19 November, 2008

Canada: Speech Police on the Prowl

Posted by Socrates in Canada, communism, Cuba, Cultural Marxism, dispossession & destruction, Frankfurt School, free speech, Marxism, Max Horkheimer, Socrates at 10:01 pm | Permanent Link

Cuban-style conversation monitoring at a major university [1]:


[1] the roots of Cultural Marxism are, of course, Jewish, i.e., Karl Marx, Georg Lukacs, Max Horkheimer and the Frankfurt School group, etc.

  • 9 Responses to “Canada: Speech Police on the Prowl”

    1. jim donaldson Says:

      Shades of Chairman Mao!

    2. The Red Skull Says:

      Good Greif!The words “anal-retentive” come to mind.Those poor bastards up north are really getting “the treatment” aren’t they.Canada is a Canary in the coalmine for where the globalists and jews would like to take the US.Too bad that pesky constitution keeps getting in the way,with its freedom of speech and gun rights and all.After Canada is over-run with mud people,will we still be able to call it the “Great White North”?How long before the thought-police determine that term is “racist” and “non-inclusive”.The Canadian ZOG must be real happy about now.

    3. DMS Says:

      No doubt Hillel will provide the pool from which “student facilitators” are drawn. Whites on campus should refer to them openly as “political officers” or “Stasi”.

    4. Jugurtha Says:

      Man,that is so gay !

    5. Zarathustra Says:

      Actually, no real college student ought to use phrases like “that’s so gay” or “that’s wicked retarded” anyway. They’re in college, for chrissakes! Can’t they elevate the level of their discourse? There was a time when college students were expected to be fluent in classical Greek and Latin. Now “college students” talk like any uneducated boor. Everything has become watered down to the point of absurdity, including and especially a colllege education.

    6. gw Says:

      “There was a time when college students were expected to be fluent in classical Greek and Latin. Now “college students” talk like any uneducated boor. Everything has become watered down to the point of absurdity, including and especially a colllege education.”

      They may be proficient in Queer Theory, Womens’ Studies, Civil Rights History, or Blackonomics; but otherwise they’re slovenly, inarticulate morons.
      A college “education” now means a college indoctrination.

    7. Dagon Says:

      I agree with Zarathustra and GW – why use “gay” and “retard” as epithets anyway? Not that I’m against their use from the PC angle, but Z-man and GW I think those in college should be more literate and thus more creative in their speech. Sadly, I know from personal experience – several years in college as both a student and an instructor – that for all too many students loquaciouness or even proper language usage, is often not the case.

    8. xerexs Says:

      The communist model was arrest, confession and re-education if they wanted you to live. These Canuck marxists need to be arrested, stripped of their possessions and sent to re-education camps. There is no other way.

    9. gw Says:

      “These Canuck marxists need to be arrested, stripped of their possessions and sent to re-education camps. There is no other way”

      Unfortunately, they would like to do the same to you. And at the present, they’re in a much better position to be able to do so.