25 December, 2008

Taki Taps Out

Posted by alex in Alex Linder at 7:23 am | Permanent Link

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Posted by Richard Spencer on December 23, 2008

Taki has decided to suspend indefinitely all commenting at Takimag. I’d like to thank those who’ve offered up thoughtful responses to our articles in the past.


[Translation: Takimag writers were being shown up for the punch-pullers they are, most notably by one ‘Captain Chaos.’ Good job, CC, whoever you are. Like the liberals the paleoconservatives pretend not to be, the pallids can’t win unfixed bouts. Their only recourse is censorship. C’est la vie. As e.e. cummings nearly said, the cohenservatives will never fully kiss you. That’s because they only have two lips and they’re both locked on Big Yid’s tuches.]

  • 24 Responses to “Taki Taps Out”

    1. JewTracer Says:

      Is the owner of that site a Jew?

    2. alex Says:

      No. Taki is Greek. He funds Takimag. Before he funded The American Conservative. Takimag’s managing editor (the guy who does the day to day work) is Richard Spencer, who I read is a queer. The site is handled by Paul Gottfried, a jew whose specialty is misleading right-leaning goyim into thinking the problem is not jews but Protestants and managerial elites.

    3. shabbos s. shabazz Says:

      Webmaster for both Raimondo and Rockwell is jew Eric Garris.

    4. 2050 Says:

      I sometimes liked Taki’s writing, however he was merely a distraction; Something to divert our eyes from the real causes. He offered the same old almost complete reason for what’s up, and those like him fracture the people’s understanding and fractures the people’s ability to work towards the solution to the underlying and bigger problem.

    5. Zoroastro Says:

      “As e.e. cummings nearly said, the cohenservatives will never fully kiss you. That’s because they only have two lips and they’re both locked on Big Yid’s tuches.]”

      LOL, Mencken and Twain would have been proud! Priceless words. God, thank you Alex Linder and for VNN -Merry Christmas to world-wide White Geniuses!

    6. Old_Dutch Says:

      Taki who?

    7. Captainchaos Says:

      That is high praise that resounds in my ears all the more coming from Mr. Linder, who is the master of knowing when to stick the knife in, and when to twist it; for our people. Faileoconservatism is a false opposition that drains off real struggle for our people into impotence. Death to faileoconservatism!

    8. Blightblingingdouche Says:

      We know Taki is a pussy. Yes, Cap’n C’s kicking of paleocon ass was amusing. Still, how does the suspension of commentary at Taki’s Rag benefit our side?

    9. Captainchaos Says:

      Blightblingingdouche: “We know Taki is a pussy.”

      I guess there are two things money can’t buy: happiness and balls.

      “Yes, Cap’n C’s kicking of paleocon ass was amusing.”

      Yeah, a boring recitation of the facts and arguments for our case wouldn’t have satisfied me. I was looking for scalps and converts; I got both. Did you know the fag Spencer went to Yale? LOL! Apparently it didn’t do him much good. Several times I dissected his drivel and made him look like the limp-wristed imbecile he is. The kicker was that every time Gottfried came running to the rescue to clean up the mess. That’s when it clicked in my mind that Spencer was essentially Gottfried’s punk. Never send a fag to do a Jew’s job.

      “Still, how does the suspension of commentary at Taki’s Rag benefit our side?”

      What? You would prefer their comments feature was still active? From experience I found out just how fucking stupid the lemmings really are. I had to keep hammering the same basic points, over and over, endlessly, in the most crude, jarring way even to get them to comprehend; much less agree. These are, presumably, college-educated professionals I was up against! Shit, some of them had PhDs and I eviscerated them! If the full-bore, bone jarring, no-holds-barred approach won’t get the lemmings on board what makes you think the cryptic faileocon speak would do it?

      You want to know what was especially amusing? When I deciphered the code for the readers. The faileocons own readers, who are too dumb to figure out what their favorite columnists are really saying!

      Here is the benefit of what I did: “the propaganda of the deed.”

      Anyone with a brain can figure out that they shut their comments feature down because I was throwing too many monkey wrenches in their gears. That shows their cowardice: it is discrediting.

      And what of all the loyal little lemmings who were faithful and resisted the Satanic temptations I was whispering in their ears? What is their reward? To be shut out in the cold by the heartless bastards: that is discrediting.

      Another reason they shut down the comments feature is that I had managed to whip the lemmings into a bit of a frenzy regarding Jews. Some Jews who commented there, once regarded warmly, were now receiving hostile remarks even from lemmings who rejected WN. There was a palpable undercurrent of anti-Semitism. It was a beautiful thing.

      Now even Gottfried is naming Jews.

    10. alex Says:

      Good job, Cap’n! Too funny. I was surprised they let you run as long as they did. You were making too much sense in comparison to the trivialities and labored cutesy-ness of their writers, whether gelded tabbies like Zmirak or overt queers like Spencer.

      Your Chaos comments were consistently more compelling than the content of their articles. Really, the only thing worth going back to Twinkymag for was to see how much real debate they’d allow in their comments. Now that’s gone. It’s too bad for everybody. We are denied the chance to make converts; they just lost the most interesting part of their magazine.

      The kicker was that every time Gottfried came running to the rescue to clean up the mess. That’s when it clicked in my mind that Spencer was essentially Gottfried’s punk. Never send a fag to do a Jew’s job.

      Yeah… I didn’t know Spinky was a queer. Zmirak went to Yale, too. Some of the others may have as well, not sure.

      Jew Gottfried, as best I can tell, coined the term for the section of the right he handles – the paleocons. As you note, he is very quick to show up when the jew comes under direct examination. He’s ‘handling’ the site, is the way I like to put it. In between whining about how no one will publish him – except all the conservative, neocon sites and papers.

      What you did, Herr Chaos, was deflate their pose as heroic truth tellers who take all comers. Hell, most of them don’t even pretend that, but Zmirak does. When I was hacking at them myself last spring, that punklet Havers called me a coward for not using my real name and address. So I posted it (as I had been in earlier posts, and always have on the Net) — and he erased the whole thing! They’re nothing but careerist cowards, that is the bottom line with conservatives and conservatism. All they care about is where their next paycheck is coming from, and how they can advance another run on the career ladder.

    11. alex Says:

      # Blightblingingdouche Says:
      25 December, 2008 at 9:32 pm

      We know Taki is a pussy. Yes, Cap’n C’s kicking of paleocon ass was amusing. Still, how does the suspension of commentary at Taki’s Rag benefit our side?

      How do you benefit our side by posing as the one man who entirely avoids putting money into the anti-White system?

      How much property tax and monthly ISP fare are you paying to access this site?

      Oh, that’s right. You live in a cardboard box and use the library computers. My bad.

      I went to Takimag, when I did, salivating to read gests, gibes and jabs from Captain Chaos and a couple other notables. Now I have little reason to go there. Most of what Taki’s writers post isn’t very interesting. It’s all very, very carefully calibrated, calculated and constructed to pretend to say something about the deep issues that comment-droppers alone dared address directly. Now Teabag Mag is boring sans surcease.

    12. Bumblefish Says:

      The site is handled by Paul Gottfried, a jew whose specialty is misleading right-leaning goyim into thinking the problem is not jews but Protestants and managerial elites.

      He’s well positioned there and at Amrunt. PaleoCONism is often the last stepping stone to real awakening, and Paulie Bitch is so conveniently placed there just to steer the dumbest back into the jew-truckling fold. My fav from him was an Op-Ed published by Shitpus Rockwell denigrating the Armenian genocide. Oy! Jews and only jews are to have a sacrosanct claim to genocidal victimhood. What a nasty, vicious fuck.

    13. Marwinsing Says:

      *lol* this post is hilarious. Noted: The Capn’s been on form lately at MR too… SAHLOET!

    14. Junghans Says:

      Touche’, Herr Kapitan, touche’ !!

    15. Captainchaos Says:


      independence from the anti-White system, preach the message (slyly) in rural areas where we enjoy demographic strength, establish local political legitimacy and influence which will be used to steer the lemmings towards secession = good


      I happen to agree that your way is a potentially fruitful way. I just don’t take the approach of putting all my eggs in one basket.

    16. Justin Huber Says:

      As Bumblefish said above,” PaleoConism is often the the last stepping stone to a real awakening….” At least it was for me. I have Buchanan to thank for this. However, I often thought that he stopped just short of embracing the type of solutions we need to save ourselves. Myself, I’ve come to agree more and more with Hitler. Especially after reading his books.

    17. Captainchaos Says:

      Further, we cut our own throats by constantly sniping at one another. It is, essentially, the same old fratricidal WWI/WWII bullshit redux in miniature. Individualism vs. the Asiatic hive-mind: a blessing and a curse. Everybody wants to be the man, but what good is being the man if you get your balls cut off in the process. The object of the game is to keep your balls, that means letting others have theirs, and making pacts to protect each other’s sacks.

      In the real world there are shades of grey, not just black and white. A black and white world is for the lemmings. Men don’t rise to positions of respect unless they have something productive to offer, at least at some times. Different individuals have their pet approach that, if brought to fruition, would plausibly get the job done, on exclusively its terms. In the real world we are assailed in multiple ways, from different angles. We have to work the different angles, like our racial enemies do.

      Truth is: it is not that the other guy, with his different approach, as he drains of potential adherents to yours, that leaves you with too few grunts to take the enemy position; it is that the other guy’s grunts probably wouldn’t have been inclined – without pressure put on them – to join your army anyway.

      The thing to remember is, we all want to take positions of the common enemy. How it is done, it doesn’t really matter to me, I just want to win.

    18. Z.O.G. Says:

      Takimag’s managing editor (the guy who does the day to day work) is Richard Spencer, who I read is a queer.

      Also be aware that “Spencer” is a VERY common Jewish surname.



    19. Krystian K. Kowalczyk Says:

      Captainchaos had an instinctive inability to swallow the bs that Taki and Co were selling. So he exposed it again and again. Eventually it got to be too much for the old bastards. So they cut it off!

      Congratz, Captain! And your pal, Ryszard Anderszewski, says hello ;-).

    20. Captainchaos Says:

      Some of the lemmings at Takislag accused me of “sharpening my fangs”, of being “a thug and a demagogue”, and being guilty of “Nazifying” the site. None of these allegations do I categorically repudiate. LOL!

      Krystian K. Kowalczyk: “Congratz, Captain! And your pal, Ryszard Anderszewski, says hello ;-).”

      I appreciate it, and hope Ryszard is doing well.

      Alex: “Good job, Cap’n! Too funny.”

      Thank you. One of the things I learned from you is that if you can get the lemmings to laugh at the forbidden things, they will be more receptive to your ideas. Also, when I posted more stoic, intellectual criticisms they were more likely to be deleted. So, like George Lincoln Rockwell, I used sensationalism to slip it in the back door.

    21. Krystian K. Kowalczyk Says:

      To be honest, I’m glad it is gone. It got to be a bunch of cultural Marxists uttering inanity. They refused to see that race and culture are tied and purposely obfuscated the discussion whenever race was brought up too openly.

      I mean, really, look at the comments on this:

      Made me sick.

      There were a few there who agreed with us: Craig, Old Atlantic, John Houston, and several others whose names escape me. We weren’t under-represented there by any means. But as soon as we got the “racial spirit” simmering there, it was curtains for us!

      Fuck it and fuck them. May faileoconservatism rot.

    22. Captainchaos Says:

      One guy called Mike Gavin at Tuches Mag was a racialist but thought the explicitly racialist approach would not wash. Then, towards the end, he recommended people read Which Way Western Man? by Simpson – to which there is a link further down the VNN main page. It doesn’t get much more explicit than that book. I hope he was beginning to see the error of his ways.

      It’s daunting, and frustrating at times, but there is no substitute for spreading the word.

      A few years ago I would have thought racialism was nuts. But it’s giving an honest effort to reading at sites like this that can change a person’s mind. That’s how I woke up.

    23. Scipio Americanus Says:


      Is your commentary still available over at Takimag? I’d be interested in reading it. BTW, given what you have written here at VNN, I must say I’m truly sorry to have missed out on the festivities; coordinated efforts and ‘wingman’ approaches must be kept in mind, y’know.

      I do recall Alex Linder & Company having some fun with those boys earlier in the year, only to have been censored for speaking the truth. I assumed that was par for the course, thus, I didn’t bother with the effort. I’d be interested in carefully examining your ‘solo’ approach in order to further formulate and refine successful strategy and tactics for our cause.

      If you could, please feel free to provide the readers of this board with links to your commentary and exchanges with the paleoconnedservatives of Takimag.


      Scipio Americanus

    24. Captainchaos Says:


      Here is a good one. My main interlocutor in this thread was a paleocon called Ivan. He is evidently a smart guy with the inklings of a sound racial consciousness. He was, however, a little confused. I tried to set him straight, enjoy:
