24 December, 2008

Brooklyn, NY: another jew gets popped for investment fraud

Posted by VNNB in 'anti-Semitism', Jewish Tyranny at 11:28 am | Permanent Link

note:  Only one news source on google news picked up this news worthy story despite it’s NY origins.  Website appears to be located in the UK.   Story appears here

Brooklyn, NY – The U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) today filed and settled charges of fraud, filing false documents, and misappropriation of customer funds against a registered commodity pool operator, Innovative Capital Management, LLC (Innovative), and its principal and sole owner, Yehuda Belsky (Belsky), both of Brooklyn, New York. The CFTC order requires Belsky and Innovative to pay, jointly and severally, a total of $1,250,000 in restitution to five pool participants and a $100,000 civil monetary penalty. The order also imposes permanent trading bans on Belsky and Innovative and permanently prohibits them from applying for registration with the CFTC.

The CFTC order, issued on December 19, 2008, finds that from approximately September 2006 through February 2008, Belsky and Innovative fraudulently obtained funds totaling $1,250,000 from five commodity pool participants. Instead of using the solicited funds to purchase commodity futures and/or options contracts—as represented in solicitation materials—Belsky and Innovative misappropriated at least $385,000 of those funds, created false commodity pool account statements misstating the net asset value and monthly rates of return of the pool and then delivered these fraudulent statements to pool participants.

The order also finds that, during a routine audit by the National Futures Association (NFA), Belsky and Innovative provided NFA with (1) fraudulent account statements purportedly prepared by the futures commission merchant where the pool’s account was maintained and (2) fraudulent bank statements that falsely inflated the amount of pool funds on deposit at that bank.

The CFTC would like to thank the NFA for its assistance with this matter.

The following CFTC Division of Enforcement staff were responsible for this case: Philip Rix, Joseph Rosenberg, Elizabeth Brennan, Steven Ringer, Lenel Hickson, and Vincent A. McGonagle.

complaint against belsky can be viewed here

  • 17 Responses to “Brooklyn, NY: another jew gets popped for investment fraud”

    1. Old_Dutch Says:

      “The” Robert Rubin has been sued in Federal court over his role in the mess at Citibank. Stay tuned.


    2. Zarathustra Says:

      I just learned that the “Elie Weisel Foundation for Humanity” lost all its money-$15 million-by investing with fellow Jew scam-artist Bernie Madoff.


    3. shabbos s. shabazz Says:

      I understand when Robert Rube left Treasury in 1999, he took a little treasure in the form of a golden parachute of around $140

      It’z too bad christianity is based on mercy rather than justice.
      It’z time to love thine enemies, until all goodness has been transferred to the jew devil.

      Merry Christmas to those who hate thine enemies. Merry Christmas to all who love the bitter facts.

    4. Krystian K. Kowalczyk Says:

      “I just learned that the “Elie Weisel Foundation for Humanity” lost all its money-$15 million-by investing with fellow Jew scam-artist Bernie Madoff.


      Unfortunately, Wiesel and the other kike filth that have been scammed will be eligible for taxpayer-funded relief thanks to fraud protocols.


      Not so merry now, is it?

    5. Zarathustra Says:

      Thank you, Debbie Downer!

    6. Krystian K. Kowalczyk Says:

      “Thank you, Debbie Downer!”

      Like that, is it? You still stinging from my denunciation?

      Btw, SNL? I thought you were kosher-free in your tv preferences, chief.

    7. Marwinsing Says:

      Merry Christmas to a sick race

      The white race.

      And not have a Happy New Year, but a Healthy New Year.

      Because health comes before happiness.

      Health creates happiness.

      Why die, trying to pretend you’re happy?

      That’s what liberals do.

      (anyway have a good one, with love from Santa – ja, we’re zoned into the 25th here already, beat you so weh…)

    8. Blightblingdouche Says:

      Only $1,250,000? Who cares? That’s not a drop in the bucket compared to $50 B. But then, $50 B is only two drops compared to the effect of $700+ billion on the GDP. So why is old Bernie Madoff taking the fall, especially for a Ponzi? Ponzis are common. The Fed Reserve is a Ponzi, fer chrissakes! Think, ya easy money racialists: What other form of “trading” on The Street is being protected, one more profitable than Ponzis?

    9. Zarathustra Says:

      I rather think you are the one who has been stung, sirrah.

      BTW, SNL is a part of American pop culture and has been for over 30 years. And I don’t have any religious aversion to watching a TV show.

    10. jim donaldson Says:

      “I thought you were kosher-free in your tv preferences, chief.”

      There is no kosher-free TV.

    11. Howdy Doody Says:

      TV is one big Insult, when you wake up if ever you will not miss it at all, not any.

      Since I got high speed I have seen some utube stuff and so I can get a sample of Sickness for a few second.

      There is something redeming about utube, but they will remove this sooner than later. Podblac!


    12. Shauagan Says:

      and yet Another Jewish Philanthopist arrest for crimes, this time its a jewish International child Porn recruiter/promoter.
      Notice that most of the articles dealign with Andrew Mogilyansky’s child porn operations list him as a dual Russian-American Citizen. Yet when he’s donating to Jewish causes, he’s a Jewish-American citizen:

      Russian Jews in America give back to terror victims


    13. Zarathustra Says:

      A new study from Brandeis University suggests that you can be Jew-wise and STILL enjoy watching Bill Moyers, Jay Leno and South Park. Do you give up reading books just because the publishing houses are Jew owned? You don’t have to live under a rock just because Shylock runs the mass media, you know.

    14. shabbos s. shabazz Says:

      Yes, look at some of the jew trash you’ve been missing:




    15. Zarathustra Says:

      Thank you, sir, for showing what a bunch of ugly, uncouth, foul-mouthed New York Jewesses those Celtic Women really are. And that race-mixing gangsta rap number from Andre Rieu! I had to press my palms over my ears it was so obscene! And all those scantily-clad colored girls dancing so suggestively on the stage….. What a scandal!

    16. Krystian K. Kowalczyk Says:

      “There is no kosher-free TV.” j. donaldson

      Now you’re catching on.

      “A new study from Brandeis University suggests that you can be Jew-wise and STILL enjoy watching Bill Moyers, Jay Leno and South Park. Do you give up reading books just because the publishing houses are Jew owned? You don’t have to live under a rock just because Shylock runs the mass media, you know.” Zara

      Sheez, relax. I was only kidding.

    17. williams Says:

      test post,have i got a line?