9 November, 2008

Art These Days

Posted by Socrates in art, jewed art, jewed culture, Socrates at 3:06 pm | Permanent Link

A turd on a wall looks gross regardless of how you hang it, and Jewish “artist” Rothko knew that – why do you think he offed himself?


More about Jews and art: [Here].

  • 18 Responses to “Art These Days”

    1. Zarathustra Says:

      Richard Wagner was right, the Jew has no artistic soul. But Wagner’s friend Felix Mendelsohn was a pretty good composer just the same. Probably because Mendelsohn was raised as a Gentile who was taught to respect Germanic culture. It is to Mendelsohn’s everlasting credit that he re-introduced the music of JS Bach to the world. I guess the exception proves the rule.

      Coincedentally (?), many “modern artists” have Jewish names, like Pollack, Freud, Chagall and Rothko. I would characterize their work as anti-art, or Entartete Kunst!

    2. Z.O.G. Says:

      Might we even call it “degenerate art?”


    3. old_dutch Says:

      You gotta hand it to the jews, they have the majority of the art business under their control too.

      And if you want classic fine art, the jews will sell that to you too.

    4. Doug Says:

      One art idea I thought would perfectly portray the shittiness of modern art would be a 3D frame that curves all the way down to the floor and becomes a functional litter box for a cat. The art would be a [jew] Franz Kline masterpiece, and the cat would be shown to be a double back-leg amputee.

    5. Doug Says:

      Another one could show a Jackson Pollock extend down to a litter box with a cat sculpture in the litter box, then a transparent half-full bottle of laxative, and a mix of liquid and cat food in a dish just in front of the litter box.

    6. Terrorsaurus Says:

      Make sure the cat is mangled and has its eyes and tongue torn out.

      And then add the smell of sh!t and decaying fish flesh (with hidden sh!t and fish flesh) to the piece for the Jewish magnum opus.

    7. One Of 55 Million Says:

      Modern art is the evacuation of a diseased mind-colon. If you want a read you can finish in an evening that thoroughly skewers the world of modern art, I suggest getting a hold of a copy of Tom Wolfe’s “The Painted Word”. Hilarious dressing-down of the whole NY modern “art” scene. Even “scenies” that I know (and knew) loved it.

    8. Zarathustra Says:

      I think Andy Warhol said art is whatever you can get away with. Actually, the suggestion of using decaying fish-flesh in a work of modern “art” has been done. A sublime, breath-taking masterpiece, worthy of a Florentine Master, features an aquarium tank with a decaying dead shark carcasse floating inside it, recently sold for about 13 million bucks. Anyone with that kind of money to spend on a dead shark should be sealed up inside that tank with the damn shark.

    9. gw Says:

      “I think Andy Warhol said art is whatever you can get away with.”

      Very good! In other words, art is whatever someone will pay for.
      Or, still better said, (modern) art is The Emperor’s Clothes.

    10. Ernst Blofeld Says:

      Just like the Federal Reserve, the jews have discovered that controlling the art world is just like having a printing press for money. They can overnight create a sensation by featuring an artist’s work(preferably a fellow tribesman) in one of their exclusive galleries. Jewish collectors snatch up the work while Jew critics in Jew papers get the hype machine going full steam. Then the Jews who sit on the board of directors to all the major museums donate or get the museum to buy a piece by latest Jew genius and VOILA!
      The artist becomes part of the canon of 21st Century masters.
      This is exactly what happened with jews like Julian Schnabel and more recently Damien Hirst.
      Jew advertising millionaire and art collector Charles Saatchi bought all of Jew Hirst’s work then hyped it beyond belief. Soon enough every other top collector and museum had to have a Hirst too.
      The reputation of none of these “artists” has been dependent upon the consensus of their peers.
      It’s a two fold scam, a way to give incredible value to valueless objects while simaltaneously wrecking the culture and undermining our concept of beauty.

    11. Terrorsaurus Says:

      I wonder if they’ll ever figure out the conundrum.

      Should to two blotchy red rectangles be displayed vertically…or horizontally?

    12. Z.O.G. Says:


    13. Cpt. Candor Says:

      I remember my father taking me to art museums when I was younger, as we both had a strong admiration of classical paintings and sculptures, and whenever we got to the Modern Art section we always chuckled. The other patrons might have been able to see something “meaningful” in it (whether or not shrooms were involved is debatable), but all we ever saw was crap that the average grammar school student could equal or do better than.

      Now, of course, these freaks have taken over the architecture realm as well, and so cities all over the world are now becoming blessed with abstract, absurd, and often downright ugly metallic-glass edifices, many of which complement the surrounding urban structure much in the same way that Joseph Merrick’s deformity complemented his overall appearance.

    14. Zarathustra Says:

      Cpt. Candor, just look at the shitty propsals for the new World Trade Center that were submitted by the Jew “architect” David Leibeskind. A tall glass hypodermic needle tower with little windmills on it and some ugly glass towers next to it with slanty roofs. Ugh! Where did the Port Authority find this creep?

      And of course, they had to commission another Hebe to design the WTC Memorial, which looks like a giant, abstract graveyard. The Jew has no talent for anything sublime.

    15. Zarathustra Says:

      No talent for anything sublime or beautiful, that is.

    16. Doug Says:

      There are few things as obvious to the average lemming as the modern art scam. They know something is fishy about it, they just don’t know it’s GEFILTE fishy. They see the same rusty ugly sculptures in public, and the chaotic paintings and they don’t like it any more than we do. This is a great issue to drive the point home of jewish domination of our culture and political system. The jew architects like Libeskind and Gehry are a recent advance of this corruption into the more tangible, long-term.

    17. shabbos s. shabazz Says:

      Here, Gehry on the Simpsons, AOL video:


    18. gw Says:

      “No talent for anything sublime or beautiful, that is.”

      Just money. They can turn anything into money.
      A Semite can squeeze blood out of a stone.

      In fact, having mentioned that, I recall reading quite recently of some slick operators in Israel who had taken a load of stones – just rocks – allegedly from Bethlehem [but who knows?], had them framed, and were selling them to gullible goys for about $300. Mere rocks!!!

      Talk about turning water into wine, or dross into gold (a typically Jewish notion)! Yes, they can take a pile of rocks and turn it into money.