6 November, 2008

The Judaic Mindset and the Jewish Spirit

Posted by Socrates in jews, Patrick Grimm, Socrates at 10:29 pm | Permanent Link

by Patrick Grimm. (Note: Grimm’s blog was canceled not long after this essay was first published, which is why it’s being posted whole here).

October 12, 2008

“Who knows what great and glorious destiny might have been yours if we had left you alone. But we did not leave you alone. We took you in hand and pulled down the beautiful and generous structure you had reared, and changed the whole course of your history. We conquered you as no empire of yours ever subjugated Africa or Asia. And we did it all without armies, without bullets, without blood or turmoil, without force of any kind. We did it solely by the irresistible might of our spirit, with ideas, with propaganda.” -Marcus Eli Ravage, A Real Case Against the Jews.

The implementation of the Judaic mindset brings with it a reductionism and a devaluation of all pursuits and it has finally reduced them to nothing more than a hunger and a grasping for profit and aggrandizement. As the Judaic mentality and the Jewish spirit have gained sway, all forms of higher life have been swept aside or crushed altogether. Where profits reign supreme, tradition dies, pragmatism displaces virtue and piety and persons become, not moral actors, but consumers, “eaters” and slaves for the globalist overlords.

How has education devolved under the Judaic hand and at the behest of the Jewish spirit? It has been both condensed and fragmented. Education has been ripped away from its Greek and Western moorings. Its purpose has ceased to be one of instilling character, virtue and temperance. The Aristotelian educational philosophy of both studying and understanding virtue and living a virtuous life has been displaced. The important question “How shall we order our lives?” or “What is the specific function of man as a moral actor?” has been substituted by other, more sinister questions. William James’ pragmatism has been wedded with the Jewish profit motive and birthed into an ugly mongrel-like monstrosity. The Jamesian question “But does it work?” has been intertwined and sometimes replaced with the Jewish query “But does it sell?” Thus consumerism, pragmatism and globalism all waltz together in perfect harmony.

Jewish dissident Samuel Roth in his book Jews Must Live discussed the proclivity of his people to become doctors and lawyers. Yet he made it quite clear that these professions were not pursued by Jews out of a desire for societal health and wellness or social justice. Roth knew his brethren well. These professions were chosen entirely because they provided both status and wealth. Hence we see the historical distrust of Jewish physicians in antiquity and the contemporary low view most people take of lawyers and of the law both historically and as currently practiced. Thus we have lawyer jokes. This Jewish penchant for choosing a profession based only on money has been disseminated throughout our culture and it has had often damaging results. “Profits Not People” has become the catchphrase of our culture. It is the springboard for globalism. It is the end of protectionism, sovereignty and the nation-state.

The Jewish mentality is, not to put too fine a point on it, bent inexorably towards Mammonism (what was once known as greed) and the profit motive. Even the Marxist framework, while supposedly eschewing capitalism and this same profit motive, reduces man to nothing more than an economic actor, with few or any other noticeable dimensions or motivations. When a human being is nothing other than a consumer of goods and services, he becomes, in the eyes of the elite, an “eater”, and his usefulness or uselessness is defined only by the benefits he provides to those at the top of the pyramid.

This Judaic paradigm has had pernicious ramifications in myriad areas. It has minimized many values once regarded as “first principles” or crucial bedrocks for crafting a civil society and reduced them to nothing more than pragmatic or economic choices. Radical individualism has bitten down. Take note of the many European-American women, suckled at the teat of Jewish orthodoxy, who, along with their Jewish compatriots, slander and demean traditionalist women, calling them “breeders” and their children “sprogs.” This is undeniably derived from the Judaic mentality that encourages radical individualism among non-Jews. Its effects on the white family have been catastrophic. Our people are dying as they move from societal health to existential death. They imbibe and come to embody the Jewish spirit, the Jewish way of ordering a non-Jewish society. That way leads to oblivion.

Once upon a time, before the Judaic Order took its place at the apex of the hierarchy of Western governments, institutions and media, and the Aristotelian considerations of higher purpose, derived from our forebears, still held, however imperfectly, some noble sway, whether implicitly (common man) or explicitly (academicians and intellectuals) amongst our people, we were relatively healthy. Then came the toxins of Jewish thought, which condensed our choices and crumbled our purpose as a society and a people, leaving consumerism, greed and the profit motive to replace community, family and racial solidarity. These toxins were surely helped along by many of our own people, ideologues who truly believed they were working for a better world, the promised utopia written of in the tomes of the tribalists.

Some may think these evaluations too harsh, but the verdict is in. The Judaic mindset has, as its coded mantra, the complete destruction of Western civilization and the obliteration of tradition, family and the entire race of European mankind. The slave state envisioned by the Frankfurt School and dutifully written down in the Old Testament Pentateuch of yore, as well as in the book of Isaiah, is coming to pass. The “eaters” will grind on hopelessly and helplessly, their identities, traditions and their pride reduced to nothing. These amnesiacs, somnambulists all, sleepwalk through a world morphed and marred by the Jewish way of ordering things. Malignancies once seen as outrages by those who still recall the Old Order, are now tacitly accepted, sometimes heralded as necessities birthed for the ultimate common good. This is the sad truth of our times.

Reductionism and devaluation of every former precept of our people has become the intolerance we are forced to tolerate, all “for fear of the Jews” as we become weak-kneed, equivocating and ceaselessly apologetic. Any defenses once used as checks to arrest this slide into a Judaic dystopia have been whittled down to impotent and “discredited” bigotries and those who suggest revamping or reviving the old concepts of character, virtue and temperance, much less the more virulent and virile attitudes of racial pride, intolerance, traditionalism and meritocracy are practically branded as moral and intellectual criminals.

Does the Jewish spirit sell? Most assuredly it does sell, and it has been bought, hook, line and sinker by the majority. It is being packaged and sold to us every minute of every day. Does the Judaic mentality work in any objective sense? It positively does work, to the benefit of the tribalists and only the tribalists. Their ideas, now implemented and rammed into place by the once mediating institutions, those institutions that once worked for the nourishment and uplift of our people, now serve to nourish only the Judaic profiteers and the globalist overlords, whose only profit comes at our expense and at the cost of our existence. Our education system, our media and our government now work only for these Jewish ends.

Dear friends, we are no longer the moral actors grappling with lofty notions of virtue and right and wrong as we reach back to take hold of the philosophical treasures bequeathed to us. We have becomes the low men and women, the slaves, the “eaters” and the frivolous consumers that the Jewish power configuration long imagined us to be when they determined to smash our highest ideals. We hunger not for that which has made us strong and prosperous in the past, but only for the “bread and circuses” and the pseudo-images placed before our hollow eyes. If there are no sadder words than “what might have been” then we are truly the saddest souls of all.

  • 24 Responses to “The Judaic Mindset and the Jewish Spirit”

    1. Jon Says:

      “Grimm’s blog was canceled not long after this essay was first published”

      No doubt due to Jewish pressure (or in fear of).

      Truth hurts…



    2. Zoroastro Says:

      Brilliant essay. The question is this: how can a parasite survive without its host? Or rather more productively -what are the ways in which the host can get away from its parasite (and the assorted, darker sub-parasites)?
      The difference between us and jews, is that they work as one, always, all the time, anywhere, in every country, every town, every society. Ultimately, that even makes sense biologically speaking. Maybe we can learn something from the Kike?

    3. Marwinsing Says:

      Busy bees make for willing hosts. Whilst they’re busy buzzing around pollinating everybody else’s flowers besides their own or eating Macdonald’s burgers or Mars Bars or blowing credit down at the local shopping mall the Big Bad Bear is stealing all their honey.

    4. Old Guy Says:

      I do hope that someone, somewhere, perhaps VNN (?) will provide a safe forum for the eloquent pen of Patrick Grimm. Agree or disagree with his take on things, there is no quarrel over his ability to express himself, and do it well.

      If VNN is not the appropriate host for his writings, in either the opinion of Linder or Grimm, then I hope VNN will make known to us when and where Grimm does get a new soapbox from which to shout.

      Thank you for publishing this!

    5. Socrates Says:

      Old Guy: Grimm is apparently trying to obtain a new blog/website.

    6. jim donaldson Says:

      “Take note of the many European-American women, suckled at the teat of Jewish orthodoxy, who, along with their Jewish compatriots, slander and demean traditionalist women, calling them “breeders” and their children “sprogs.” This is undeniably derived from the Judaic mentality that encourages radical individualism among non-Jews. Its effects on the white family have been catastrophic. Our people are dying as they move from societal health to existential death. They imbibe and come to embody the Jewish spirit, the Jewish way of ordering a non-Jewish society. That way leads to oblivion.”

      I have, literally, seen this myself.

      To say this is stupidity is to be redundant. There are only two real purposes in existence: Stay alive. Reproduce. Everything else is something someone has made up. The only alternative to either of these is death. As pointed out by Mr Grimm. The women he mentions are the same as those who have said to me, “I don’t have time for children. I have a life.” Umm, no–what you have is an extended childhood, and then a lonely, genetic dead end. For each man (or woman) who doesn’t breed effectively kills all of his ancestors.

      To our ancestors, the only thing that mattered was their family, their clan. Quite literally, they lived for their family. Their honor rose and fell with their family’s. Their family acted together, pooled their resources, supported each other, under the guidance of a father, or grandfather, who understood that the future depended on the good leadership he could give. “Individualism” ended this, and public education prevents it from rearing its head. It’s bad for business.

      What would happen if every white man lived for his family, rather than his country? And only associated with other white men, his “cousins”. And only gave the time of day to women who wanted kids? Had, and showed, nothing but contempt for “career women”?

      What would happen if we looked back and saw where we came from, the long line of stuggle, and survival, that culminated in our existence; looked forward, and saw that we, and our children, were a link to a future being greater than ourselves? What if the duty of each generation was to remember the one before it, and to reproduce, so that the line of its father was to continue into infinity?

      What if THAT were our RELIGION?

    7. jim donaldson Says:

      I should note that I am not a racist. I love all our species’ races…Germanic, Celtic, Slavic, Italic, Greek, etc. So I am not a racist.
      I regard humanity not as being made up of races, or breeds, but as being made up of species. We’re not like different breeds of dog, but like wolves, dogs, and coyotes. Wolves, dogs, and coyotes can intermate, and produce viable offspring, because speciation occurred recently. The same thing goes for people. If you think I’m wrong, look at the criteria for dividing Chimps from bonobos–the only differences are that bonobos are smaller, less robust, and have same behavioral differences. Human species have far more, and greater, differences. It’s not just skin color. I’d really like to confirm this scientifically, but there just aren’t any honest biologists out there. Anyway, it keeps me from going near niggers and chinks.

      Sorry–too much coffee tonight. I’m working late.

    8. Zarathustra Says:

      Jim D., you’re right, god dammit. I know of several beautiful young White women who would be wonderful mothers but do not want any children ( I would GLADLY volunteer my services to help them!). Unfortunately, they have succumbed to the unwholsome Jewish spirit of “feminism”. Money, career and “personal fulfillment” are more important to them at this point in their lives. By the time they’re 38 or 40, they might finally be ready for a family, but WTF, it’ll be too late by then.

      The Jewish spirit of “liberation” and “equality” has also had a very negative effect on young White men. Many of them now earn less than their wives/girlfriends and are often less successful. How emasculating! Just like the Jews and “social engineers” intended it to be.

    9. jim donaldson Says:

      “Then came the toxins of Jewish thought, which condensed our choices and crumbled our purpose as a society and a people, leaving consumerism, greed and the profit motive to replace community, family and racial solidarity.”

      See? “community, family and racial solidarity” are real things that exist among human beings whether they are hunter-gatherers, or nomadic herders, or agriculturalists, that is, no matter their level of societal organization.

      But “consumerism, greed and the profit motive” are just things people believe in. They’re not real.

      How can you tell? What happens if you end “community, family and racial solidarity”? What happens if you end “consumerism, greed and the profit motive”?

      When you stop living for your community, it dies.
      When you stop living for your family, it dies.
      When you stop racial solidarity, your race dies.

      When you stop “consumerism, greed and the profit motive”, nothing happens.

    10. Yikes!! Says:

      Jim Donaldson: “What would happen if every white man lived for his family, rather than his country? And only associated with other white men, his “cousins”. And only gave the time of day to women who wanted kids? Had, and showed, nothing but contempt for “career women”?

      What would happen if we looked back and saw where we came from, the long line of stuggle, and survival, that culminated in our existence; looked forward, and saw that we, and our children, were a link to a future being greater than ourselves? What if the duty of each generation was to remember the one before it, and to reproduce, so that the line of its father was to continue into infinity?

      What if THAT were our RELIGION”

      JimD, in a sense (with the exception of homebodies vs. career women), you just described jews. Their religion centers around their bloodline.

      Of course, if Whites were to practice such a religion as you described, we would do so without the conniving underhanded deceit employed by the jews.

      BTW, I would have to take exception to Marcus Eli Ravage’s contention that the jews conquered us “without armies, without bullets, without blood or turmoil, without force of any kind.”

      Everything, and I mean EVERYTHING the jew has touched eventually ends in bloodshed. The French Revolution, the Bolshevik Revolution, World Wars I and II, Operation Iraqi Freedom are but a few examples of jews furthering their agenda of world domination using bloodshed. Granted, most of the time, it is jewish manipulations resulting in other peoples armies and bullets killing other people. And, of course, even the Israelis have shed their fair share of blood. I’m not sure who Marcus Eli Ravage is, or when he wrote A Real Case Against the Jews, but I am guessing he is an English jew. While I understand his point (being that they bribe and manipulate their way into power), it still ignores the fact that jews have been spilling blood since Persia (ie Purim).

      See, even when a jew is admitting that they conquered us, he is still a lying jew.

      How do we defeat the jews? I don’t know, it’s a pretty difficult problem because they have been infiltrating every institution, movement and government we have had for thousands of years, and will continue to do so.

      MAYBE THE ONLY WAY TO BEAT THE JEWS IS TO INFILTRATE THEM! Think about it. It is a solution that may not work in our lifetime, but it is a solution that would undo much of their damage in a couple of generations.

    11. gw Says:

      Great posts, Jim! You give us some interesting things to think about (although I don’t entirely agree with everything that you say). I especially like…” I love all our species’ races.” Very good! So do I.

      Incidentally, America’s greatest naturalist, Louis Agassiz, considered Negroes to be a separate species, distinct from Caucasians…. A position considered heretical nowadays! A number of schools and institutions which were named for him have been re-named because of this.

      [“Agassiz was also openly a racist and an early supporter of Apartheid.” Wikipedia]

    12. Ruslan21 Says:

      This essay reminds of a conversation I had with a Russian-born kike.

      She explained, quite self-righteously, that her distiller ancestors were successful at getting the Russian peasantry drunk only because Russians — as drunken thieves no doubt — could not be trusted to refrain from drinking what they were supposed to bottle. Perfectly excusable, you see.

      Godspeed, Patrick Grimm!

    13. shabbos s. shabazz Says:

      Here, the entire Ravage article from 1928:


      No force indeed. Here is voluntary integration (s/b called disintegration) in the South:


      Kykes have used lots of regulation to achieve their goals. They aren’t force- merely the threat of force. . .

      “how can a parasite survive without its host” Perhaps the question is- how can the host survive without the parasite?
      Many members of the host view the parasite as divine (chosen), and one as being the redeemer. To eject the parasite would be a crime against all goodness. . .

    14. Zarathustra Says:

      I don’t believe Blacks are a separate species of hominid, but I do believe there are about 200,000 YEARS of evolutionary differences between well-bred Whites and Negroids. A healthy, genetically pure (more or less) Aryan who mates with a Negroid is comparable to a well-bred Russian wolfhound mating with a wild African hyena. Yes, both are dogs, but they are separated by thousands and thousands of years of breeding/evolution and the resulting offspring would be a step downward in genetic quality from the wolfhound, ie, downbreeding.

    15. They are animals Says:

      Privately, there are biologists, biochemists, M.D.’s and geneticists who believe that blacks ARE a separate species. Being able to mate and reproduce is not the ultimate criteria for determining if two “animals” (hah) are of different species. These people can’t say what they feel to be true because of tyrannical jewish PC rule.

      Blacks do lack the full cerebral cortex development seen in whites among other differences. They are so limited in their ability to see the “big picture” that it is mind-boggling to an honest, aware white, one who isn’t trying to kid themselves that blacks are just like whites. Mestizos and their ilk fall into this camp too.

    16. gw Says:

      At what point is the line crossed when two distinct varieties within a species become two separate species? I really don’t know.

      P.S. That was an excellent analogy about the wolfhound and the hyena.

    17. gw Says:

      No doubt, by trying to scramble all the races out of existence (at least the hated whites), Jews are trying to erase the very question and in time it will become moot.

    18. Zarathustra Says:

      Evolution is not always linear. Sometimes, it takes a step or two backwards, as in the case of the Negro race. They may have evolved from some group of aboriginal people who were better hunters and more intelligent overall than present-day spearchuckers.

    19. shabbos s. shabazz Says:

      Reculer pour Mieux Sauter

      To run back in order to give a better jump forwards; to give way a little in order to take up a stronger position.

    20. icr Says:

      Dogs are no more closely related to hyenas than they are to lions and tigers. And the two species are not, of course, inter-fertile. Dogs can, however, produce fertile offspring with coyotes, wolves and jackals.

    21. jim donaldson Says:

      I think we must also remember that the differential characteristics of dog breed were bred into them by human being, but that the differences between humans, as those between wolves and dogs, are natural. Wolves, dogs, and coyotes are all the same genus, Canis, but different species (C. lupus, C. familiaris, C. latrans). I think it’s the same with human beings. Think of us as all genus Homo, but different species–H. europensis, H asiaticus, H dravidi, H africanis, etc, etc.

    22. Zarathustra Says:

      There are, or were, some species of hyena with dog-like characteristics. They look like wild dogs, anyway. But you’re kind of missing the point I was trying to make. Perhaps I should have used the analogy of a white dove mating with a crow? Or a dirty mongrel street-dog from the Phillipines breeding with an AKC registered show-dog?

      Contrary to the above post, humans have bred some characteristics into their offspring, you know, it wasn’t all just natural happenstance. For example, cavepeople living in northern Europe towards the end of the Ice Age found a new genetic mutation, blue eyes, to be a very desirable trait and bred with those females who had that gene. Royalty in Europe bred with females who posessed certain characteristics in hopes of passing on those genes to their royal offspring. Good-looking Whites usually only mate with other good-looking Whites. At least until recently, Whites have generally avoided breeding with the lower races out of evolutionary instinct and the generally unappatizing appearence of most non-Whites.

      Are Negroids a separate species of human from Caucasoids? Maybe, maybe not, but it’s best stick to your own kind.

    23. jim donaldson Says:

      My point is that the very idea that they are a different species, not a different “race” (which is a social construct,,, but wait–what’s genocide then?) of the same species, introduces an “ick” factor that makes it much easier to stick to your own kind.

      How I wish for the days of White science, otherwise know as TRUTH.

    24. The Red Skull Says:

      This was an exellent essay.A little high-brow,but he makes an exellent point about the jewish mind-set.”Profits Over People” could be the Jews Racial Motto.It certainly is corporate America’s motto.Our whole culture has been degraded by their smut,and grasping materialism.If we don’t finally learn the hard lessons the jews keep teaching us,and apply them in whatever new nation we have after this Giant Jewish Pile of Shit collapses,then maybe we’re not as smart as we’d like to think we are.As far as species go,yes we are different-thank God.