3 December, 2008

Protectors of Known Things

Posted by Socrates in Bradley R. Smith, Holocaust, holocaust racket, Holocaustianity at 12:53 pm | Permanent Link

by Bradley R. Smith: [Here].

  • 16 Responses to “Protectors of Known Things”

    1. Zarathustra Says:

      Was the article supposed to be a walk down literary Memory Lane or a refutation of the Holohoax? Stick to one subject at a time, please.

      And just because some guy claims someone else claims she saw her relatives go in a building and never come out again is hardly proof of anything, except that the Holohoax Hustlers want us to believe whatever they tell us to believe.

    2. warlock Says:


    3. Emily Says:

      I thought/think the article was/is very nice! Shows deep understand-

      The second part, the ‘claim’ is just a teaser, an attempt to throw a wrench into the net. But the mathematician saw through it.

      & thank you A. Linder

    4. Emily Says:

      No. Just commenting on Zarathustra’s comment, when B. Smith wrote
      a v. good piece. That’s all.

    5. Zarathustra Says:

      Not wishing to be a contrarian for its own sake, but I don’t think this piece would have passed muster in Joyce Carol Oates’ writing class.

    6. Wild Bill Says:

      I don’t know why so many WNs support Bradley Smith. People who know him presonally have told me the man is a racemixer twice over. His first wife was a Jewess and his present wife is a mestizo. He fathered a half-breed daughter who is a member of La Raza.

    7. Socrates Says:

      Wild Bill:

      Notice that there is a difference between a WN and a revisionist. Smith is a revisionist.

    8. Zarathustra Says:

      Thanks for the info, Wild Bill. Bradley Smith’s photo in the featured article made me suspicious of him. He looks unsavory to me. They say a man’s face reveals his true character after age 40 and in this case it’s absolutely true!

    9. shabbos s. shabazz Says:

      The guy lives in San Ysidro (or has address there). Toss a stone over the fence and you’re in Tijuana. Take five or ten steps and you may be in Tia Juana (Aunt Jane).

    10. Z.O.G. Says:


    11. Z.O.G. Says:

      “People who know him personally have told me the man is a race-mixer twice over. His first wife was a Jewess and his present wife is a mestizo. He fathered a half-breed daughter who is a member of La Raza.”

      Sounds like Curt Maynard! LOL :-D

    12. Z.O.G. Says:

      Can someone please tell me the tags to use to create indented quotations to paste what other people have written and also the tag to use to create italic text? Thanks.

    13. Z.O.G. Says:


    14. shabbos s. shabazz Says:

      Bold & Italic Text

      Both bold (bold) and italic (italic) text are used to show emphasis. Lucky for us, they’re two of the easiest tags to learn!
      creates bold text
      closes bold text
      creates italic text
      closes italic text

      To create bold text, just sandwich the word(s) you want to appear in bold with the tags and .

      For example, you might want to say something like:
      Help! This is my first home page!

      Which would look like this:
      Help! This is my first home page!

      To create italics, just sandwich the words you want to appear in italic with the tags and . For example, you could say:
      Help! This is my first home page, and I really am so confused!

      Let’stry this out

      Thirty seconds on google.

    15. shabbos s. shabazz Says:

      Oops, here is the how-to link:


      The bold and italic experiment (above, last two sentences) worked.

    16. Marwinsing Says:

      Text quoted from some source.

      use tags