27 November, 2008

Movie About Harvey Milk

Posted by Socrates in Big Fag, homosexual themes, jewed culture, queers, Socrates at 7:25 pm | Permanent Link

The Jewish, homosexual politician Harvey Milk has become a legend of sorts. Why? Good question. Maybe it’s because the queer lobby 1) has lots of political power; 2) is 90% Jewish:


  • 9 Responses to “Movie About Harvey Milk”

    1. Chris Says:

      I read an article on MSN about this milk character and it stated that he was killed for being a homo. I decided to look into his story a little bit and found out that he was actually killed by a pissed off rival politician.

      looks like hollywood and the media (is there any real difference?) is going to be churning out the fagitprop since they got the prop 8 slapped down here in California. I dont understand their concern tough, the state courts will just rule against the vote like they did with the previous prop 22.

    2. Zarathustra Says:

      Dan White was probably the last decent guy in SF politics. He’s the hero of this story, not Milk or Moscone.

      I understand NYC has a public High School named in “honor” of Milk. It’s for queer students only and it’s been a catastrophe. Too bad the “9/11ers” didn’t have a few more jets at their disposal that day.

    3. B.C Says:

      I will guess what happened. Milk, as all Jewish homos do, grabbed the ass of White BECAUSE White was a decent guy. White complained to the mayor and the mayor laughed at him. White let it go but in his conflicts with Milk and Moscone they brought it up again and again with smirks. That is what San Francisco Gays do. They grab straights and then reference it over and over again one way or another. So White snapped and shot them both. Now they are making these two gays sad little Martyrs for the Gay cause. The San Francisco police let White have ice cream in jail and all the other petty privileges that the San Francisco papers hated because the police knew the real story. Didn’t change the murder charge but the cops had sympathy on some level for White.

    4. B.C Says:

      I will guess what happened. Milk, as all Jewish homos do, grabbed the ass of White BECAUSE White was a decent guy. White complained to the mayor and the mayor laughed at him. White let it go but in his conflicts with Milk and Moscone they brought it up again and again with smirks. That is what San Francisco Gays do. They grab straights and then reference it over and over again one way or another. So White snapped and shot them both. Now they are making these two gays sad little Martyrs for the Gay cause. The San Francisco police let White have ice cream in jail and all the other petty privileges that the San Francisco papers hated because the police knew the real story. Didn’t change the murder charge but the cops had sympathy on some level for White.

    5. Zarathustra Says:

      BC, I think you are totally correct. That’s how fags (along with Blacks and Jews) behave when they are in a position of power, ie, they lord it over straight, normal guys like White. Like you say, he probably got fed up with being discriminated against and passed over for promotions, whispered about, that sort of thing. But the queers, like the Jews, need “martyrs” for their victimization mythologies.

    6. B.C Says:

      Agree Zarathustra. Right.

    7. xeres Says:

      Sean Penn’s father Leo Penn was a marxist jewish agitator working as a Hollywood movie director in the 1950’s and 60’s. These bums all flock together. Thank God for the internet or we would be tea totally sitting in the dark knowing little or nothing about these conspirators.

    8. Lawless Says:

      Most big movie stars who are jews are half jews like Penn and Harrison Ford. Much as the jew media would like gentiles to worship pure blooded jews as heroes it very rarely happens. The jews are just too ugly and weird.

    9. Doug Says:

      Isn’t it getting to be a joke now? This movie MILK is getting some “oscar buzz” in the media. First Brokeback Mountain, now this. A documentary on the goatse man could win in 2009. 2010 winner will be a heart-warming film about the dead fag who was sodomized to death by a horse. They are really pushing it.