wonders if “da kykez” have thought about who they’ll use as cannon fodder once we’re gone…
(No matter how you do the arithmetic, this Jewish world-gov’t monstrosity cannot last forever.)
27 January, 2009 at 2:10 pm
Captain Candor:
Thank you for your reply. I havn’t listened to Obama’s words, since I expected only a continuation of the past in his intentions, however he may give expression to them. Perhaps I should take the plunge and and take the time to listen to his words.
I do know the Triumph des Willens very well, watch it every so often and am each time more intrigued and impressed.
For Rudolf Hess I have the highest rspect; if I think of any of the current politicians anywhere and ask myself which one would fly alone at night to the country their’s is at war with, jump out into to dark to descend on a parachute to bring the enemy government to its senses to end the war, then I can’t think of any. Rudolf Hess thit that and was a “war riminal”.
Hess was a man of great courage and best of character, a light in human history.
27 January, 2009 at 2:46 pm
The Comments above are exellent people,and many will find there way into the Skull’s File of “quoteable quotes”.I have some Further Relevations to share with all my Kamerades.I believe we should write when we feel inspired,am i right now.The “civil war” needs some more outlining as a Student of the Period,and of History of the War,I feel there’s a relevance about the War that applies to today.First off,the whole title is wrong.A “Civil War” is a Struggle betweem 2 Factions for control of a gov’t power structure.To rule the Gov’t as in the Roman Civil Wars,with all the various factions competing for control.The South was NOT fighting for Control of the North!They were fighting for their Independance from what they considered a Foreign(or Federal) Oppressive Power.Or F.O.P.When you Fight for your Freedom From F.O.P.s,or FFF-Triple F,They tend to get upset.Especially if your taking the Cash Cow Cotton with you.The F.O.P.s themselves call it the “War of the Rebellion”,tells you how they were thinking.In The South its called “The War between the States,The War for Southern Independance,and less friendly-but more Accurate-The War of Northern Aggression.For those who unbelieveably might not have seen the movies-“Gods and Generals” and “Gettysburg”,these are exellent Material on the subject-especially GandG.
The Marxist Propaganda slips in both on 1 occasion,in Gettysburg,The Colonel of the 20th Maine Says and I quote “we are an army out to set other men free”-which is complete nonsense.But the Implication,to the Sheeple is-You Whites is gonna fights hard and die so us niggers can be Free,to ruin your society(Picture ape-ish crotch-grab).Then theys gonna put us in charge of yo racist honkey ass.Little did Lee Know,and seeing the Deprivations the Southerners were subjected to after The War,he admitted he would Never Have Surrendered.Know that their will be No Mercy from the F.O.P.s and you can plan accordingly.
From what I understand there was a 10 year debate prior to the War,Between the F.O.P.s and the Noble South.This Issue of Secession was never properly resolved,and as I mentioned earlier,Davis’ “Trial” never took place,he was held without charges and without Trial for almost 2 years.Sounds like an early “War on Southern Terror” Suspect.I know the South fired first,But I also believe they were “Convenietly Provoked” into it.Like the Japs in WWII.The FOPs needed an excuse to Force The South back in at that Point and as Herr Z pointed out earlier-“Dixie is still under Union Occupation”and Southern Boys ARE doing most of the fighting and dying,as most casualties have a rural background.No wonder they are Kicked to the Kurb by the FOP on their return,treated to substandard care and facilities,their only poor Whites Right?The FOPS use the best the Goyim produce for THEIR Benefit not Ours.Think if all those good Southern Boys were to Bleed for Dixie instead of the Jew.I think the percentage of Kikes in the front line is less than 1% of the overall force.But young Jews here in the Jew-S can fight overseas for Israel and not lose their citizenship here.The Conquest of the South-made the Yankee Empire possible,next was Spain and the mysterious blowing up of the “Maine”.
Another reason the Jew Run FOPs would like to Erase the Southern Culture is because people with a cultural identity are harder to wipe out than a cultureless people as most Whites are now or are becoming.The whole point of multi-culti propaganda is to erase White Identity.The Southerners have the strongest cultural identity out of all “Americans”.That is why the commies have Vilified them endlessly with stereo typing and flag removal.At least the South had THE BALLS to Tell the FED to F*CK OFF!They Deserve a Salute for that if nothing else!I recently heard of a case where some white students at a school in Tennessee I believe,(Newsnet 14) were suspended for wearing t-shirts with Rebel Flags.They went to local court and the Judge Upheld the school dresscode.In other words-Whites can’t display the Rebel Banner,but Niggers and their “Bling” or Malcolm X is alright.See your Cultural Negation White Man?That is part of the Problem with Whites in this country is our Historical Sense of Who We Are has been negated.Thats Why some people can’t figure out Why the Southerners can’t “get Over” the civil war.The South has a Strong Cultural Identity,and they REMEMBER who they ARE.The Serbians were pissed about losing Kosovo.Most Clueless Americans don’t realize they considered that their territory from some battle way back in the 1200’s!It was Important to WHO they ARE.Now with the The help of our Uncle Ham,And FOP Command,they have lost it for awhile to some lowlife Muslim Thugs.Thanx Jew-N.Clueless AmeriKwans of The Typical Boo-bus Dodo Birdus Americanus just can’t seem to understand all the fussin’ and fightin’ and why people gotta holda grudge and and can’t move on.ALL of our Unique White Cultures,not just the Sunny South’s,will be wiped out first before we are physically.You start the Process of Cultural Annihilation slowly,by not letting people wear certain(white Pride) t-shirts and ban the flying of flags over buildings because they “offend” someone.Then it’s on to Christmas and we must have a Menorah and Kwanza display too.Can’t forget about our Jewish and Black Brothers who LOVE US so much can we?Also here’s some degenerate Homos who want to babysit your kids.Oh!the warmth of the Rainbow!History And White Culture should be Stressed and Taught as much as possible to our children,and adults,for without a Strong Past and Sense of Self to Guide US,we won’t have a future for much longer.If the Jew and their PC minions at FOP Command succeed in their mission of our Total Destruction,it will be in part due to the Fact we forgot WHO THE HELL WE ARE.We Built Civilization,lets keep it.I also vote that Jan 20 be considered “Generals Day” for LEE and JACKSON,in the newly Independant South.And JD’s birthday will be a National Holiday too.No more Prostitute Client Niggers with “dreams”.Remember what Jeff Davis said- after his imprisonment in Old Abe Lincoln’s Gulag-“we must keep the Meaning of 1861 in our hearts First and Foremost” and “the causes for which we fought were true and noble and when the time is right they will re-assert themselves”.If we aren’t vigilant,we get the “Checklist of Degradation and Decay”as the writer in the forum outlines-courtesy of BIG JEW.
27 January, 2009 at 6:14 pm
In a lighter mode:Get your Tasty Z.O.G.F.O.PS Here!The lastest Ice Cream Sensation for the New Thirld World Nation!ZOGFOPS are mixed with Genuine Thirld World Guano.Every Stick in the middle was recycled from an unfortunate AIDS Victim.ZOGFOPS are also guaranteed to have a higher proportion of cockroach and other insect matter for your protein benefit!ZOGFOPS come in the cool colors of lt.blue/white/lt.blue of Israel’s flag,red/yellow/green-down with the Nigger Scene, and Traditional Commie off-red and yellow.ZOGFOPS are sure to be a hit!Bring some home for your Little mulattoes and niglets TODAY!
27 January, 2009 at 8:06 pm
“It’s White Southern boys who are doing almost all the fighting and dying for this Empire”
For the same reason the mid-west white boys go die: The money is in NY not here, and they see it as the only out. Also they tend to me more “patriotic”, but that seems to be on the wane. It hurts me very much watching them die for our oppressor.
29 January, 2009 at 9:11 pm
The South may rise again, and that’s fine with me, but can we get back to the topic here, which I think was WW2?
(Before they diverted it down a dead-end alley.)
29 January, 2009 at 9:56 pm
30 January, 2009 at 2:38 am
I wonder if the Germans will ever demand East Prussia back from Poland and Russia? Danzig ist Deutsch, you know. The Germans lost about 1/3 of the Reich after WWII and that problem will need to be addressed eventually.
30 January, 2009 at 10:31 am
Yes, Danzig was always Deutsch. Riga and Konigsberg too. After 1945, Poland was virtually picked up and physically moved , as it were, several hundred miles westward into Germany, while Russia took Poland’s eastern lands for itself. To restore Germany’s ancient eastern territories, Russia would have to return the (former) Polish territory to Poland (and Lithuania). Russia has plenty, plenty of land to spare. It could easily afford to do this.
Will we ever see it? It’s doubtful. It would involve massive transfers of population. Those territories and cities have all been resettled now.
30 January, 2009 at 10:39 am
Zara asks: “I wonder if the Germans will ever demand East Prussia back from Poland and Russia?”
As far as I understand, Germany is fully reconciled to the loss of those territories, 1/3 of their former country. There isn’t a peep.
Of course, Germany is still an occupied country, with no peace treaty, and foreign troops still based there, so it’s in no position to make demands or any protests about anything. They are still being punished for having challenged the order of things. (Naughty goys!)
30 January, 2009 at 11:51 am
The “greatest generation”? What a truly sad commentary on the self delusion of the Amerikinder. Useful idiots and the grave diggers of the white race, is more like it. ‘We’, the white Anglo world, didn’t “win” diddly bop, we simply confirmed our irrational internal death wish and our immaturity.
‘We’, did in fact, enthrone our Jewish “friends” and their plutocratic accomplices in power and wealth, and proceeded to self indulgently feast for 60 years on the scraps of their world-wide economic plunder. Quite simply, ‘we’ have been greedy, stupid, self destructive fools of the first order, enabling our traitors and real enemies, and spurning our real leaders and friends.
White Nationalists need to always bear in mind, that WWII was a mega watershed event, where ‘we’, (our deluded people that is), cascaded over the falls, into the ideological and genetic abyss.
30 January, 2009 at 12:12 pm
Hundreds after the war tried to go after the FDR Cabal, but were murdered or vanquished as any threat the enemy aliens of any free republic.
Any one, dares to say the “Civil War” had nothing to do with this tragedy needs to go sit in the corner with dunce cap on.
30 January, 2009 at 2:28 pm
Former NBC Jews Anchor Tom Broke-Jaw wrote a dumb best-selling book titled “The Greatest Generation”. I didn’t read it, but I’m sure it’s chock-full of boilerplate Establishment praise for the American GI’s who saved the world from “Nazi tyranny” (Imperial Japanese tyranny is never mentioned, of course, since they posed no threat to the Jews).
But what would the clueless Broke-Jaw have to say about the fact that most of those WWII GI’s REALLY HATED NIGGERS? Many captured German officers were taken to a Naval air station not far from where I live and were treated quite well by everyone there. They were allowed to go anywhere they wanted to on that very large base. By contrast, Negroes on that base were restricted to very limited areas and not even Negro officers were ever permitted inside the Officer’s Club, whereas the German Officers were always welcome.
White American fighter pilots were also known to shoot down other American planes piloted by Negro Tuskeegee Airmen rather than shoot down Luftwaffe aircraft. And White southern NCO’s were always put in charge of segregated Negro units, the War Department correctly believing that White Southern boys knew how to handle those unruly niggers.
And woe betide any GI, especially a Jewish one, who was suspected of being a queer!
So, the Greatest Generation was kind of great in many ways, just not the ways that the Establishment would like you to know about.
30 January, 2009 at 3:13 pm
Exellent Post Herr Z!Its good to know after all these years of study we can still learn something new about the Great WWJEW.Also not talked about by the Establishment is the fact that American Nigger soldiers were routinely executed by the SS,(according to Grandma Skull).Also that it was Mainly Nazi Scientists who got US to the moon,before the Commies.However,to sum up WWII in a nut shell from a WN Perspective-I clearly Favor Herr Junghans last sentence-Quote-
“White Nationalists need to Always bear in mind,that WWII was a Mega-Watershed Event,where “WE”, (our deluded people that is),cascaded over the falls,into the ideological and genetic abyss.”
Outstanding summation of the Jew-led East and West’s campaign to destroy the only Aryan State capable of the throwing off the yoke of the Jew-World-Order at the time.Is Russia the New Hope?Can WE still save ourselves after the Huge Tragedy of the 20th Century?Especially World War Jew?
30 January, 2009 at 4:53 pm
Regarding World War Jew, I agree with Junghans and RedSkull that’s when we went over Niagara Falls, applauding all the way, convinced that it was a wonderful thing for us and a great victory for humanity.