6 January, 2009

Herman Rosenblat, Deborah Lipstadt, and Michael Berenbaum…

Posted by Socrates in Bradley R. Smith, Holocaust, holocaust racket, Socrates at 7:10 pm | Permanent Link

by Bradley R. Smith: [Here].

  • 8 Responses to “Herman Rosenblat, Deborah Lipstadt, and Michael Berenbaum…”

    1. Diamed Says:

      The myth of the holocaust is the reason why whites have abandoned racial consciousness and chosen worldwide suicide before the rising tide of color. And yet if you question the holocaust in any way, people who were before willing to listen to you about other white racialist positions will denounce you as a nut and evil and walk away. The holocaust myth is so ingrained into people that attacking it is the surest way to lose any ground we had at all.

      What can we do? All was lost because people believed in the holocaust, but it’s impossible to attack the holocaust myth without losing everything.

      As far as I can tell knowing the holocaust is a lie doesn’t help at all. It’s impossible to tell anyone else, it will never change anyone’s mind because they aren’t willing to listen. I can’t imagine a bigger taboo than questioning the holocaust. There simply isn’t a more sacred topic on earth.

    2. Cpt. Candor Says:

      About the only thing that could possibly counter the recurring tsunamis of Holohoax propaganda at this point would be uncensored footage of what the jews have done and continue to do to the Palestinians filling up the front pages of most American and European newspapers, but first we’d have to wrest control of most of those from the jews. Then, we’d have to thoroughly de-louse our people of the pea-brained mentality that compels them to compare anything unjust or cruel with “Nazis” or “Fascists,” the latter term being so overused in modern political discourse that I refuse to acknowledge that it represents anything other than a blanket term for anyone and anything with which one disagrees.

    3. abe foxman Says:

      Fuck the Holocaust! Ignore it! VNN should ignore it. I has no meaning in time or substance. Think and discuss things on VNN of Aryan beauty and put this garbage of mind.
      Refute anyone who dares to state it is fact. Argue and point out well established evidence to the contrary. The ignorant believers require one on one deprogramming.

    4. StuGavin Says:

      Why do people want to believe in the Holocaust? Maybe we should start asking why it is so important to Whites? Why do Whites care so much about what happened to Jews? I mean even if it was real, so what? Why are Whites such Jew lovers?

    5. Zarathustra Says:

      I like the Holohoax stories where Jews are dunked in batter and bread crumbs and then deep-fried so that the evil German camp guards could have something to eat instead of the usual camp food.

    6. Stuyvesant Says:

      The holocaust is important to Whites because it confirms the christian worldview that living on earth is nothing but suffering and that life is not worth living. Read Nietzsches Antichrist (http://www.fns.org.uk/ac.htm, Mencken translation). Christianity is the main driving force behind the transformation of Greek or Roman giants into the average present day western wimp.

    7. Sri Sreggin Das, Mystic Yogi of the Kali Yuga Says:

      StuGavin asks, “Why do people want to believe in the Holocaust?”

      Stuyvesant replies, “The holocaust is important to Whites because it confirms the christian worldview that living on earth is nothing but suffering and that life is not worth living.”

      I agree with Stuy to a point, but I would add this: Christians also think that the holocaust confirms the existence of a Devil. I know this from being among them.

      Their logic is this: Hitler was supernaturally evil because he persecuted God’s innocent Chosen People. No human could do such evil, such as putting the Chosen into gas chambers, making soap and corn fritters out of them, and making lampshades and hand-tooled bookcovers for Mein Kampf out of their skin, etc., unless the Devil had control of them.

      Therefore: Since Satan exists (as is shown in the life of Hitler), and is persecuting the people who produced Jesus-Messiah, GOD EXISTS, specifically the FATHER OF JESUS! And since the Father exists, the Bible is TRUE, Christians are saved, and have life eternal!

      Weird, I know, but I this is their mindset.

      Look at how they reacted after the “Six-Day War” in 1968 or whenever it was–“God has once again come to the aid of his Chosen People! This fulfills prophecy!”

      Look at the nonsense that Christian book publishers print about the supernatural, such as “The Satan Seller” that was later found out to be a total fabrication, much like the holohoax! They WANT to believe that there is a Devil (and the holocaust), because, to them, it proves the whole Christian scheme!


      May a naked Jewish girl jump onto the podium of John Hagee and do horrible things to him, and to his synchophants!

    8. Krystian K. Kowalczyk Says:

      Captain says:

      “About the only thing that could possibly counter the recurring tsunamis of Holohoax propaganda at this point would be uncensored footage of what the jews have done and continue to do to the Palestinians filling up the front pages of most American and European newspapers, but first we’d have to wrest control of most of those from the jews.”

      Here, there is some hope. The mainstream media is so clueless and worthless that their viewership declines every year. Online news is the way of the future. The Zionists may try to end our free speech online, but in America at least they will have a hard time. More likely they just use the tried and true method of intimidation and murder (see Bill White, Joerg Haider).

      “Then, we’d have to thoroughly de-louse our people of the pea-brained mentality that compels them to compare anything unjust or cruel with “Nazis” or “Fascists,” the latter term being so overused in modern political discourse that I refuse to acknowledge that it represents anything other than a blanket term for anyone and anything with which one disagrees.”

      I always tell people that, in my thinking, “Fascism” was a movement specific to Italy and a few other countries (i.e. Austria, Spain) between the two world wars, just as National Socialism was unique to Germany at that time. There is no part of “palingenetic ultranationalist populism” that is transferable to modern political situations – if there were, we would be in far better shape. EU/US governments are getting to be NKVD police states like the USSR, if anything, not Fascist states.

      Our fellow Europeans who succumb to the PC virus did not get the good end of the ethnocentric genes. Most Europeans simply buy into this classical-liberal nonsense that we are individuals and that anyone defining themselves through race must be a loser and f-up. And they believe the demonic caricatures that the Yid-WASP elite alliance dreams up for us, thinking that all racialists are pedophiles, drunks, and mindless savages (in fact, many of us are cultured, educated and intelligent).

      All of us here know that the individual is always subordinate to the tribe. But the lemmings don’t know it, and they refuse to see it when it is shown to them. When the persecution starts based on race here in America, the lemmings will finally begin to understand (nothing like violent pogroms for a wakeup!). Then we will see the rise of White ethnopolitics.

      Be optimistic. The Zionists are too incompetent to destroy us. We will survive.