30 November, 2008


Posted by alex in Alex Linder at 10:59 pm | Permanent Link

We’ve had to make a change in some technical stuff, the forum will be down for a bit. Will be back up as soon as we can get it.

  • 11 Responses to “VNNForum”

    1. OTPTT Says:

      I thought the problems may have originated with the new activism project. Is someone trying to prevent communication between people hoping to thwart the paper?

    2. alex Says:


    3. Stu Gavin Says:

      Forum is still down. It was up for a few minutes and then went down again.

    4. Stu Gavin Says:

      I just saw this on the news site called newsblues


      Cops warn they’ll be “tight-lipped” about Pressly case

      Of course they will, she was a White woman raped and murdered by a nigger.

    5. Vijay Coomar Says:

      Why won’t white men stand up and fight for their women? All sorts of non-white basturds r exploiting white women with impunity. But hey, why care! Let’s keep enjoying our lives. Obama will take care of everything.

      Votary of the Occident

    6. Stu Gavin Says:

      Cops—or as Linder calls them—“Badge Fags” won’t defend White women.

    7. Bobby Bandanza Says:

      Thanks Alex and Varg.

    8. Marwinsing Says:

      A white “Badge Fag” will sooner defend a nigger crack dealer than he will a white bunny because he’s afraid of being called a racist. Cowards.

    9. gw Says:

      “… because he’s afraid of being called a racist. ”

      Also because he’s a tool of the System and dependent on his paycheck .

      He knows where the orders come from, who signs his check, and who determines his promotions. The politicians! He must dance to their tune. He’s a slave.

    10. Zarathustra Says:

      A badge fag. Priceless!

      Cops are also indoctrinated by the ADL and SPLC these days, of course. But their No. 1 job is to protect the System, which keeps the rich and powerful in control and oppresses everyone else through fear, intimidation, punitive fines and when all else fails, imprisonment.

    11. shabbos s. shabazz Says:

      Funny You Tube on badges, with Alfonso Bedoya, of course:
