19 November, 2008

Obama’s Apparent A.G. Pick is Black

Posted by Socrates in black leaders, black pols, black rule, Bork, Diversity, diversity is hate, General Decline, Obama, quotations, Socrates at 3:58 pm | Permanent Link

Before you read about Holder, here’s an interesting quote to consider:

“What needs to be said is that American culture is Eurocentric, and it must remain Eurocentric or collapse into meaninglessness. Standards of European and American origin are the only possible standards that can hold our society together and keep us a competent nation.” — from the book “Slouching Towards Gomorrah” (New York; ReganBooks, 1996) by Robert H. Bork, p. 311.


  • 20 Responses to “Obama’s Apparent A.G. Pick is Black”

    1. Zarathustra Says:

      Anti-American? How so?

    2. old_dutch Says:

      The Negro Holder was a key player in Clinton’s pardon of international jew & corporate criminal Marc Rich. One high yellow helping another high yellow. LOL. And Clinton’s union labor supporters who had been injured by Marc Rich be damned.

    3. The Red Skull Says:

      Niggas and jews,niggas and jews,got to fill my ‘ministration with nigs and jews.The Obongo “Administration” is on its way to being the most anti-White Regime this country ever had.Doesn’t look good for the soon-to-be “minority” White folks.Hold on Ethel!Its the Big One!Now if they just appoint the Communist Cunt Hillary Secretary of State.I agree with the quote from Bork,as plain as the nose on your face.Unfortunately,the Rainbow Commies have a different plan for Amerikwa.

    4. ZipZap McGee Says:

      I’m waiting to see who is in the position of Homeland Security. Notice that I didn’t say “who gets picked”, because it might just be that “Son of the Devil” Chertoff is doing a fine job and in the interest of bi-partisanship he will be allowed to stay (to oversee the NEXT episode of Mossad false-flag terror). It will be a Jew, or somebody married to a Jew. Being a shaygetz was a good career move in the *last* Judeo-soviet dictatorship.

    5. shabbos s. shabazz Says:

      Employed here?


    6. alex Says:

      “What needs to be said is that American culture is Eurocentric, and it must remain Eurocentric or collapse into meaninglessness. Standards of European and American origin are the only possible standards that can hold our society together and keep us a competent nation.”

      Blacks and browns can’t meet European standards because they’re not European, they’re White. It’s about race, not culture.

    7. gw Says:

      old_dutch Says: “The Negro Holder was a key player in Clinton’s pardon of international jew & corporate criminal Marc Rich. “

      Thanks to Old Dutch for pointing that out. To me, that is the most important, most damning connection. And who knows how deep it goes? Who knows what will follow? Who knows how much money has been spready around. Rich (appropriate name!) can afford it.

      They’re all a tight cabal.

    8. ZipZap McGee Says:


      Janet Napolitano has been picked for Homeland Security. Born in New York City to a mother named “Winer”. That makes her a Jew. Wikipedia says “Methodist” but she’s “Methodist” like Madeleine Albright is an “Episcopalian.”

    9. Sgt. Skull Says:

      Let’s not forget that Holder was one of Janet Reno’s top deputies when she decided to incinerate the mostly white Branch Davidians. Holder spoke out in favor of closing Guantanamo detention facility and releasing most of the terror suspects. Would he be in favor of closing it if it was holding neo-nazis, KKK members and holocaust deniers ? Doubtful.

      The lesson here is that it’s ok to murder white people without cause under the pretext of child abuse and fighting religious extremism but illegal and immoral to detain non-white religious extremists who may be engaged in terror activities.

      Should be an interesting four years.

    10. Andrei Yustschinsky Says:

      Obama to Tap Arizona White “female” as Gov. as Homeland Security Chief…

      But there’s a catch, click below for “the catch”……

    11. gw Says:

      Born in New York City to a mother named “Winer”. That makes her a Jew. Wikipedia says “Methodist” but she’s “Methodist” like Madeleine Albright is an “Episcopalian.”

      Or like Madeline Murray was atheist (and prior to that, Presbyterian).

    12. Andrei Yustschinsky Says:

      AP NEWS BRIEF….Guantanamo Bay “Detainment” Camp to Reopen by Spring

      Thursday, July 4, 2011

      by Andrei Yustschinsky, PHS (Professional Holoco$t Survivor)

      More then two years ago on May 6th 2009, the U.S. Homeland Security Chief Janet Napolitano gave the order for all detainees to be removed from the Guantanamo Bay “Detainment” Camp in Cuba and transfered to The Administrative Maximum (ADX) facility in Florence, Colorado. Last week on June 29th, the U.S. Homeland Security Chief Janet Napolitano gave the order (with the blessing of President B. H. Obama) to reopen the facilities as a “temporary holding facilitiy” for suspects who allegededly commited hate crime offences (gay bashings & jack-rolling) against gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgendered Indiviguals. The “Detainment” Camp should be up and running by next April.

    13. ZipZap McGee Says:

      @gw said: “Or like Madeline Murray was atheist (and prior to that, Presbyterian).”

      Huh. I’m not following you on this one. Napolitano is RACIALLY A JEW. Therefore she has membership in (and exercises full privileges thereof) the ETHNIC mafia known as “the Jewish people”.

      Has nothing to do with real or professed theology. She could change her stated religious affiliation *weekly* and she would still be a member of the ethnic mafia. There’s a “crypto” on every street corner. Judaism is not “theologically base”, it is tribal law religionized.

      [N.B. Hank Paulson *has* to be another crypto. He claims to be a Christian Scientist but steals and lies unblinkingly like a Jew. ]

    14. gw Says:

      ZipZap McGee Says: “Or like Madeline Murray was atheist (and prior to that, Presbyterian).”
      Huh. I’m not following you on this one. Napolitano is RACIALLY A JEW. Therefore she has membership in (and exercises full privileges thereof) the ETHNIC mafia known as “the Jewish people”. She could change her stated religious affiliation *weekly* and she would still be a member of the ethnic mafia.

      Exactly! And so was Murray. She once mentioned that she grew up in a family that was Presbyterian on Sundays only. Jewish the rest. That whole topic was covered here in considerable detail perhaps a couple of years ago, as I recall.

      It wasn’t even necessary to know that much to figure out from her entire behavior that she was Jewish — loud, pushy, vulgar, quarrelsome, rude, foul-mouthed in the extreme, and intensely avaricous (which ultimately did her in, as she was murdered for the millions she had accumulated).

      As for shifting “religions” according to convenience, it’s the same story with so many others. One could go on and on.

      We’re on the same page here. Sorry I didn’t make myself clearer. Glad you asked.

    15. gw Says:

      “There’s a “crypto” on every street corner. Judaism is not “theologically based”; it is tribal law religionized.
      [N.B. Hank Paulson *has* to be another crypto. He claims to be a Christian Scientist but steals and lies unblinkingly like a Jew. ]”

      “Cryptos” are everywhere, posing as what they’re not. They’ve had a long history of it — they’ve done it for centuries.

      Even in the Middle Ages, at a time when Jews were banned in England and Scandinavia, they existed there, posing as Christians. And then Catholic or Protestant, according to what was more favorable at a given time. The big mistake, back then, was to identify people by religion, failing to consider ethnicity.

      Thus, depending on the time or the place, and whichever choice is more advantageous, they are sometimes a religion, sometimes a nationality, sometimes just a club like a fraternity. Nailing them down is like nailing down a blob of jelly.

      We’re told that Jews constitute only 2.5% of the population. But those would be only self-identified or religiously practising Jews. I’m convinced that if the true total were known, it would be at least several times that high. Maybe many times. I’m sure we’d all be amazed.

    16. ZipZap McGee Says:

      Madalyn Murray O’Hair maybe was demonstrating a subtle Jewish tactic: On a battlefield if you’re surrounded by enemy (or Christians) then you dig yourself in and ask bombers/artillery to just level the place. It’s referred to as “calling down fire on your own position.” Of course, anything *above* ground gets obliterated. Since you’re dug in, you’re more likely to survive.

      So when Jews “attack religion”, they’re really calling down fire on ABOVE GROUND religion — Christianity. The Jews, in their underground world of lairs and networks aren’t affected. So their “atheism” or “civil libertarianism” is just affectation: They say they’re attacking “religious oppression” — but they’re maneuvering the heavy government artillery to take out Christianity while they hide behind their disguises.

    17. Andrei Yustschinsky Says:

      I don’t know if Madalyn Murray was a Jewess or not but i will say one thing, whether or not Janet Napolitano is a Jewess, i don’t know but she is most definitely a lesbian. Clinton had his Janet Reno as the AG, now Obongo will have his Janet Napolitano as the Homeland Security chief….Listen to a 1965 interview with the Jewish talk radio show host the late Jerry Williams interviewing Madalyn Murray….

    18. Marwinsing Says:


    19. Andrei Yustschinsky Says:

      Only one day & they already have a cartoon up with the house-negro, the kike & the dyke…

    20. Matt Home Says:

      NIGGER Obama.