21 November, 2008

The GOP These Days

Posted by Socrates in politics, racism accusations, Republicans, Socrates at 6:33 pm | Permanent Link

The Republican Party is often labeled by its opponents as a party of “racist White people.” Here’s a good indicator of how false that label is:


  • 9 Responses to “The GOP These Days”

    1. sgruber Says:

      “Racist” is just another word for White.

      In the noggins of these noshers and nogs, the GOP or whatever will cease being “racist” only when it ceases to consist mainly of Whites. If there’s still a lot of Whites, it’s still “racist” – even if those Whites are total antis.

      In the hostile eyes of non-Whites, there are no non-“racist” Whites. Again, “racism” = “being a member of the White race.”

      It’s race war.

    2. Zarathustra Says:

      We all know that Don Black, David Duke and Stormfart are bad news, so I’m glad that lil’ Donnie Blackie Jr. got shunned by the GOP. Besides, any White “racist” who would want to join the Republican Party is either a fool, an asshole, an idiot, not really that much of a racist to begin with, or some combination thereof.

    3. Blackshirt Says:

      I couldn’t have said it better, Zarathustra!

    4. John Says:

      These idiots on Stormfront still seem to think that by joining the anti white pro Jew Republican Party they will be able to turn things around.

    5. gw Says:

      any White “racist” who would want to join the Republican Party is either a fool, an asshole, an idiot, not really that much of a racist to begin with, or some combination thereof.

      Well, he’s a kid. It’ll be be a good educational experience for him. There’s nothing like first-hand experience. I assume he’s learned something and is wiser now.

    6. gw Says:

      The Republican Party is often labeled by its opponents as a party of “racist White people.”

      They are so terrified of being called the dreaded “r” word that they are pathetic.

      The wacky, unfathomable thing, to me, is how these people never learn. The more they are rejected and scorned and virtually spat upon by the so-called “minorities”, the more they bend over backwards to pander and grovel and beg for acceptance. And each time they’re rejected again, the more they claim they didn’t pander ENOUGH, and will have to re-double their efforts!

      Isn’t that the definition of insanity ? — to keep doing the same thing over and over again, hoping for a different result? So these people are by definition insane!

      They are also – I might add – spinless, timid, and contemptible.

    7. Marwinsing Says:

      Everybody – like the whole damn planet – wants to white. Except for liberal wiggers and respectable conservatives, who want to be white token non-whites, like a mixture between Noddy and Golliwog. White nationalists are neither conservative nor liberal. Errm. We’re outta that loop. We’re just white. Sorry, never meant to speak here on anyone else’s behalf, just taking calculating guesses based upon general observations please correct us if I’m wrong. Heck. And ja, Republicans are stuck in that loop, they’re (may I say it?) fucked up, they’re history, way too fucked up beyond redemption to even be considered even as persona non grata to The Cause because the problems they’ve made for us. They’ll have to re-apply again to become white as far as this blogger is concerned, same with all the others, including our friends above, the liberal wiggers and respectable conservatives.

    8. Cpt. Candor Says:

      This century is already becoming a rough street for Whitey to traverse, and the Republicans, along with all other “safe” conservative parties in other ostensibly White countries, constitute a blind alley. They are liberals who go to church.

    9. gw Says:

      “conservative parties in other ostensibly White countries, constitute a blind alley. They are liberals who go to church.”

      Yes, our people need to get over the narrow little political slots that they’re accustomed to being filed into. At this point, whites are becoming backed against the wall, racially – and every year a little more so – and we’re still quibbling over minor political differences about government size and taxation and so on. Talk about squabbling over deck chairs on the Titanic!!!

      All those parties ignore the major issues confronting us. They’re a distraction. They’re diversionary. As Marwinsing said above, “White nationalists are neither conservative nor liberal. We’re outta that loop. We’re just white.” Exactly! First things first.