2 January, 2009

US Vetoes Cease-Fire Resolution Re: Gaza

Posted by Socrates in America, AmeriKwa, Israel, Israel - the facts, jewed foreign policy, Jewish arrogance, Jewish Tyranny, Palestine, Socrates, UN, Zionism, Zionist lobby at 3:49 pm | Permanent Link

Big Jew: “Waterboy, oh, waterboy! Come here! I have another job for you!”

America: “Yes, boss?”


  • 10 Responses to “US Vetoes Cease-Fire Resolution Re: Gaza”

    1. Zarathustra Says:

      The USA, as it exists now, cannot be salvaged. Most White Americans are now too neurotic, feminized and overmedicated to ever rise up against their oppressor. And the International Jew will never loosen his tentacles around us, not even for a blessed second. No third party or constitutional convention will change a damn thing, either.

      So, in lieu of a well-organized and ruthlessly disciplined White Resistance, all we can do is wait for the whole rotten, Jew-ridden system to gradually collapse, or, at best, maybe help speed up the process a little.

    2. 2050 Says:

      Typical. The US can’t get on TV fast enough to ‘condemn’ the Russians for kicking Georgia out of South Ossetia, but can’t see any reason to even ask Israel to back off a little.

      Back in the days of the Soviets marching through Eastern Europe, we didn’t bitch at all either.

      Lesson: when the Russians do the work of the jew we don’t care if they take over countries, but when they protect the enemy of the jew they’re bad.

      btw, you know that having our guys attacking ‘ragheads’ as the soldier boys like to call them when they’re not around someone who’ll tell, and watching jews kill palis, gives a release, a venting of the natural racism in everyone white. Talk to the average, they revel in their family member killing those Hajis. They can watch a pali getting his house blown up, and feel good about not being racist, because they don’t care if their daughter screws a nigger, while they get an internal release of the pent up frustration caused by too much nigger and mexican shit.

    3. 2050 Says:

      well said Z

    4. abe foxman Says:

      What the F…! White Americans are pussies! They have access to guns, military hardware and freedoms other countries can only dream of yet they still allow a bunch of grubby jewsters to run roughshod over their values.
      All it needs white boy is to take out a few hundred of the leading Kikes including Jollywood moguls and that ADL fucker who has the temerity to use MY name, to solve the problem.
      Fact is white Americans are hedonistic ass lickers because it suits them down to the ground. The fucking Limeys are no different. In fact they are worse, and the only ones who’ll end up doing the job are the Arabs because they’re the only ones who haven’t sold their souls to mammon and have the balls to gut these Hymies from belly to nose.

    5. Eilert Says:

      Wow, Zarathustra. I’ll be damned if your comments haven’t PERFECTLY summed up our current racial crisis. Those remarks are a manifesto. After saving them to your hard drive, shout them from the rooftops.

    6. CW-2 Says:

      Zarathustra, let’s no waste valuble time just waiting for the rotten jew system to collapse, we need to build up infrastructure, networks, logistics etc. We must be ready for Der Tag.

    7. Igor Alexander Says:

      2050 wrote: “watching jews kill palis, gives a release, a venting of the natural racism in everyone white.”

      Spot on, 2050. Reading Mark Steyn’s columns or watching a movie like 300, one can easily see that the neo-kahns want to shift that repressed anger away from the groups that really deserve it and towards Israhell’s enemies. It’s two birds with one stone.

      abe foxman wrote:”the only ones who’ll end up doing the job are the Arabs because they’re the only ones who haven’t sold their souls to mammon and have the balls to gut these Hymies from belly to nose.”

      The Arabs have the will but they don’t have the means. The only chance the Arabs had of getting the job done was Iraq under Saddam Hussein.

      I hope Iran really is building a nuclear arsenal, and that it”ll be ready before Israhell’s bully boy makes a move.

    8. CW-2 Says:

      On a personal level I feel sorry for the plight of the Palestinian people, however we must look at the wider picture. We can follow the Arab maxim that ‘my enemy’s enemy is my friend’, or look at the conflict in strictly racial terms.
      We are Aryans, they are both semites and are presently engaged in a family squabble over who is going to be top dog in the Mid East.
      Neither party has any love for us, in fact I see Judaism and Islam as being a very effective double act. The Islamic semites are loosing ground in the Mid East but are being generously compensated by massive gains in Europe, North America and Australia.

      Our only guiding principle must be; what is good for the White race.

    9. Zarathustra Says:

      Agreed, CW-2, we must not waste any more time! After the Collapse, there will be a power vacuum. Let’s make sure it’s not filled by the likes of right-wing, anti-racist reactionaries like The Minutemen or Christian Identity lunatics!

    10. gw Says:

      “After the Collapse, there will be a power vacuum. Let’s make sure it’s not filled by the likes of right-wing, anti-racist reactionaries like The Minutemen or Christian Identity lunatics!” – Zarathustra

      Unfortunately, that’s the way things look as of right now. The public has been so brainwashed after 40/50 years of incessant anti-racism, that to them, no matter what side you’re on, a “racist” is the most evil, awful thing anyone can be. Right wing anti-racist nuts would be just as bad as left-wing ones — maybe worse.

      As for the lunatics and religious fanatics, there’s no way you can reach them; they’re totally beyond reason. They’ve substituted childlike trust for intelligence and blind faith for logic. When you look at it in a cold, dispassionate light, anyone who believes in invisible spooks that fly around in the sky and puts their trust in an imaginary world over a real one, should be considered clinically insane. Perhaps someday they will be.