16 November, 2008

Hollywood Business Practices

Posted by Socrates in Hollywood, jewed culture, Socrates at 9:51 pm | Permanent Link

Interesting, considering who runs Tinseltown:

[Question and Answer].

  • 21 Responses to “Hollywood Business Practices”

    1. tim spa Says:

      I agree with it all (fuck the Jews)

    2. shabbos s. shabazz Says:

      Baruch Obama, his backing:


    3. shabbos s. shabazz Says:

      Here, video (yideo) wherein Obama says Barak is same as jewish Baruch (as in Bernard Baruch, philospher Baruch Spinoza)


      Googling obama baruch, note the large number of entries:


    4. Zarathustra Says:

      Barack, Baruch…….coincidence, perhaps? Perhaps not.

      I remember reading the National Alliance’s late 1990s version of this article about 10 years ago. The information it contained, along with the enclosed photos of those Jew media bosses with their evil clown-faces, helped make me into a rabid anti-Kike revolutionary. Thanks for helping to open my eyes, Dr. Pierce. Time has not mellowed my beliefs and never will!!

    5. Zarathustra Says:

      F&CK YOU, Arizon Star. Anything else you need to know about me so I can post a single brief message? My blood type? Mother’s maiden name? Checking account number? To hell with your Jewspaper, you liberal creeps.

    6. Susan Says:

      I know how you feel Z. That’s the reason I won’t sign up at the Atlanta Journal to comment or get articles not otherwise available.

    7. Frank Degrassi Says:

      As any good or…bad politician looking for votes I’m sure that he could eventually find himself some Chinese, Indian, Russian or Fidjian roots. Of course it’s much more important to please the jewish minority (?) first. That’s where the money is, isn’t it?

    8. Z.O.G. Says:

      “Barack” is the Arabic equivalent of the Hebrew word “Baruch.”

      Hebrew and Arabic share many words that are almost identical in spelling and pronunciation, being that they are both Semitic languages and are cognate with each other.

    9. Zarathustra Says:

      I didn’t know that Barack was an A-rab name, but it makes sense, seeing how Arab North Africa overlaps somewhat with Black Central Africa. What interests me is that many Jews have the surname Khan, which is also a Mongolian name, ie, Genghis Khan. Is there a connection?

    10. gw Says:

      “many Jews have the surname Khan, which is also a Mongolian name, ie, Genghis Khan. Is there a connection?”

      No. No connection at all. The Jewish name is a variant of Cohen. It comes from “kohein,” the Hebrew word for a priest. It was a priestly name. It has a great many possible variants: Kahan, Kahane, Kane, Cain, Kohn, Cahn, Cohan Cowan…. and many, many more — even Caen (as in the journalist Herb Caen) which is actually the name of an old Norman city in France. However, some of those mentioned above (eg. Kane, Cohan, Cowan) are usually gentile names, so they can overlap. Actually, there are only two surnames which are genuinely Jewish: Levi and Cohen.

      The human mouth is only capable of making so many sounds, so that’s why there are inevitably so many words with multiple meanings. Same with names.

    11. gw Says:

      “I didn’t know that Barack was an A-rab name”

      It’s certainly bizarre, considering that the Arabs never had any presence in that country at all (western Kenya – Luo country). It wasn’t even explored until late in the 1800’s.

      But Arab slave raiders , operating out of Mombassa and Zanzibar, had conducted slave raids inland for centuries, “mining” the human resources, so to speak. They only saw the Negroes as sources of labor, beasts of burden that could be trained to do work, nothing more.

      Now, those blacks’ descendents are adopting the Arabs’ religion, which had taught that they were worthless “abidim”! What does that tell you about their brainpower?

    12. PizzaMan Says:

      Susan Says:

      17 November, 2008 at 6:00 am

      I know how you feel Z. That’s the reason I won’t sign up at the Atlanta Journal to comment or get articles not otherwise available.

      Zarathustra Says:

      17 November, 2008 at 12:54 am

      F&CK YOU, Arizon Star. Anything else you need to know about me so I can post a single brief message? My blood type? Mother’s maiden name? Checking account number? To hell with your Jewspaper, you liberal creeps.

      You are BOTH living in dreamland! I’ve posted at least 10 times here and NONE have made it to fruition?!?!? talk about NO GUTS unless you’re on the home team!!

      you guys are missing the point!!

    13. Z.O.G. Says:

      Brainpower? What brainpower?


    14. Zarathustra Says:

      You’re right, gw (as usual), but I think Islam is a better religion for Negroes than Christianity, which was the religion of the White slaveowner. Too bad most Negroes don’t have the discipline to become members of the Nation of Islam. Those guys are Jew-wise and they don’t tolerate any stupid Nigger behavior from their male adherents.

      You’re also right about the limitations of the human speech mechanism causing people in unrelated cultures to develop similar-sounding words or names. For example, it’s just a coincidence that there is town in Japan called Obama. Or the Chinese name Ho Lee Fuk, which roughly translates as Happy Magic Fungus-Rainbows in the Chink language.

    15. sgruber Says:

      Jews are parasites. They will seek out a creative Aryan and steal his project and ideas.

      Hollywood jews are no different. For example, Louis B. Mayer started as a theatre-owner who stole his fortune by skimming the receipts from D.W. Griffith’s “The Birth of a Nation.” That’s where he got the money to start his studio.

      Hollywood itself was created by jews who stole Edison’s patent. Edison was the Aryan who created the technology of motion pictures. The thieving jews (…but that’s redundant…) went all the way to California primarily to put distance between themselves and Edison’s men.

      Jews are parasites…and parasites must be exterminated.

      Death to the jews.

    16. gw Says:

      “Hollywood itself was created by jews who stole Edison’s patent. Edison was the Aryan who created the technology of motion pictures. The thieving jews (…but that’s redundant…) went all the way to California primarily to put distance between themselves and Edison’s men.”/

      Very interesting.

      The Germans were also very prominent in the development of photography. Especially prior to WW 1. Berlin was a thriving center of the film industry. It’s been a long time since I read it, and I can’t remember where, but WW 1 allowed Germany to be stripped of its patents and talent. After the war was over, the USA had replaced Germany as the new center of the world’s young and growing movie industry. From then on, it was Hollywood that made the movies, not Berlin. This was to have momentous results, as we all know…. including gearing us up for WW phase #2.

    17. Zarathustra Says:

      The Jews did not invent the movable type printing press, the motion picture camera or broadcast technology, yet they control all of those mediums. It’s an Asiatic trait, to copy or control what Occidentals invent and then make huge profits from it. Jews are just really clever mimics who nver actually invented anything of substance, save the atomic bomb.

    18. Zarathustra Says:

      BTW, the first movie about the sinking of the Titanic was done in Germany in 1912 or 13.

    19. gw Says:

      Zarathustra Says:
      “The Jews did not invent the movable type printing press, the motion picture camera or broadcast technology, yet they control all of those mediums.”

      I had always believed (as many do) that Isaac Singer invented the sewing machine. Not so! A while ago I looked it up. It seems that several others had been there first. He simply gathered up the various patents, put them together, did some legal litigation, and got control of the fledgling industry, from which he amassed a vast fortune. And took the credit.

      Interestingly, also, he was a bigamist with several families going all at once, each wife unknown to the other. When one of them finally found out and moved to prosecute, he fled the USA in the nick of time, a fugitive from the law, and spent the rest of his life living in luxury on a grand estate that he built in England.

      One of his daughters (by his 2nd wife), Winaretta Singer, became (by marriage) the “Princesse de Polignac”. She was the 18th of at least 20 known children of Isaac. She established a renowned salon in Paris, in a magnificent mansion, and was notorious for her scandalous social life. Her brother, Paris Singer, was a lover of Isadora Duncan and developer of Palm Beach, Florida.

      “Winnaretta de Polignac is described to have had few physical charms, though generally she was considered to have a formidable character. Despite rumors and gossip about her personal life, her powerful social status and great wealth, as well as her inscrutability, allowed her to rise above social slings and arrows.”

    20. Zarathustra Says:

      The problem with Hitler, Himmler and Eichmann was that they were far, far too kind to the Jews. We must not make that mistake again.

    21. Zarathustra Says:

      Lang was running away from the rough justice that awaited him and his kind.

      “We” refers to all racially-concious Whites. It does not refer to any special authority that you accuse me of thinking I possess. There may also be a little irony in my above posting, but you are obviously irony deficient.