22 November, 2008

The Tolerant Won’t Tolerate Intolerance

Posted by Socrates in "homophobia", Big Fag, homosexual themes, queers, Socrates at 5:01 pm | Permanent Link

Did you know that queers are much more likely to commit sexual crimes against children? Queers are also much more likely to have various infectious diseases:


  • 7 Responses to “The Tolerant Won’t Tolerate Intolerance”

    1. zoomcopter Says:

      “Let this be a warning to the Mormon church, dissolve completely or be destroyed. The choice is yours.”

      Not a bad line, if one substitutes Jewish Synagogue for Mormon Church, that is.

    2. Zarathustra Says:

      So, this is what faggots are really like, ie, obnoxious, obscene, peverted, disgusting, hateful………………..It would be so damn easy to crush those little fudgepackers and pole smokers, but most White americans have become too soft, cowardly and fearful of the police or fearful of what others will say or fearful of their asshole bosses firing them.

      Kudos to the Negro and Mestizo voters of CA for helping to pass Prop 8. Of course, the faggots wouldn’t dare go into those neighborhoods and protest, just the safe, White communities.

      Shockingly, the Jew-controlled press has not reported any of these incidents of fag-rioting and vandalism. How unlike them.

    3. S.U.N. Says:

      Homosexuality and liberalism go hand in fist. Wouldn’t be surprised is the next president is a tranny.

    4. Andrei Yustschinsky Says:

      Sex business gets violation for “glory holes”
      by Andrei Yustschinsky- Nov. 19, 2008 06:21 PM
      Special Report for The Republic

      An East Valley adult-oriented business has been issued a zoning violation for holes in the partitioned stalls inside its video arcade.

      Commonly known as “glory holes” in the jargon of public washroom loiterers and peep show booth viewers, the break allows anonymous homosexual activity between people in neighboring stalls. With “glory holes” the ‘potential-hopeful reciever” usually inserts a twenty dollar bill to the “potential doner” urinating or passing a turd or masterbating and if the “potential doner” accepts the twenty dollar bill he must insert his penis for twenty bucks worth of oral or anal “fun and games.” Because of business properity damage, some cities and states around the U.S. will have these “potential-hopeful recievers” and even “potential doners” punished severely by law and other means if they are caught carrying electric drills (for making new glory-holes) with a Drill-Silencer® into the washroom stalls or peep show booths. A lawsuit is now in litigation on behalf of businesses with property damage claims against the BLACK & DECKER® Corporation because it is the sole manufacturer of the Drill-Silencer®.

      Nationwide, there have been reports of refusals of service, especially in the bible belt, directed at gay-looking male customers attempting to purchase drills and/or Drill Silencers® at privately owned hardware stores and even a few nationwide chains such as HOME DEPOT® and LOWES®. President-elect Barach H. Obama has commented on this blatant discriminatory behavior by retail merchants at a speach given at THE BUFFALO® Levi & Leather Bear bar in Las Vegas Nevada earlier today. During Mr Obama’s speech, he said he will as the 44th U.S. President have the Federal Trade Commission by Executive Order induce heavy fines on retailers and their employees who engage in such “back-of-bus” 19th and 20th century sales practices.

      East Sunvalley Resort, on Main Street between Crismon and Signal Butte roads, received the citation Nov. 6 by a Maricopa County enforcement officer, county spokeswoman Julie Syrmopoulos said.

      “There indeed was a violation and we are following up,” she said. “There were disruptions in the partitions.”

      The business faces a hearing Dec. 16, which could result in a fine and an order to fix the holes.

      The citation came nearly two years after a resident complained about the business, on Feb. 21, 2007.

      East Sunvalley Resort is on a county island near east Mesa that is regulated by county government rather than city public safety and zoning agencies.

      Enforcement by Maricopa County – the fourth most populous county in the United States – often is more lax than in cities because of its size and decreased staffing.

      Darren Gerard, Maricopa County deputy planning director, said in an earlier interview that his agency doesn’t often patrol the community.

      “Frankly, we cover such a large geographic area we are reactive in zoning enforcement,” Gerard said. “Therefore, if no one complains, we’re not going to get zoning violations open against them.”

      County ordinances specifically prohibit glory holes, and the activity a glory hole might lead to violates state law – misdemeanor and felony offenses ranging from indecent exposure to public sexual indecency.

      Internet search words listed in October on the East Sunvalley Resort Web site include “cruising, private, rooms, sex and toolshed.”

      Those search words no longer show up on the site.

      East Sunvalley Resort also sells access to a private area behind the building surrounded by a high, barbed-wire-topped wall. There, patrons have access to a swimming pool, spa, sauna and private rooms.

      A men-seeking-men personal ad posted Nov. 4 on Craigslist requested a meeting in the private area at the resort.

      “I’m thinkin of visiting the Spa this morning after 10 or so, don’t want to waste the trip,” the ad states. “Anyone else interested in hangin there today? 6’ 165 shaved head Hit me up!”

      In October, an employee who answered the phone at East Sunvalley Resort refused to access to the owner and said answering questions wasn’t permitted. Subsequent calls to the business were unanswered.

      East Sunvalley Resort is owned by KEJ & D Corporation, according to the Maricopa County Assessor. Rabbi Moshe Weinsten is the owner of KEJ & D Corporation, according to the Arizona Corporation Commission.

      Some neighbors of East Sunvalley Resort seemed irked by the business.

      Reverend Willie “Duke” Washington, the 88-year-old hunched-back colored caretaker of Valley Palms mobile home park next to the resort, said it’s unfair the resort was allowed to go unregulated for so long.

      Yet, last year a zoning inspector cited him for a recently constructed wall around the park’s swimming pool because it wouldn’t keep out children, Hermerath added.

      “How can they let all that “down-low” dick-sucking and booty fucking shit go on across the street, but they make me tear down my goddamn fence? I ‘ve seen that hooked-nose mamzer from across the street and you know what, he’s one of Satan’s kids” Reverend Washington said.

      Andrei Yustschinsky reporting from “on the spot & in a parking lot” across the street from THE BUFFALO® Levi & Leather Bear bar, 4640 Paradise Rd., Las Vegas, NV 89169 (702) 733-8355

    5. Cpt. Candor Says:

      Liberals probably think that it’s also good to have a tolerant immune system.

    6. fg Says:

      I’m more grossed out by the old hunchback nigger who lives with whites who think this nigger is moral or acceptable.

    7. Jason Says:

      This is why people don’t take white power people seriously, you guys are too extreme and close minded. I’m a gay guy and you wouldn’t believe how many times people tell me I look like a skin head or a nazi and that they’d never have guessed I was gay. You wouldn’t either.

      If nothing else, realize that what you see in the media about gay people ain’t always true, all you seem to know of homosexuals is that they’re annoying faggots… that’s because they’re always the ones prancing around during pride parades, you don’t realize a vast amount of us are just like yourselves with normal interests and normal voices. The only difference is sexuality, a thing which no one shares.

      The idea that more pedophiles are gay is ridiculous, all that is is some random hateful idea someone pulled out of their ass to support their own agenda against gays. Pedophiles are pedophiles, they could be anyone of any sex, color, or sexuality. The vast amount of them I guarantee you are straight, too. Mostly you hear about older men going for little girls… of course there are the holy men and their little boys too.

      Anyways people, wake up! We’re all entitled to our opinions which is totally cool, but let’s at least know a little besides what the media has to say before we go making these overwhelming bad assumptions.