26 November, 2008

China: Rock CD All Wong, All Wong

Posted by Socrates in China, communism, jewed culture, jewed politics, judeo-communism, Marxism, rock music, Socrates at 2:04 pm | Permanent Link

Chinks who practice an oppressive, Jewish ideology are pissed about the new Guns N’ Roses CD:


  • 18 Responses to “China: Rock CD All Wong, All Wong”

    1. JewTracer Says:

      As someone on Storm(Jew)front said, GnR should really do an album entitled ZOG Democracy. See how right-on and anti-System they are then.

    2. Mark Says:

      “… unidentified Chinese internet users had described the album as part of a plot by some in the West to “grasp and control the world using democracy as a pawn”.”

      Sounds like they got it right. Now they just have to add Jews to the topic of conversation.

      At least they’re aware that music and other media are used to influence and control people. Most whites just go blissfully unaware through life thinking it’s all fun and games while our nation decays.

    3. Zarathustra Says:

      Well, I like the fact that Axl Rose recorded a few of Manson’s songs. But GnR is not known for its cerebral political commentary. Best leave that to Rage Against the Machine.

      I have mixed feelings about the Chink regime in Peking. I don’t like seeing people oppressed, even if they are only zipperheads. However, the Peking regime deserves lots of praise for keeping the Chink population under control. Thanks to their one-Chink policy, about 200-300 million Chinks have either never been born or conceived. That’s GREAT NEWS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      The biggest problem I have by far with the Orientals is their brutal mistreatment of cats and dogs, not so much the brutal mistreatment of their yellow people.

    4. Terrorsaurus Says:

      I wonder if there would be any controversy had Axl named the album ‘American Communism’.

    5. JewTracer Says:

      “But GnR is not known for its cerebral political commentary. Best leave that to Rage Against the Machine.”

      The only problem with RATM is that they are leftist.

    6. Helmut Says:

      There’s no great news as far as Chinks are concerned. They are the vermin that are here in massive droves and more coming each day AND they’re the very creatures that will gnaw our bones bleached white clean.

    7. RadicalTraditionalist Says:

      Rage Against The Machine are outright communists, and spew all out hatred towards white civilization.

    8. S.U.N. Says:

      So what? GnR is just a rockin’ band, but at least they haven’t appeased like the kike house has done to the bosses of Peking.

      RATM are a bunch of hypocrites, especially zack de la rocha and tom morello. If they love so much the liberty of commie countries they should have packed long ago.

    9. Krystian K. Kowalczyk Says:

      As Varg Vikernes pointed out, to follow an ideology created by Jews is to do the Jewish dirty work for them. With the added bonus that it also blinds the follower to all but one way. The hysterical convert then becomes a Jew-agenda automaton until he either wakes up or dies.

      The Jews have this mind-control phenomenon down to a bloody art form. They have to. They can’t actually DO anything of value.

    10. Krystian K. Kowalczyk Says:

      The Chinamen ought to worship us. Without our “compassionate” and “democratic” intervention (i.e. our elites shipping our industry across the sea for personal gain), they’d still be a Maoist third world shithole. Even now they are only a step away from that.

    11. Cpt. Candor Says:

      China hasn’t been Communist since 1976 and currently constitutes a racially-healthier state than any one of the pitiful dumping grounds for humanoid refuse that are still called “Western.”

      The album title reminds me of a piece I saw on the Holocaust Channel a few years ago before I decided to junk the TV. Some silly female was going on about the “heroic idealism” or similar of one of the Tiananmen students who wanted China to become as much of a political laughingstock as the Jew-Ess-Aye, because he said “I don’t know what Democracy is, but I know that we need more of it.”

      That’s right, kids. If you don’t know what something is, be like Ping-Pong over here and put it in your mouth!

    12. JewTracer Says:

      “RATM are a bunch of hypocrites, especially zack de la rocha and tom morello. If they love so much the liberty of commie countries they should have packed long ago.”

      The USA is Commie too you know, on many important fronts at least. Also, Communism is a state of mind, to support it you dont just go to a Commie country, you promote Commie ideas in your homeland.

    13. Socrates Says:

      Cpt. Candor Says: “China hasn’t been Communist since 1976 and currently constitutes a racially-healthier state than any one of the pitiful dumping grounds for humanoid refuse that are still called “Western.””

      China is still a communist country and will be until the communist party gives up its rule. The article mentions the Chinese communist party.

      I previously noted China’s moderate political reforms. Yes, they now sell goods.

      Granted, China does have a nationalist side. The Chinese are racially aware, unlike most Westerners.

    14. shabbos s. shabazz Says:

      Considering recent scandals, chinese goods could be called “badz.”

    15. Cpt. Candor Says:

      Okay Socrates, they’re not Maoist anymore. Either way, their system is more honest than the Jew-Ess-Aye’s, having One Party that uses just One Name.

    16. Zarathustra Says:

      I would just like to point out that there has never been any such thing as a “communist” country! What Red China has is a centralized, authoritarian form of socialism. Terrible Tommy calls it state-controlled capitalism. Communism cannot be practiced anywhere except in communes. Hence the name.

    17. Socrates Says:

      Zarathustra Says: “I would just like to point out that there has never been any such thing as a “communist” country! What Red China has is a centralized, authoritarian form of socialism. Terrible Tommy calls it state-controlled capitalism. Communism cannot be practiced anywhere except in communes. Hence the name.”

      That’s technically correct. According to the idiots, “true communism” doesn’t occur until the state “withers away.” But states don’t wither away. There’s the problem. Communism is Jewish bullshit.

    18. John Says:

      Good for the Chinks, Guns N’ Roses are just more jew poison that China doesnt need.