24 November, 2008

Audio Interview: Dr. Kevin MacDonald

Posted by Socrates in Kevin MacDonald, Socrates, White future, White identity at 4:31 pm | Permanent Link

An interview on Radio Free Mississippi:

(an mp3 audio file): [Here].

Dr. MacDonald’s blog is [Here]. His website is [Here].

  • 4 Responses to “Audio Interview: Dr. Kevin MacDonald”

    1. anonymous Says:

      The obvious conclusion one must draw from MacDonald’s research is that it’s not in the best interest of host populations to maintain a population of jews. But MacDonald seems to want to emphasize too much that “it’s not all jews….” “most or many jews don’t even know about the jew agenda…” blah blah blah.

      Thats not the point, this is: it doesn’t matter how many and what ratio the breakdown of “bad” jew “good” jew ( is there such a thing? ) is. If you allow jews, any jews, to live within your nation, then you’re going to have a problem with the jew agenda. It’s as simple as that. MacDonald needs to add that to his qualitifications about “it’s not all jews…”


      “while it’s not all jews….and while many jews don’t even know about the jew agenda and are not active in promoting it… nevetheless history has shown that if you have a population of jews, you have a problem with the jew agenda.”

      MacDonald is not willing to come out and say, “based on my research, it is my professional opinion that prohibition of jews should be public policy for any majority population.”

    2. Charles Martel Says:

      A much more passionate interview that that from that idiot on the “voice of nonsense” network made me want to vomit.

      No kudos towards their idiocy. VNN is still the main source of information, hands down.

      When you promote raging xtianites of the flavor of John Hagee from RNB (Shaenky) you are not exactly working in our “interests”. You can believe that all you want. I will not. Ever.

      I mean the guy has stated mutiple times he is out for himself. Yet we are supposed to take this guy in? BULLSHIT!!!!!!

    3. Arch Stanton Says:

      A thoroughly refreshing interview. I don’t care what is said about these two and their views, after years of listening to mainstream media blather about mindless trivia, Aaliyah to UFOs, I find it refreshing to hear civil discourse about some genuinely concrete issues that concern whites and their countries. Can you imagine a politician or any civic leader taking on these subjects or asking these types of questions? Will the white race survive? Are there any good jews? Personally I believe there are good jews, there are wonderful jews, and they all belong in Israel sans any US or foreign aid. Remember what those sensible Nazi guys thought about self sufficient labor – Ehrenwert arbeit macht frie! And who among you would deny the jews the freedom to work at their own labor in their own country free of any external influence or encumbrances – like say any foreign contact? Me thinks Mr. Giles has a bit more under the bonnet than he openly admits.

    4. gw Says:

      MacDonald is not willing to come out and say, “based on my research, it is my professional opinion that prohibition of jews should be public policy for any majority population.”

      I suppose he’s leaving it to us to come to our own conclusions. He shouldn’t have to do our thinking for us.

      I find it refreshing to hear civil discourse about some genuinely concrete issues that concern whites and their countries

      Yes, it is.