10 December, 2008

Music As a Weapon

Posted by Socrates in Israel, jewed foreign policy, Socrates, War On Israel's Enemies, Zionism at 2:26 pm | Permanent Link

Anything goes in the war against Israel’s enemies:


  • 7 Responses to “Music As a Weapon”

    1. Cpt. Candor Says:

      If I was ever going to use music set at high volume levels to torture anyone, I think I’d go with something on the order of this:


      Though annoying, NIN, Eminem are still pedestrian by comparison.

    2. warlock Says:

      Please turn it off… ill tell you all i know!!!

    3. Arch Stanton Says:

      Some musicians, however, say they’re proud that their music is used. Those include bassist Stevie Benton, whose group Drowning Pool has performed in Iraq and recorded one of the interrogators’ favorites, “Bodies.”

      “People assume we should be offended that somebody in the military thinks our song is annoying enough that played over and over it can psychologically break someone down,” he told Spin magazine. “I take it as an honor to think that perhaps our song could be used to quell another 9-11 attack or something like that.”

      Wait until this stupid goyim finds out what the jews have planned for him. Just ask Monsieur Guillotine’s head how these things often work out.

    4. Arminius Says:

      Apparently because musical instruments (plus amplifiers) are used, they call obnoxious, primitive, idiotic noise blaring out of loudspeakers “music”?
      As some of the creators (as noted by Arch Stanton) are aware of the degrading properties of their perverted “music”. it follows that not only prisoners can be driven mad, but also any other person exposed to it, notwithanding if voluntary and while living in freedom. The effect of mad “music” on the mind must be similar, not only in a detention camp.
      Not suprising then. that soldiers next went on a rampage or why so many voted for Obama.

    5. Slow-Liberal-Death Says:

      Please God don’t let these evil people ever discover the ‘music’ of Billy Bragg.


    6. jim donaldson Says:

      Will some Brit please do his duty re: Billy Bragg?

    7. Jugurtha Says:

      If these groups have no problem with their music being used to torture ordinary people,why should they object to it being used to torture terror suspects?