3 January, 2009

Racial and Ethnic Self-Segregation

Posted by Socrates in Kevin MacDonald, Socrates at 3:13 pm | Permanent Link

by Dr. Kevin MacDonald: [Here].

  • 17 Responses to “Racial and Ethnic Self-Segregation”

    1. Zarathustra Says:

      So, Hymie thinks we should live in integrated neighborhoods, eh? When is Hymie going to do likewise? He lives in upscale, almost exclusively Jewish bedroom communities like Newton, MA and Beverly Hills, CA or in Jews-only urban neighborhoods like Williamsburg, Broooklyn. They couldn’t ever imagine living next to some dirty, lazy Schwartzes.

      Like a great man once said, the Jew is our misfortune.

    2. Zarathustra Says:

      And by “Schwartzes” I mean the Yiddish slang word for Nigger, not the Jewish surname.

    3. Terrorsaurus Says:

      Lukewarm on the whole thing. He views Jews as a particular people just making their way in the world. I don’t.

      I think they’re something altogether deserving of extermination.

      One or two really bloody weeks and the world could be free.

    4. a Says:

      I’ve said the same thing about MacDonald before. He will not go to the logical conclusion that his research leads. He’s like a doctor who identifies the virus/parasite that is afflicting you, but won’t suggest you eradicate the virus/parasite from your body because it’s just a particular parasite/virus making it’s way in the world.

    5. Diamed Says:

      That’s called tact. As a professor teaching objective facts about jews he can gain a wider audience than as a rabble-rouser calling for pogroms of the jews. Any person in a responsible arena publishing facts about the various races must be careful to simply identify and vilify the enemy, this gives them plausible deniability when people say “Don’t you just want to kill all the jews?”

      He can say: “What are you talking about, you drew that conclusion, not me. I didn’t say anything like that.”

      It’s up to the man on the street to draw the obvious conclusions of ‘responsible’ authors like Charles Murray and Kevin Macdonald. Charles Murray proved that 90% of human accomplishment is due to white males. The man on the street then concludes that the rest of the world’s population is largely superfluous and goes out on a campaign of conquest and extermination of all the untermenschen so that more human accomplishing white males will exist in the world. Murray goes on to write another book all the while denying his works have any such logical conclusions or suggestions inside them. It’s just how the dance goes. Look underneath the underneath.

    6. gw Says:

      “I’ve said the same thing about MacDonald before. He will not go to the logical conclusion that his research leads.”

      Should he have to? He says all that needs to be said. He assumes we’re not stupid. He places the facts before you and leaves it to you to form your own conclusions.

      It’s like puting food before you on the table: does he have to chew if for you , and digest it for you too?

    7. Susan Says:

      I agree with those of you who think that what Macdonald is saying is just fine. He IS a scholar after all. And I think just to have someone in his position who is willing to say what he is saying is beyond great. People have to think for themselves–that is what Whites seem to be forgetting how to do these days. They are content to let the jew think for them.

      In a perfect world, the Macdonalds would say what they say, and then people like we are would pick up the banner and do the rest. And let the chips fall where they may. Maybe the problem is that Macdonald is doing his part, but we’re not. Dunno.

    8. StuGavin Says:

      Very few Whites read his books, his influence is greatly exaggerated.

    9. Captainchaos Says:

      I posted the following comment at the site of the linked article by Dr. MacDonald:

      I wonder when Dr. MacDonald will take on the much more controversial issue of miscegenation. It is of the utmost importance, because, in the end, miscegenation is genocide – it is the destruction of the unique White genotype. If we do not even have the most basic right to preserve that which we are from destruction we have nothing. Those that relentlessly pathologize our peoplehood, our very being as a genetically unique people, need to be called what they are: anti-White genocidalists. That that term is so strong that it may stop up the ears of the weak-minded means naught to me; it is the truth, and they had best start hearing it.

      Posted by Captainchaos on January 4, 2009 at 4:17 pm

    10. Zarathustra Says:

      Academia is not what it used to be, it’s under enemy alien occupation. That being the case, Dr. MacDonald has to be careful how he phrases his arguments and must not be too combative or confrontational, otherwise his academic career is over and he’ll have to earn his living bagging groceries at Safeway.

    11. Z.O.G. Says:

      Did you guys know that Kevin MacDonald believes in the myth of “The Holocaust”? He said so during his radio interview with “Peter Schaenk” on the VOR network a couple of months ago.


    12. Z.O.G. Says:

      Oh, and “Peter Schaenk” agreed with him that “The Holocaust” did indeed happen.


    13. Z.O.G. Says:

      Zarathustra, you’re wrong. MacDonald has tenure. He can’t be fired. I guess you don’t know what tenure is, huh?

    14. Zarathustra Says:

      Well, seeing as how I graduated cum laude from an accredited state university, I should think I know what tenure means………………..

      How did you find out what it means? Probably by watching some Saturday morning catroon like Scooby Doo. Jerk.

    15. Z.O.G. Says:

      You graduated from an accredited “state university”? You mean “state” as in the “United States”? So you’re saying that you’re American?

      I ask this because you write in a very British English style and use many words and phrases that Americans NEVER use. I always assumed you were English/Scottish/Irish. Are you now saying that you are American?

    16. White UC Grad Says:

      It doesn’t matter if MacDonald has tenure – he’s aware the yids will work tirelessly to find or manufacture some loophole. Anyone thinking MacDonald doesn’t have nerve is naive or ignorant. His influence isn’t exaggerated. He has no influence on the general public at all, the lemmings. This won’t be forever though. Down the line he will be looked at as one of the men who stepped forth and helped raise white consciousness. Does he believe in the hollowhoax? He HAS called it a religion. I have no doubt he knows the truth but chooses, wisely for now, to stay out of that mess. Whites should just shrug their shoulders at the kikes when they scream about the hollowhoax. Instead of trying to get the word out that it’s a lie, and it is, we should shrug and ask why events from over 60 years ago give them carte blanche to lie, cheat, steal and kill today? It’s worked for me. Even lemmings will chime in once and a while and get in a jew’s face, because now they see a way to argue without having to square off against the ghosts of the purported 6 million. Why bother bringing up facts to the jews at this early point in our struggle here in the US? The jews never use facts. Use reality.

      I say early point in our struggle because it is early. The real fighting, the big battle, is yet to come.

    17. Zarathustra Says:

      Well, I was raised in an area where the towns had names like Swansea, Bristol, Somerset and Portsmouth…………….And sorry about the ad hominem attacks, old chap!