21 December, 2008

White Art: Where Did Busts and Statues Go?

Posted by Socrates in Britain, England, Socrates, Western culture, White art/architecture at 12:43 am | Permanent Link

When you visit someone’s home these days, you never see them. They’ve gone the way of the dinosaur. But these photos might help to pique interest in that type of art (don’t know what the dark human shape in the last photo is):

Busts: [Here].

Statues: [Here].

  • 8 Responses to “White Art: Where Did Busts and Statues Go?”

    1. shabbos s. shabazz Says:

      Statues were replaced by statutes, leading to busts.

    2. Zarathustra Says:

      Those two photos look as if they were taken inside some mausoleum. I think there is an 18th century female ghost holding a key in the second photo!

    3. -jc Says:

      Many are in Italy, notably Florence.

      David is in the Academia and should not be missed. Copies are in the Palace of the Legion of Honor in San Francisco, Caesar’s Palace in Las Vegas, and no doubt elsewhere. If you view nothing else on sculpture, see this:

      Much of the “sculpure” in the Uffizi are copies. http://www.uffizi.com/

    4. Bobby Bandanza Says:

      According the UKBC, Fascist art is a memory of the “suffering.” – http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/europe/2371229.stm

    5. The Warlord Says:

      I have two busts of Lovecraft, one bronze and the other some limestone concoction, both much smaller than those in the photos. I assume that cost is one reason they are rare, the other is that they don’t teach the proper skills in our Jewed art schools, where throwing paint at canvas or shellacking your own turds are more valued in the modern art scene.

      The Warlord

    6. Zarathustra Says:

      Warlord, as in HP Lovecraft? He is a greatly under-appreciated American writer. I’d like to get a bust of him, too. And Beethoven, Wagner and Hitler as well.

    7. Bret Ludwig Says:

      There should be a statue of Revilo P. Oliver somewhere. In fact, there should be statues of him in many places.

    8. The Warlord Says:

      Attn: Zarathustra;

      You can get a bust at the following site:

