3 December, 2008

Nepalese Refugees Moving to Pittsburgh

Posted by Socrates in General Decline, immigration, nation-building/nation-wrecking, Socrates, Third World at 12:21 pm | Permanent Link

If you won’t come to the Third World, it will come to you:


  • 40 Responses to “Nepalese Refugees Moving to Pittsburgh”

    1. warlock Says:

      In texas we are filling up with somalians (skinneys) they work slaughtering cattle a job the white man wont do…bull shit. free housing, free community 2008 vans, lonestar cards, furniture etc… compliments of local chuches. WTF happened to America, the sissys are in charge.

    2. Olde_Dutch Says:

      Back in the 70’s the catholics moved a group of Vietnamese refugees into the same area.

      Much to the embarrassment of the local catholics, it turned out that the leader of the Vietnamese refugees was a pimp who beat his girls.

      To make a long story short, the catholics ended up paying the Vietnamese pimp, and, his girls to go away. LOL.

      If someone researches this story, they will probably find that the catholics are moving the Nepalese into a jew owned building. LOL. So, in the end, a rich jew is the one who really profits from catholic charity.

    3. Mark Says:

      “Catholic Charities case worker Molly Ferra, left, explains to Chitra Gautam, center, and his brother Raju Gautam how the shower and bath water works in the bathroom of the Gautam family’s new apartment in the Pittsburgh suburb of Castle Shannon, Pa., Monday, Sept. 22, 2008.”

      Thanks, Catholics!

    4. jim donaldson Says:

      “Charitable organizations responsible for resettlement get the families apartments, food, Social Security cards and English classes, and help them find jobs. After three months, the families will have to provide for themselves, usually working minimum wage jobs.”

      I’d like a job.

    5. shabbos s. shabazz Says:

      And remember, catholic charities receives charitable contributions from grateful taxpayers, amounting to $billions per year. $3 billion for the year 2000. Lutheran charities also is voluntarily funded by the taxpayers.

    6. Zarathustra Says:

      “Hebrew Immigrant Society”?????? Why don’t those f*cking Jews resettle those Wogs in Israel? What gives them the right to let non-White savages into our country? Jew rat-bastards, always doing everything they can to undermine and destroy the White Race. Them and their Goy stooges in the Christian churches.

      “Refugees” my tookas, those Wogs are here to colonize and conquer.

    7. Cpt. Candor Says:

      I have a habit of labelling ALL do-gooding of this sort as Christian in nature, whether its being done by a church or by a group of Atheistic Fags. Either way it’s the same motivation (feeling good about oneself) and the same results (more diseases, crime and babelism).

    8. Coup d'Etat Says:

      Charitable organizations work from religious organizations. It’s the religious organizations, not just the Catholics, that are responsible for the influx of the third world mass or mess. It’s par for the course when you have religious organizations that are based on Judaism or surrounds itself in the sphere of Israel and jews, including the compassion for jews and their communism. Religion has basically taken democracy and is executing communism.

      It’s a very destructive path to follow which these people have no clue of it’s long-term effects. Their great-grandchildren will surely hate them for what they did or are doing now and our society will be more of a mess than it is now, economically and socially, which will get worse and which these idiots have no regard for. They think that “God” will take care of everything for the better which is actually the opposite. They have no clue nor perception to think otherwise. They are dumbed-down by religion.

    9. shabbos s. shabazz Says:

      They think “Denial” will take care of everything.

    10. 2050 Says:

      I think that the USA should at the least impose severe sanctions or perhaps even bomb Bhutan until they accept a Democratic form of government and give all of their people, regardless of race or natonality, full rights and privileges. Perhaps even allow the Nepalese to secede.
      Kind of like what we did to Serbia.

    11. DMS Says:

      “Refugees are excellent workers,” she said. “They do not want government assistance … all they want is a fresh start, so it’s a win-win situation when it comes to refugees.”

      Among con-artists this is called “cooling the mark.”

    12. Howdy Doody Says:

      There are no Catholics left. White straight males have almost all left the Converso controlled so call Catholic hurch.

      Read about who wrote Vatican ll for the big slam in 1964, so after the murder of Irish Catholic JFK, TV and it regime bent Ameriwa over, as it was over for US, the reward for for WW 2

      Hey how do like those Frozen veggies from CHINA in your stores ?

    13. Howdy Doody Says:

      Lets make Housing for Whites ever more difficult, so please bring them on!!!!

      The Catholic of today is a empty shell of Catholic heritiage, but full of savages and controll pc freaks like the regime.

    14. Zarathustra Says:

      Marx was correct when he said that all organisims carry within themselves the seeds of their own destruction. Letting these goat-worshipping Wogs invade Pittsburgh is proof of that.

    15. CW-2 Says:

      Christians in their do-gooding frenzy are completely oblivious to the consequences of their actions. It is only a matter of time before the ‘old Christians’ die and the edifice of Christianity crashes down. Maybe then White people will have the courage to see the world as it really is, and act accordingly.

    16. gw Says:


      What next? It seems that “they” (the do-gooders) are combing the world for any random, exotic tribe or nation they can find — the remoter, the rarer, the better. There is no nook or corner of the earth that is left unprobed for some exotic specimens of humanity to add to our menagerie. When will we get a shipment of Papuans or Trobriand Islanders to “enrich” us further?

      Well, I have nothing against Nepalese, nothing at all (never even met any), but shouldn’t Nepalese be best served in Nepal?

      And one has to look beneath the veneer of superficial altruism to find whose interests are really being served. As Old Dutch said above, they are probably being moved into a Jewish-owned building or working in a Jewish-owned slaughterhouse, “so in the end, a rich jew is the one who really profits from Catholic charity.”

    17. Marwinsing Says:

      (British National Party News)

      Nottingham School Cancels Christmas to Make Way for Islam?

      A Nottingham School has cancelled Christmas festivities to make way for commemoration of the Muslim Eid festival, according to the Nottingham Evening Post.

      In a decision so offensive that it would scarcely have been believed only a few years ago, a letter was sent to parents of children at Greenwood Junior School, Sneinton, to explain why the school had cancelled Christmas.

      The letter from “The staff at Greenwood Junior School”, said: “It is with much regret…”

      The rest here:


    18. Zarathustra Says:

      CW-2, I really, really hope you are right about the demise of Christ-insanity. Marwinsing’s post is yet more proof of what Marx said.

    19. Susan Says:

      Just curious guys: Since many of us are agnostic and atheist in the pro White movement, should we get involved in any protest by Christians when something like the above happens?

      I know in the small college town where I went to college, the goddamn muslims and their ilk were responsible for having the name of the annual Christmas Festival changed to the Holiday Festival.

      Should we get involved? I’m inclined to because of the general principle involved. Not that I care one way or another about the religious aspect of it, although I do believe Jesus was born then, just not all the other stuff. Some would say that’s bs, but anyway…….

      Just curious, though, as to whether you all think we pro White folks should take the side of the religious folks and help them keep the Christmas holiday in America, since that is the way most of us were raised I would imagine.

      The thought that a bunch of muslims or niggers or anyone other than White Americans decide any of this just burns my biscuits.

    20. warlock Says:

      choose your battles.

    21. CW-2 Says:

      Any non-white, whether jew or muslim, has no business telling us how we should celebrate or name our festivals and yearly markers.

      It’s about time White people had the balls to tell ragheads where to shove their eid festival!

    22. Zarathustra Says:

      The Christmas season should be called the Winter Solstice season. That’s where Xmas comes from, after all. Besides, I don’t know of any parent who has sucessfully explained to their kids how Santa and Jesus are linked to each other and to this time of year. Let’s tell the kids the truth and educate them a little, instead of bullshitting them all the time.

    23. Hoosier Says:

      Muslim prayer rooms should be opened in Catholic schools, say church leaders


      Itz coming, oh hell yeah!

    24. Hoosier Says:

      # Zarathustra Says:
      5 December, 2008 at 5:07 pm

      …..Let’s tell the kids the truth and educate them a little, instead of bullshitting them all the time.

      That would be a start, wouldn’t it? One of the first things “taught” a kid is that he’s a dirty little sinner, and he needs Jesus to save him, or He’ll fry in a pit of fire forever and ever. But God really loves you. I’m sure that does wonders for the kid’s psyche.

      Then Santa Clause and the Easter Bunny are added to the mix, so by the time the kid is 8 he already has a head half-full of mush. It gets worse from there, as we all know. It’s no wonder there are half-wits like these Catholic fools importing mystery meat.

      Maybe just maybe, if we can start out right, poor kids can save 20 years of his life not having to “deprogram” himself, like most of us did. It kinda pisses me off.


      Similar story…..

      6 and 7 year old illegal mestizo males avoid charges in stoning, hanging of kitten

      by Andrei Yustschinsky, DWUSC (Documented White U.S. Citizen) – Dec. 5, 2008
      The Arizona Republic

      A pair of young illegal mestizos will avoid animal abuse charges that they stoned then hanged to death a 4-month-old kitten at their east Mesa home, the Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office said.

      The mestizos, ages 6 and 7, were not named, but Sheriff Joe Arpaio said state law prohibits charges being filed against anyone younger than 8, especially if their illegal mestizos.

      A White neighbor contacted the Sheriff’s Office Oct. 23 after they found the cat dead. Deputies went to the home of one of the young brownskins, at a trailer park in the 9000 block of Apache Trail, and found the kitten hanging by its neck from a backyard tree.

      The young mestizo males had used a piece of wire from a video game controller. The kitten also appeared to have been beaten with a rock, authorities said. “This level of animal abuse at such a young age could be a predictor of worse violence in the future (are you shitting me?), Arpaio said in a statement.

      Because the little mestizos were too young and too dark-skinned to be charged, sheriff’s officials contacted Child Protective Services, which declined to get involved, saying the circumstances of the case were “outside the criteria” required to help the young spics and their very large families, the Sheriff’s Office said.

      The department said in its release the 7-year-old’s mother who stands 4’8″ and tops the scale at around 195 pounds is an undocumented resident, further complicating the case. The department did not elaborate. It’s also unclear whether she was detained. Due to the sensitive circumstances of the illegal-citizenship status of the parties involved, this case will probably be discarded in a near-by “do-good-dumpster” donated by a local all White hymn-singing church group.

      A Sheriff’s Office homosexual child forensic specialist interviewed the two boys with their parents, and persuaded them to get counseling in mestizo-Spanish for the boys. Deputies have also contacted officials with a new program at ASU that specializes in these types of cases.

      Andrei Yustschinsky reporting……

      Original story below…..



      More East Valley news
      6 and 7 year old illegal mestizo males avoid charges in stoning, hanging of kitten

      by Andrei Yustschinsky, DWUSC (Documented White U.S. Citizen) – Dec. 5, 2008

      The Arizona Republic

      A pair of young illegal mestizos will avoid animal abuse charges that they stoned then hanged to death a 4-month-old kitten at their east Mesa home, the Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office said.

      The mestizos, ages 6 and 7, were not named, but Sheriff Joe Arpaio said state law prohibits charges being filed against anyone younger than 8, especially if their illegal mestizos.

      A White neighbor contacted the Sheriff’s Office Oct. 23 after they found the cat dead. Deputies went to the home of one of the young brownskins, at a trailer park in the 9000 block of Apache Trail, and found the kitten hanging by its neck from a backyard tree.

      The young mestizo males had used a piece of wire from a video game controller. The kitten also appeared to have been beaten with a rock, authorities said. “This level of animal abuse at such a young age could be a predictor of worse violence in the future (are you shitting me?), Arpaio said in a statement.

      Because the little mestizos were too young and too dark-skinned to be charged, sheriff’s officials contacted Child Protective Services, which declined to get involved, saying the circumstances of the case were “outside the criteria” required to help the young spics and their very large families, the Sheriff’s Office said.

      The department said in its release the 7-year-old’s mother who stands 4’8″ and tops the scale at around 195 pounds is an undocumented resident, further complicating the case. The department did not elaborate. It’s also unclear whether she was detained. Due to the sensitive circumstances of the illegal-citizenship status of the parties involved, this case will probably be discarded in a near-by “do-good-dumpster” donated by a local all White hymn-singing church group.

      A Sheriff’s Office homosexual child forensic specialist interviewed the two boys with their parents, and persuaded them to get counseling in mestizo-Spanish for the boys. Deputies have also contacted officials with a new program at ASU that specializes in these types of cases.

      Andrei Yustschinsky reporting……

      Original story below…..


    27. CW-2 Says:

      Well, I don’t know how Santa ended up living in the North Pole, but the historical Saint Nicholas was a 4th century bishop of Myra in Asia Minor. The most famous of his good works was the gift of gold dowries to three local girls and thereby saving them from prostitution.

      Quite a contrast to the antics of present ‘Christians’.

      The fact the Catholic Church in England intends providing muslim prayer rooms in its schools indicates just how far the rot has gone. Well, mabe we shouldn’t be so surprised, since 1958 the church has been steadily infiltrated by jews, commies, and color- loving one worlders.

    28. Dagon Says:

      Yes, I’ve long thught the same thing, While I too am agnostic and do not really care for upholding Christianity which is just another cult made-up by flesh and blood humans, and a semitically influenced cult at that, I do think that Christmas by now is definately a holiday substantially created by Aryans. The origins of it actually go back to the cult of Mithros in ancient Persia and the cultural add-ons have mostly been done by Europeans so though the holiday today is taken to commemorate the birth of a Jewish prophet, a large part of Christmas is not only non-Christian in origin but derives from pagan Yule festivals.

      Given all this, I’d say “yes” to helping the Christians fight for the preservation of Christmas against Bolshevik and non-Western immigrant pressure groups who want the holiday de-racinated as part of their general assault on Indo-European man. Sometimes the fight to preserve our existence makes us team up with strange bed-fellows – i.e. universalistic Christians – but both groups object to the cultural war on this holiday. Their is strength in numbers as well.

    29. Zarathustra Says:

      Phillipe, ……..Oh, never mind. Just get back in the kitchen and change the oil in the fry-o-lator. Then mop out the bathrooms, you dumb Chinaman.

    30. Dagon Says:


      I had no idea about the “Muslim prayer rooms” at Catholic schools in Britain. I don’t think PC has gotten quite as far in Catholic schools here in the States but that might not be too far off.

      I went to a pretty liberal Catholic High School in the Pacific Northwest for two years. There were two major Catholic High Schools in my city and both attracted mainly well-heeled, and quite often liberal, upper middle class kids – a long way from the days when Catholic schools offered a good education to the children of poor and socially conservative European immigrant families and the native born working poor.

      I’d just gone through eight years of K-8th grade Lutheran school and when I began attending the Catholic HS I expected much the same kind of climate and social conservatism as I’d seen in Lutheran school. I was pretty shocked to find that, apart from a couple nuns who worked as substitute teachers, crucifixes in the rooms, and the occasional Mass held to mark a Holy Day, the school was very PC and very secular humanist. I am neither Catholic or Lutheran but my parents considered private schools the best place for me given the better education there, it just so happens that so many private schools are managed by religious denominations.

      Don’t get me wrong, I was a contrarian even then and I distrusted both Catholicism, Lutheranism, Christianity in general and all organized religion however I did go in expecting that, being a school overseen by the local Archdiocese, that there would be a definite Catholic conservative sensibility there. Was I ever wrong! One of the female lay-teachers got in trouble while I was there by inviting an openly gay man to speak to her class about sex-ed. She did get in a little hot water but, so far as I know, was never fired.
      Not even any portrait of the Pope in the front office or anything. Perhaps Catholic schools are more traditionalist on the east coast but I found my HS disturbingly secular and “progressive.” They didn’t go so far as to make special accomodations for other religions though. Sensibly, they did allow you to go to the library if you didn’t want to go to Mass but even us non-Catholics went anyway even if just to be with our friends.

    31. Susan Says:

      First of all: Andre Y.: Your posts always make me laugh. You really have a great sense of irony. Of course, this was also upsetting as it involves something near and dear to me: animal abuse. Those two will be robbing, raping, and killing at some point in their future, I would bet.

      As for getting rid of ALL childhood fantasies: I’m not so sure fellas. Let’s give children something imaginative to enjoy. I always really enjoyed Easter and Xmas and I didn’t suffer any long term deficits from it. You grow up and get over it.

      Yes, personally, I’m for joining the xtians and fighting the non Whites in ruining everything we as White Americans enjoyed growing up.

      Warlock: You said to pick your battles. I agree with you to an extent, but look what we’ve done in this country thus far: NOTHING.
      That’s why we’re in this mess. At this point, can we really afford to continue to turn our backs and let the non Whites have their way destroying everything we value in our culture?

      The problem thus far is we’ve picked NO BATTLES and look what we’ve lost so far.




      Crazy as a Polecat New York Jewish Female Teacher Binds Hands and Feet of Negro Females for Slavery Lesson

      Friday , December 05, 2008


      by Andrei Yustschinsky, Senior FUXNEWS Anchor

      WHITE PLAINS, N.Y. —

      A Jewish-female social studies teacher attempted to “enliven” a seventh-grade discussion of slavery by binding the hands and feet of two colored females, prompting outrage from one negress’s mama and the local chapter of the NAACP.

      After the negro mother complained to Peetie Wheatstraw Middle School, the superintendent said he was having “conversations with our staff on how to deliver “effective” lessons.”

      “If a student was upset, then it was a bad idea,” said Superintendent Brian Monahan of the North Rockland School District in New York City’s northern suburbs.

      The Jewish teacher apologized (yeah i said apologize) to the negro mother who complained and her 13-year-old young-one during a meeting Thursday that also included a representative of the local NAACP. But the colored mama, Christine Shand of Wheatstraw, said Friday she thinks the teacher should be removed from the class.

      “I think that Jew bitch should have gotten alot of motherfucken’ discipline,” Shand said. “I know if that was me, I would smack that Jew bitch right up her silly-ass cracker head. Why should my daughter have to switch?”

      Monahan refused to say what, if any, measures were taken against the teacher and “holocaust survivor” Eileen Bernstein, 29, who was still working on Friday. The school district said she was not available for comment.

      “We encourage our teachers to deliver the curriculum in a variety of ways, to go beyond just reading the textbook,” the superintendent said. “We don’t want to discourage 21st century creativity. But this obviously went wrong because the student was upset.”

      On Nov. 18, Bernstein was discussing the conditions under which African “captives” were taken to America on “Christian” slave ships. She bound the two students’ hands and feet with Duck® brand Duct Tape, forced them to wear all-leather attire with dog leashes and had them crawl under a desk barking like very old hound dogs to simulate the experience, Monahan and Shand said. Monahan said the girls were not the only negresses in the class.

      Gabrielle Shand burst into tears at home and cried “I want my mama, who’s my daddy”, her mother said.

      “There are other ways to demonstrate slavery,” Christine Shand said Friday. “It doesn’t matter the color of the kids, it’s just not right to tie them up, at least in this case. My daughter is still upset, still embarrassed. She didn’t go to school today.”

      “Rev.” Wilbur Aldridge, director of the local chapter of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, said the history demonstration, first reported in The Journal News, “went wrong when she started to doing that binding bullshit.”

      “I don’t care what color, no one should be put in the position of having their hands and feet bound and why should they be forced to bark like old hound dogs?” he asked.

      Aldridge said he feared that the teacher still “didn’t get it” after their meeting. He said the teacher apologized “because Gabrielle was upset, not because she admitted she did something wrong.” A grinning “Rev.” Aldridge went on to question “How could this teacher, who is 29 years old, be a “holocaust” survivor when the internment camps were liberated in 1945?”

      Shand said she had not decided whether to take any further action, including filing a lawsuit but stated that she needed alot of extra money for Kwanzaa this December 26 — January 1.

      Andrei Yustschinsky reporting from “on the spot & in the parking lot” of the White Plains Board Of Education, 3 Homeside Lane, White Plains, New York 10605 (914) 421-2080

      © Associated Pricks. No rights reserved.
      This material can & will be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.

      Copywrong 2008 FUXNews Network, LLC. No rights reserved.
      All market data delayed at least 20 years.

    33. Hoosier Says:

      # Susan Says:
      7 December, 2008 at 5:29 pm

      …..The problem thus far is we’ve picked NO BATTLES and look what we’ve lost so far.

      That’s true. Everyone has their own ideas and are going in different directions. It seems there may be a BEST way to use our limited resources wisely. What that is, I don’t know. I’m just trying to improve my lot, and find like minded people locally.

    34. warlock Says:

      Here is a battle that all can do, turn in illegals, turn in companies that hire them, when standards decline in your neighborhood call the city, this done on a mass scale works very well keep calling keep complaining the squeeky wheel gets the grease, as far as an organization of whites, they are put on the terrorist watch list over night, infiltrated ,set up ,and arrested.Im not kidding either!! we have to be leaderless, without a head quarters, and work in our own spheres, this works… remain anonymous, you will get cooperation from your city officials, most are like us, they dont know what to do, they work for us and are glad when they get a reason to clean up garbage, if we organize we are a hate group, alone but part of the whole we are very effective!!! the idea will catch on. we are the white A.

    35. Hoosier Says:

      Maybe a workable idea is somewhere between a organization and “the lone wolf.” Small local groups, not structured in any formal way, but “friends helping friends.”

      I’ve has some success getting niggers out of my work and home environment, but there’s only so much I can do alone, and that’s a fact.

      I’ll be off VNN for awhile, so best wishes to VNNers.

    36. warlock Says:

      but you did it!!!

    37. Zarathustra Says:

      Terrible Tommy has an interesting idea: Get a few young, strong and single White guys to move into some awful ghetto neighborhood and make the brothers do something about it. Maybe some well-behaved Hell’s Angels would do the trick? If the White guys stick together and stand their ground, the niggers will have to back down and eventually leave. Then it will be safe to bring White females and children into the place and make it safe for REAL humans to live there again.

      BTW, Hoosier….What did you do to keep the Groids out of your neighborhood and workplace? Maybe it’s something others can do as well?

    38. Hoosier Says:


      I just used my wits and played on nigger stupidity. I’d rather not go into detail here, and each case was different. But I will say “black flight,” or “affirmative action Negro getting fired” is a lovely thing to behold. Just use your wits and imagination, and exploit the many weaknesses they have.

      Pit your strengths against their weaknesses. Stop worrying about trying to play “fair” and use the advantages nature gave you. A strength is using your wits against them. Fight as dirty against them as they would with you.

      Plus, many people will help you a little, as just about everyone is REALLY sick and tired of their antics.

      I hope that made sense, I never stopped and thought about what I actually did till now, and each case required different tactics.

      Gotta run, hope this helps.

    39. Zarathustra Says:

      Thanks for the response. And have fun doing whatever you’re about to do.

      I know one thing about the darkies: They think all us White folks are afraid of them and will back down from them in a confrontation. But if a nigger sees a skunk or a snake, it will run off like a scalded cat! Is any White man here afraid of some ordinary snake or other varmint? The Blacks really are a bunch of p*ssies just below their mean monkey exterior.

    40. Dagon Says:

      Good point. Most bullies deep down are really cowards.