We had “Family Movie Night” last night for our Aryan Alliance chapter (Adam Sandler and Jerry Seinfeld are HILARIOUS together!). Afterward, we discussed the Fromm/Warman thing and decided that it was totally unfair. Several of us are going to be writing letters to that commission to get this thing straightened out.
Terrible Tommy has some good advice on how to avoid being legally raped by the Jew-controlled “justice” system. Unless you are given an official subpeona and must appear in court, f*ck it, just don’t show up. You will lose by default, but the System is rigged for you to lose, anyway. Why give an illegitimate System any legitimacy by showing up? Or just show up, tell them you are here and leave. Why let them destroy you financially with punitive court costs, legal fees and fines? Or if necessary, just say you can’t afford a lawyer and make them appoint you a public defender. Don’t make their job of trying to ruin your life any easier for them.
Fromm has a shot at appealing this thing to the Supreme court. If he wins there then laws may be changed. This is the sort of thing activists should be doing, taking risks and challenging the system… not playing it safe, accepting default losses and simply talking about how you wish should be.
If Wolf has tens of thousands of dollars to wage a pointless legal battle in court for years on end, then he’s entitled to do so. Just don’t ask anyone else to contribute to your legal fund. YOU find a way to pay for it.
Yeah, it’s one thing to be cavalier and say we should be fighting the system as it stands now, and its totally another thing to actually do it. Try finding the lawyer who is willing to take the side of the pro-White White person AND do it for next to nothing. Cause unless I win the lottery, I have no money with which to fight a protracted legal battle.
Why start it unless you can see it all the way through? The whole purpose of fighting something like this with all you’ve got, with all the legal firepower that can be mustered, would be to see if justice can really be reached for people like we are in the current legal system.
Even if you get a public defender, you’ll probably get one who doesn’t give a shit about your position, and/or who is so overworked he/she doesn’t have the time needed to really give you a good defense, or some incompetent nigger. There’s just no “good” remedy for the current situation except, of course, to overthrow the whole damn thing or be willing to take a stand and simply walk away and disappear into nothingness. Otherwise, ZOG will come after you. If they can’t arrest you for your actions, if it’s a civil situation for instance involving money, they can garnishee your wages, or get your home or take some other action. So, what is a sane, law abiding person supposed to do?
If Whites were willing to come out of the shadows and take a stand with the “accused”, and garner enough media attention, and the attention of someone who could make a difference, such as a lawyer, then something might change. So many ifs, ands, or buts, for Whites to ever get justice in our legal system nowadays, it’s enough to get one really seriously depressed.
Oh, for the love of criminy! How long must I be with you? This whole matter is about POWER, that comes from the end of GUN which is financed by a PURSE. *YOUR* purse. There isn’t a one of you who isn’t ELECTIVELY sending at least $500 per month to some or other Jewish mercantile cartel. Devote 75% of that to your OWN self-interested personal/family infrastructure building. Spend 20% helping some young White(s) within your sphere of influence. And use the remaining 5% for organizational/network development.
Split your former Judeo-“CSI”/Judeo-“HomeImprovement”/Judeo-“FamiyGuy”/Judeo-“24” timewaste into three parts:
1) Building personal local White network infrastructure
2) Helping some young White kids
3) Spreading the word about the motherfucking Jews.
There you fucking go: No Messiah required.
Problem fucking solved. *NOW*, can I get back to sailing drunk and naked with a bunch of coeds?
Very funny Zipzap! Since I commented last, I’ll respond to you.
No, actually, I’m not sending at least $500 a month to some jew for something or other. I have a car and house payment and my few paltry monthly utility bills and that’s it. No credit card debt or loans or anything to any jews. I live very spartanlike. And, on top of that, there’s nothing extra to spare right now for anything, regardless of how good the cause. I really don’t have anything to spare but my time. I do talk to as many people as I come across in a day in one way or another in my own small way.
But, other than my own small efforts, there is no “movement” in which to get involved. There is nothing except internet chatter. I enjoy it for what it is as much as the next person, but even that gets tiresome and boring after a while and I have to take a few days off and get refreshed. Then, I return to internet chatter. Heh heh.
We need more pro-white lawyers, talented professionals of high integrity who know and understand this dirty game. Problem is most of the existing ones are not unlike the Richard Warmans of this world, traitors who’d sell their mothers for a dime. White South Africa was brought to its knees partly because of cowardly, traitorous white lawyers skimping for another penny to whore themselves on.
It has been noted that Richard Warman takes pleasure in ruining people’s lives; and he has a rather nasty mean streak.
All of his victims were White, Christian, and poor. He has yet to go after dusky Muslim fundamentalists (who hate pasty-faced effeminate queers), for example. He’ll never do that as he would undoubtedly get his nuts and head cut off that same week.
Sometimes a Jew lawyer, even one from the ACLU, will defend a racially concious White defendant pro bono. And he’ll do a damn good job defending his client, too! Is it because the Jew has an innate need to come to the defense of the defenseless or is it an attempt to embarass or otherwise shame pro-White activists?
Zara says: “And he’ll do a damn good job defending his client, too! Is it because the Jew has an innate need to come to the defense of the defenseless or is it an attempt to embarass or otherwise shame pro-White activists?”
In such a case (when it happens), I think he sees a larger philosophical issue involved there. There may also be professional benefits to thim that are not apparent to you.
“Why give an illegitimate System any legitimacy by showing up? Or just show up, tell them you are here and leave.”
This is good advice, especially when it comes to Canada’s “Human Rights” Tribunals and the like.
So many Canadians have wasted time and money they couldn’t afford fighting these things, naively thinking they could win, not realizing that these are show trials where the verdict was decided long before the trial had even begun. The vindictive assholes who conduct these trials don’t lose anything by going forward with them; all their expenses are paid for out of the taxpayers’ purse, and they’re even collecting a salary. They can beat the defendent by attrition, on top of stacking the deck against him. Even when you win one of these things (which never happens), you lose.
The only time it makes sense to go to court against these people is when you’re on the offensive and they have to sit in the hot seat. Marc Lemire seems to have done some serious damage to these people by challenging their legitimacy and exposing their corruption.
Too many of us waste time and energy trying to block punches when we should be hitting back.
Blight: Yes, I know my house payment no doubt puts money in the pockets of jews. But, really what’s the alternative here? Let my house go (for it would never sell in this market) and lose all the money I already have in it, or continue to send money in the hopes that if I live long enough I’ll actually own it. The thought of being homeless in this economy is not a pleasant thought. At the very least, with your own home, even if everything else in your life goes, as long as you can scrape up that payment every month, you have something that is yours. And I waited too long to buy a home to just give up and walk away now.
Most of what our decisions boil down to these days is making a choice between the lesser of two or more evils. I was just talking to a co worker about this today. I was telling her how I hate all the cell phone companies, that they ALL contribute money to groups or issues I do not support AT ALL. But what is one to do? Nowadays we must have a cell phone it seems. My work pretty much dictates that I have a cell phone. And with no public phones anymore, one must have a cell phone or you’re out of luck if you’re away from home and need to make a call. But, the cell phone companies make me sick with their jewey ways, nigger loving concerns, AND nigger and mud infested “customer service” offerings. It’s frankly all a little overwhelming not to mention depressing when you realize how much of your daily life is spent bowing and scraping at the feet of Big Jew and Big Mud.
It’s times like this when one who is racially aware realizes sadly that there really is no change that’s going to come about that is meaningful with total revolution in our society.
Send letters, packages, review copies and donations to:
16 December, 2008 at 7:48 pm
Richard Bruce Warman:
Phone number: 613-992-4658.
Fax number: 613-996-3586.
Email: Warman.RB@forces.gc.ca
Department of Special Grievances.
Office Location: Lithwick, 150.
Metcalfe, 17th A 27.
Address: National Defence Headquarters – 101 Colonel By Drive.
Ottawa, ON.
K1A 0K2
Read also:
Calling all Canadian Forces and DND staff
16 December, 2008 at 8:45 pm
We had “Family Movie Night” last night for our Aryan Alliance chapter (Adam Sandler and Jerry Seinfeld are HILARIOUS together!). Afterward, we discussed the Fromm/Warman thing and decided that it was totally unfair. Several of us are going to be writing letters to that commission to get this thing straightened out.
For Blood, Honor & Heritage!
Death to the Jews!
17 December, 2008 at 2:11 am
Terrible Tommy has some good advice on how to avoid being legally raped by the Jew-controlled “justice” system. Unless you are given an official subpeona and must appear in court, f*ck it, just don’t show up. You will lose by default, but the System is rigged for you to lose, anyway. Why give an illegitimate System any legitimacy by showing up? Or just show up, tell them you are here and leave. Why let them destroy you financially with punitive court costs, legal fees and fines? Or if necessary, just say you can’t afford a lawyer and make them appoint you a public defender. Don’t make their job of trying to ruin your life any easier for them.
17 December, 2008 at 3:23 am
Fromm has a shot at appealing this thing to the Supreme court. If he wins there then laws may be changed. This is the sort of thing activists should be doing, taking risks and challenging the system… not playing it safe, accepting default losses and simply talking about how you wish should be.
17 December, 2008 at 3:31 am
Fromm: Warman isn’t a good guy
Warman: I am so a good guy, how dare you?
Judge: We rule that Warman is a good guy and for Fromm to pay $40,000 to Warman in damages
This is what passes for justice in Canada.
17 December, 2008 at 5:01 am
If Wolf has tens of thousands of dollars to wage a pointless legal battle in court for years on end, then he’s entitled to do so. Just don’t ask anyone else to contribute to your legal fund. YOU find a way to pay for it.
17 December, 2008 at 7:54 am
Yeah, it’s one thing to be cavalier and say we should be fighting the system as it stands now, and its totally another thing to actually do it. Try finding the lawyer who is willing to take the side of the pro-White White person AND do it for next to nothing. Cause unless I win the lottery, I have no money with which to fight a protracted legal battle.
Why start it unless you can see it all the way through? The whole purpose of fighting something like this with all you’ve got, with all the legal firepower that can be mustered, would be to see if justice can really be reached for people like we are in the current legal system.
Even if you get a public defender, you’ll probably get one who doesn’t give a shit about your position, and/or who is so overworked he/she doesn’t have the time needed to really give you a good defense, or some incompetent nigger. There’s just no “good” remedy for the current situation except, of course, to overthrow the whole damn thing or be willing to take a stand and simply walk away and disappear into nothingness. Otherwise, ZOG will come after you. If they can’t arrest you for your actions, if it’s a civil situation for instance involving money, they can garnishee your wages, or get your home or take some other action. So, what is a sane, law abiding person supposed to do?
If Whites were willing to come out of the shadows and take a stand with the “accused”, and garner enough media attention, and the attention of someone who could make a difference, such as a lawyer, then something might change. So many ifs, ands, or buts, for Whites to ever get justice in our legal system nowadays, it’s enough to get one really seriously depressed.
17 December, 2008 at 10:22 am
Oh, for the love of criminy! How long must I be with you? This whole matter is about POWER, that comes from the end of GUN which is financed by a PURSE. *YOUR* purse. There isn’t a one of you who isn’t ELECTIVELY sending at least $500 per month to some or other Jewish mercantile cartel. Devote 75% of that to your OWN self-interested personal/family infrastructure building. Spend 20% helping some young White(s) within your sphere of influence. And use the remaining 5% for organizational/network development.
Split your former Judeo-“CSI”/Judeo-“HomeImprovement”/Judeo-“FamiyGuy”/Judeo-“24” timewaste into three parts:
1) Building personal local White network infrastructure
2) Helping some young White kids
3) Spreading the word about the motherfucking Jews.
There you fucking go: No Messiah required.
Problem fucking solved. *NOW*, can I get back to sailing drunk and naked with a bunch of coeds?
17 December, 2008 at 11:06 am
Very funny Zipzap! Since I commented last, I’ll respond to you.
No, actually, I’m not sending at least $500 a month to some jew for something or other. I have a car and house payment and my few paltry monthly utility bills and that’s it. No credit card debt or loans or anything to any jews. I live very spartanlike. And, on top of that, there’s nothing extra to spare right now for anything, regardless of how good the cause. I really don’t have anything to spare but my time. I do talk to as many people as I come across in a day in one way or another in my own small way.
But, other than my own small efforts, there is no “movement” in which to get involved. There is nothing except internet chatter. I enjoy it for what it is as much as the next person, but even that gets tiresome and boring after a while and I have to take a few days off and get refreshed. Then, I return to internet chatter. Heh heh.
17 December, 2008 at 12:56 pm
We need more pro-white lawyers, talented professionals of high integrity who know and understand this dirty game. Problem is most of the existing ones are not unlike the Richard Warmans of this world, traitors who’d sell their mothers for a dime. White South Africa was brought to its knees partly because of cowardly, traitorous white lawyers skimping for another penny to whore themselves on.
17 December, 2008 at 4:35 pm
It has been noted that Richard Warman takes pleasure in ruining people’s lives; and he has a rather nasty mean streak.
All of his victims were White, Christian, and poor. He has yet to go after dusky Muslim fundamentalists (who hate pasty-faced effeminate queers), for example. He’ll never do that as he would undoubtedly get his nuts and head cut off that same week.
He’s very selective about whom he targets.
17 December, 2008 at 5:49 pm
Sometimes a Jew lawyer, even one from the ACLU, will defend a racially concious White defendant pro bono. And he’ll do a damn good job defending his client, too! Is it because the Jew has an innate need to come to the defense of the defenseless or is it an attempt to embarass or otherwise shame pro-White activists?
17 December, 2008 at 9:02 pm
Kudos to Zipzap McGee!
Susan, your house payment enriches jews. No, there isn’t a movement. There is only easy online racialism.
18 December, 2008 at 5:56 am
Zara says: “And he’ll do a damn good job defending his client, too! Is it because the Jew has an innate need to come to the defense of the defenseless or is it an attempt to embarass or otherwise shame pro-White activists?”
In such a case (when it happens), I think he sees a larger philosophical issue involved there. There may also be professional benefits to thim that are not apparent to you.
19 December, 2008 at 1:49 am
“Why give an illegitimate System any legitimacy by showing up? Or just show up, tell them you are here and leave.”
This is good advice, especially when it comes to Canada’s “Human Rights” Tribunals and the like.
So many Canadians have wasted time and money they couldn’t afford fighting these things, naively thinking they could win, not realizing that these are show trials where the verdict was decided long before the trial had even begun. The vindictive assholes who conduct these trials don’t lose anything by going forward with them; all their expenses are paid for out of the taxpayers’ purse, and they’re even collecting a salary. They can beat the defendent by attrition, on top of stacking the deck against him. Even when you win one of these things (which never happens), you lose.
The only time it makes sense to go to court against these people is when you’re on the offensive and they have to sit in the hot seat. Marc Lemire seems to have done some serious damage to these people by challenging their legitimacy and exposing their corruption.
Too many of us waste time and energy trying to block punches when we should be hitting back.
19 December, 2008 at 1:51 am
* defendant
20 December, 2008 at 9:15 am
Blight: Yes, I know my house payment no doubt puts money in the pockets of jews. But, really what’s the alternative here? Let my house go (for it would never sell in this market) and lose all the money I already have in it, or continue to send money in the hopes that if I live long enough I’ll actually own it. The thought of being homeless in this economy is not a pleasant thought. At the very least, with your own home, even if everything else in your life goes, as long as you can scrape up that payment every month, you have something that is yours. And I waited too long to buy a home to just give up and walk away now.
Most of what our decisions boil down to these days is making a choice between the lesser of two or more evils. I was just talking to a co worker about this today. I was telling her how I hate all the cell phone companies, that they ALL contribute money to groups or issues I do not support AT ALL. But what is one to do? Nowadays we must have a cell phone it seems. My work pretty much dictates that I have a cell phone. And with no public phones anymore, one must have a cell phone or you’re out of luck if you’re away from home and need to make a call. But, the cell phone companies make me sick with their jewey ways, nigger loving concerns, AND nigger and mud infested “customer service” offerings. It’s frankly all a little overwhelming not to mention depressing when you realize how much of your daily life is spent bowing and scraping at the feet of Big Jew and Big Mud.
It’s times like this when one who is racially aware realizes sadly that there really is no change that’s going to come about that is meaningful with total revolution in our society.