20 December, 2008

Katrina’s Hidden Race War

Posted by Socrates in Black Cities, black crime, black culture, Hurricane Katrina, race, racial differences, racism accusations, Socrates at 10:27 pm | Permanent Link

A “White enclave”? Aren’t those illegal these days? If they’re not, maybe congressman Goldwitzfeld can introduce a bill…


  • 9 Responses to “Katrina’s Hidden Race War”

    1. zoomcopter Says:

      There are lots of Jewish enclaves already. When things start to go south, we will need to circle the wagons and defend our families just as those White folks did during Katrina.

    2. Zarathustra Says:

      This story about three White guys shooting some Blacks to keep them away from a White enclave is most likely untrue. The Blacks were almost certainly shot by their fellow tribesmen. Blacks, Jews and liberals are always, always, always looking for an excuse to BLAME WHITEY.

    3. Susan Says:

      Yeah, this was posted over on the Phora where I commented on it. I think that we need to take the whole thing with a big grain of salt. Since when did White men go blabbing to everyone what they’ve done? If they really did this, they need to take a page out of the old lynching handbook: keep your mouths shut and when the feds show up, nobody knows anything!

      I said that I think we’re gonna start seeing a lot more articles like this where the nigger is portrayed as the good guy and the law abiding guy and Whitey is portrayed as the bad guy. What a load! The media needs to be watched really closely in the upcoming next few years. The jews are gonna get even more out of control.

    4. Sgt. Skull Says:

      A.C. Thompson must be on of “The Nation’s” intrepid black journalists. The theme of the article is innocent, unwitting blacks being victimized by stereotypical, Southern, racist whites. How original.

      I wonder if the blacks who were allegedly victimized had police records. If so, wonder why that wasn’t mentioned in the article. Given how badly and violently the coons of New Orleans behaved during Katrina I don’t see how whites can be blamed for shooting first and asking questions later.

    5. 2050 Says:

      All you have to do is wait a little while and people forget the news footage of the niggers looting and pillaging. Now those memories can be of the media “portraying” blacks as looters. Seems to me they just showed what was going on.
      In fact the MSM stopped showing us the pics after they realized the politically incorrect message it sent.

      Interesting how another link Socrates put up was a story about jews getting the lion’s share of the grants from Homeland Security that were passed out in the wake of Katrina, to beef up security in jewish enclaves. Seems like they’re getting ready to be untouchable from any enemies they have. I wonder why?

      You’d think that the money would be better spent building new levees in New Orleans, or to build new homes for niggers there, than to build hardened doors on assorted jew organizations.

    6. Susan Says:

      Yes, that comment about “portraying” blacks as something (they are not???) really irked the heck out of me too. There were so many things wrong with this article it’s hard to know where to start first.

      And you are SO right 2050 about people forgetting what they’ve seen and heard. This is so true about blacks from Whites’ perspective. Just when we think we’ve seen or heard something so horrible that we think “oh, surely, THAT will wake up White America” only to have it pushed out of sight, out of mind, and soon forgotten.

      I remember thinking that Katrina surely would wake up White America and things would start to change. And a few years later, we have Whites voting for a nigger for prez. Obviously, the epiphany for Whites hasn’t happened yet.

    7. Whitepride Says:

      Assuming it is true, I’m not shedding any tears. Somewhere, at some time, a line must be drawn; and that is that.

    8. Reaper Says:

      This article is so completely skewed that it IS difficult finding a place to begin….It creates an outward appearance that this sort of thing goes on all the time in the White community and most often goes unreported and unpunished when the complete opposite is true….This isnt by accident either….The perception of Whites as the eternal oppressor and Blacks as the eternal victim is a very carefully engineered and orchestrated campaign fostered by a willing media….For instance, when the author states that “a standoff occurred” before one of the Blacks was shot, ostensibly by a White, (see, I can do it too) it completely trivializes what most likely really happened between the two….Another thing that’s bugged me about the Katrina saga is how the media chose to back off some of the atrocities that took place in Superdome, calling them “exaggerated” and leaving it at that without clarifying what parts were “exaggerated” and what parts were in fact true…We have documentation from the foreign media in England and Australia of some tourist accounts complete with names and faces, but the author here chooses to perpetuate the notion that it was all just blown out of proportion…This is dishonest reporting and it’s completely deliberate….

    9. Howdy Doody Says:

      Quote from Susan

      I remember thinking that Katrina surely would wake up White America and things would start to change. And a few years later, we have Whites voting for a nigger for prez. Obviously, the epiphany for Whites hasn’t happened yet.
      End quote.

      Either the elections are totally rigged or people who are completely idiotic fools today after 50 years of total regime media b.s. and the Murder of JFK by them, and were so disgusted the regime war they would have voted for your dog over McNutt simple as that. Point the people are un qualified to elect leaders for US!

      L.A. Riots, O.J. dozens of mino muderous riots since those incidents, the Carr Brothers clearly showing the pathology instilled in to the majority of the highy emotional child like minds of US Conogoids to hunt US! Not to mention Knoxville and so much more.

      Bottom line is this the TPTB decided that a Non White would now get in the whore house. This was planned as any one who sane and has the ability to think critically can clearly see that the Repuken party did not Come up with one real WHITE canidate, because Whites DO not control the US, but are being prepared for something.

      It is suprising that White Web sites do not have millions of readers. As it is stands now perhaps 40% of VNN’s posters are anti’s or fools, and the best left long ago.
