28 November, 2008


Posted by Socrates in art, Socrates, White art/architecture, white nationalism at 9:26 pm | Permanent Link

Many people in the WN community like Caravaggio, including Alex:

[Online Art Gallery].

  • 8 Responses to “Caravaggio”

    1. Stronza Says:

      Yes, me too. I saw The Lute Player (hanging in The Hermitage). It is quite an experience to be in the presence of the works of a great artist. Kind of leaves you speechless.

      If I remember right, they say that Caravaggio was queer.

    2. Zarathustra Says:

      Caravaggio was a master of painting dramatic contrasts between light and shadow. But I don’t think he was a Baroque painter. He was more of a late Renaissance type guy.

      Velasquez is one of my favorites, too. The portraits and watercolors of John Singer Sargent also impress me deeply. Can you imagine a Lucien Freud or Lee Krasner painting anything of comparable beauty?

      As part of the never-ending Holohoax RACKET, the Jews are still whining that they haven’t gotten all “their” valuable paintings back from Hermann Goering’s garage. I guess every valuable, priceless painting in Europe belongs to the Jews? Behold the forever grasping, scheming, covetous JEW.

    3. Zarathustra Says:

      I think it was Michaelangelo who was light in the loafers. But hey, great art is great art.

    4. Antagonistes Says:

      This guy sounds like a swashbuckler.

    5. Marwinsing Says:

      Ah! – too good Socrates, too good. And art’s NOT for sissies, although idiots and backward fools may think so. His “Judith Beheading Holofernes” first grabbed my attention, ol’ Holofernes he looks like a youngish Dubya, but with a beard. And as for Judith, ain’t she just sexy and gorgeous, a real femme fatale eh? Yum-yum. Keep the white art links a-flyin’ man!

    6. Stronza Says:

      “Judith was a Jewish widow of noble rank in Bethulia, a town besieged by the army of the Assyrian general Holofernes. She approached his tent as an emissary and captivated him with her beauty. He ordered a feast with much wine. After he passed out in his tent, Judith and her maid Abra saw their opportunity. Judith decapitated Holofernes with his sword and smuggled his head back to Bethulia. On seeing her trophy, the townsfolk routed the leaderless Assyrians. The story is an allegory picturing Judith as Judaism in triumph over its pagan enemy.”

      I found this somewhere by googling.

      See what happens when white guys get drunk and try to seduce the wrong woman. I mean really wrong, allegory or not.

    7. Marwinsing Says:

      That’s quite scary Stronza. Come to think of it, it can happen. Imagine stumbling out of some seedy nightclub on a lonely Saturday night, it’s pissing with rain and you’re full of double malt when as a good White Nationalist you shouldn’t have been, your blurred thoughts trying desparately to warn you of some imminent but not quite as yet recognizable danger and whilst you attempt to focus on the gloomy shadow leering ahead where you thought you’d parked the car it turns out to be Sarah Bernhard brandishing a 24-inch Saudi blade? Yikes.

    8. Zarathustra Says:

      There are plenty of “Judiths” in the Mossad. Believe it or not, some Israeli women are beautiful and their beauty is used by the Mossad as a lure to ensnare Israel’s enemies. Mordechai Vannunu comes most readily to mind.

      Sarah Bernhard? With the Mick Jagger lips? Yikes!