24 December, 2008

US Warns Russia About Missile Sales to Iran

Posted by Socrates in 'Middle East', Iran, Israel, Russia, Socrates, Zionism at 12:55 am | Permanent Link

Russia is a threat to Zionism:


  • 20 Responses to “US Warns Russia About Missile Sales to Iran”

    1. Cpt. Candor Says:

      I suppose “our” government would raise a stink if Putin tried to sell Iran a couple hundred thousand rusty Kalashnikovs left over from the Afghan and Chechen campaigns, let alone anything capable of taking down conventional bomber aircraft. Ahh, Nintendo warfare. I have F-15s and Supercobras, my enemies have Lee-Enfields and slingshots, all’s right with the world.

    2. Zarathustra Says:

      The ASS-socialist Press is a thoroughly JEW-infested news agency. Naturally, the Jew bitch who wrote the article doesn’t mention Israel’s own nuclear research facility in Dimona or the fact that Israel has several hundred nuclear weapons. Nor does she mention that an Israeli general recently threatened to use those weapons against Europe. Additionally, President Ahmadinejad never said Israel should be wiped off the map, though he should have. Goddamn lying, sneaky Jews.

    3. John Says:

      Russia needs to tell the US to fuck off.

    4. Brian Gareth Says:

      The Jews are trying to restart the Cold War with Russia. It is getting hard for them to justify the $24 MILLION the U.S. gives to Israel EVERY SINGLE DAY straight from the taxpayer’s pocket, especially since America’s economy is a disaster and Israel’s economy is booming (surprise! surprise!) With Russia back in play, the War Party (Jews and their goy toys) can claim they need Israel as a buffer state against the growing threat in Eastern Europe.

    5. S.U.N. Says:

      Particularly interesting that such a purchase would shift the balance of power in the mideast. Those judensau never change their filthy ways.

    6. The Red Skull Says:

      As the Evil Emperor in Star Wars says-“GOOOOOOOODD!”-said with an evil hiss.Russia is back in the Game and has thrown off most of the rotten influence of Big Jew.The kikes can’t stand it that a country might be able to oppose their unwarranted attention.Iran has every right to nuke power.Israel has not even signed the NPT and won’t allow UN inspectors in their shitty little country.Yet the Jew-S-A doesn’t have a problem with that for some reason.I hope Russia arms Iran to the teeth so when they(the kikes) send their enforcer Golem in(US),we pay a heavy price in blood,and equipment.Maybe it will even lead to the downfall of the Jew-run gov’t here.Fuck the USA.Oh-but we have the Nigger Messiah as Prez-so all is right with the World!Lets hope Sunburn missiles put a burn on somebodys ass who deserves it-Israel.

    7. Brian Gareth Says:

      To paraphrase a famous nigger preacher:

      “God Bless Amexikwa? No! No! No! Goddamn Amexikwa!!!” =)

    8. Osama bin Laden Says:

      Doesn’t that retarded gook on VNNF known as “dogman” always respond that “Putin is ZOG” whenever someone questions his anti-Russian agenda?

      I don’t think Putin is a friend to WN, but he serves a needed purpose – destabilize American internationalism and Zionism.

    9. Krystian K. Kowalczyk Says:

      “I don’t think Putin is a friend to WN, but he serves a needed purpose – destabilize American internationalism and Zionism.”

      Good observation. Putin wants to consolidate his power, and will do so at the expense of ZOG or WN.

    10. zoomcopter Says:

      I see nothing wrong in destabilizing American internationalism and Zionism. Both are anti-White because they are both domoinated by Jews. Putin is a strong Russian leader, which Russians require. Democracy is for brain-washed Americans. The Jews have discovered that they can buy their way into any democracy on earth. Presidents, Senators and dogcatchers all have their price and Jews run the printing presses, such a deal it is.

    11. 2050 Says:

      Funny, they’re worried that it might make it more difficult for US or Israel to make a bombing run into Iran to destroy a much needed powerplant. And we say so and the average ‘kwan doesn’t think anything wrong with that. Maybe because the media did not tell them to care.
      Anything that keeps the jew’s enemies more backward and more poverty stricken. Heck, nothing like taking out civilian electric generating capability, combined with our Special Forces/Psy-ops guys spreading propaganda, to make the Iranian people pissed off at their own leaders for what Israel does.
      Same strategy as bombing the civilians in Hamburg.

    12. zoomcopter Says:

      Russia is a threat to Zionism because Russia is not really democratic, hence, Jews cannot dominate it. Jews have bought, bribed and blackmailed themselves into every western democracy, on earth, but they are unable to do so in Russia ever since Boris Yeltsin was thrown out. Harvard President and recent Obama appointee, Larry Summers sent “advisors” into Russia after the fall of the USSR to rape and plunder Mother Russia. Putin stopped the Jewish Oligarchs from robbing Russia blind. Democracy has become lethal to Whites as jews have subverted it. Only kosher candidates are allowed to run, now. When we become a minority, “democracy” will deliver us into the hands of our lessors, to pay for our supposed sins.

    13. Junghans Says:

      Bingo, Zoom. “Democracy” is the perfect political system for plutocrats of every stripe, especially Jews, to buy, subvert, exploit and control; and, have they ever!

    14. shabbos s. shabazz Says:

      dEMOCRATIC iDIOCRACY is more than perfect.

    15. Zarathustra Says:

      A more apt name for “democracy” would be Jewocracy, since it’s the Jews’ favorite form of government to control the GOYIM.

    16. Jim Says:

      Democracy means death to Aryan culture. Besides being the ideal system for exploitation by the jews, it brings society down to the lowest common level. High culture and civilization can only take root in a racially homogeneous nation governed by a strong Leader who embodies the Racial Soul of the Folk. Only one nation in history has ever embodied that ideal, and the jews crucified it.

    17. Zarathustra Says:

      I believe in an Aryan Meritocracy, like the one described in Homer’s Republic. No effete, generational dynasties, no “lucky sperm club”, no passing on obscene amounts of wealth to spoiled, useless, undeserving brats like Paris Hilton. Let those who are the best and brightest rise to the top, regardless of who their parents are or how much or how little money their family has.

      But the problem with having a Great Man like Hitler or Napoleon ruling the people is that eventually he will die or be removed and the guy who replaces him most likely will not measure up. He might even get soft and let the Jews come scuttling and slithering back in. That remains one of the biggest problems to be dealt with.

    18. zoomcopter Says:

      Let’s see, democracy means jews are free to buy the results of the election, either through their control of the media, and/or through campaign financing. Once they have consolidated their power, they allow open borders to dilute the native Anglo-Saxon population to the point of becoming a minority, and drain the coffers of the treasury to fight endless wars for Israel. In our lifetime, or certainly in the lifetime of our children, blacks and mexicans will have numerically outnumbered us and we will have passed the point of no return for effective change through the “democratic” process, therefore, it is better if democracy fails, the sooner, the better. The parasite has killed the host.

    19. Zarathustra Says:

      Perfectly stated, Z-copter. You have succintly described the problem in a nutshell.

    20. Howdy Doody Says:

      You condensed a PhD of study as to whats ails us in to a paragraph!

      They used fair play and over bribed, and over played their hands going for broke using war and murder at will http://www.ussliberty.org.

      They will not give up with a good debate showing that are killer disease to Western People, or allow themselves to be voted out.

      It appears they meanu us great harm as they are dangerous paranoid gangster lunatics.

      Hard copy this if you can.


      rRad it twice since 1999, and when I first read it I honestly believed the enemy aliens were going to do US another Pearl Harbor, and they did. Suprise. The media is attached at the hip with the regime they are one and the same.

      zoomcopter Says:

      26 December, 2008 at 10:40 pm

      Let’s see, democracy means jews are free to buy the results of the election, either through their control of the media, and/or through campaign financing. Once they have consolidated their power, they allow open borders to dilute the native Anglo-Saxon population to the point of becoming a minority, and drain the coffers of the treasury to fight endless wars for Israel. In our lifetime, or certainly in the lifetime of our children, blacks and mexicans will have numerically outnumbered us and we will have passed the point of no return for effective change through the “democratic” process, therefore, it is better if democracy fails, the sooner, the better. The parasite has killed the host.