3 November, 2008

Robert Edmondson

Posted by Socrates in history, History for newbies, Socrates, white nationalism, White Nationalists at 5:58 pm | Permanent Link

Jewish writer Henry Makow brings up an interesting but forgotten figure from the past. The journalist Robert Edward Edmondson, of Edmondson Economic Service, wrote at least one book – a collection of works titled “I Testify Against the Jews” – and created leaflets such as this one. Edmondson was indicted in New York in Summer 1936 for libeling various people, including “all persons of the Jewish religion.” The indictments were later dismissed:


More about Makow: [Here].

  • 7 Responses to “Robert Edmondson”

    1. Jugurtha Says:

      The leaflet says in one place,”When will America again be ruled BY Americans,FOR Americans?”

      70 years later we are still wondering that !

    2. Zarathustra Says:

      Wow, when a Jew turns against his own Tribe he REALLY turns against them! Well stated, Mr. Makow!

    3. Karen Says:

      I don’ believe the jews turn against their own. Notice Makow keeps up with propaganda about Hitler. Thats a red flag for me. The same goes for Christopher Jon Bjerkness. Oh they know what they are doing……… They are still fooling people.

    4. Zarathustra Says:

      I didn’t notice the Hitler crap. What a surprise! It’s really, REALLY annoying how they constantly have to inject some nasty anti Hilter/anti Nazi stuff into EVERYTHING they say, like “It’s a nice morning, but it wouldn’t have been so nice if the Nazis had won WWII” or “Dogs are so loyal…..Even that evil Nazi madman Hitler had dogs who were loyal to him!”.

      Still, I believe there are some Jews who are so fed up with how their “co-religionists” behave that they will defect. Even Jews can change their ways of thinking if they really want to. They might even have pangs of conscience once in a while. Or so I hear.

    5. Howdy Doody Says:

      Karen Says:

      4 November, 2008 at 4:20 am

      I don’ believe the jews turn against their own. Notice Makow keeps up with propaganda about Hitler. Thats a red flag for me. The same goes for Christopher Jon Bjerkness. Oh they know what they are doing……… They are still fooling people.

      THANK YOU Dear !

    6. Marwinsing Says:

      Phew! WWII’s ‘New Deal’ NEO-CONS! So what’s changed?

    7. Marwinsing Says:

      As Pound warned, “This land turns evil S-L-O-W-L-Y…”