31 October, 2008

What First Amendment?

Posted by Socrates in free speech, Klan, Socrates, White campaigns, white nationalism at 4:06 pm | Permanent Link

The Klan fliers are legal, but police are investigating anyway:


  • 11 Responses to “What First Amendment?”

    1. M. Kraus Says:

      I think that whole “We’re investigating this” routine is just for PR purposes. They could not care less about someone distributing fliers legally.

    2. Shamus Says:

      Intimidation tactic. They are trying to give the impression that there is something illegal about distributing pro-White fliers, even though as long as the fliers are not threatening anyone it is perfectly legal. The average lemming will watch the newscast and assume that, if he attempts the same thing, he will get into some kind of “trouble”, go up on a list of some sort, or that bad things will happen to him. Just a little Pavlovian mind control, nothing more. “We’re investigating”, sounds scary to the average Kwan, who will then be less willing to get involved with “hate groups” that support “White supremacy”.

    3. Arch Stanton Says:

      Unlike Lt. B.J. Gruber, I don’t understand the “fear” part. (Wasn’t Lt. Gruber a character on McHale’s Navy? Is the Marion police department some sort of comedy show?) Although the dire threat of returning lost rights for whites could be very scary for some, is that any reason to fear a recruitment flyer that makes such empty promises? Perhaps if the Klan avoided papering those Jewish neighborhoods it would alleviate the problem. The real problem is that the Klan cannot even scare pubescent school girls anymore let alone Negroes and Jews. One might say no teeth, no bite. However, tonight is the perfect night for those Klansmen to go about their bushiness unnoticed, consider the candy treats a bonus.

    4. gw Says:

      “Perhaps if the Klan avoided papering those Jewish neighborhoods it would alleviate the problem. “

      Yes, It serves no purpose at all. It’s like trying to sell Korans to the Pope.

    5. Zarathustra Says:

      Everyone’s impression of the Klan these days comes from the Jerry Springer Show. The hoods and burning crosses are as comical now as pot-bellied Brownshirts goose-stepping with their right arm raised. New tactics are needed.

    6. Coup d'Etat Says:

      “Perhaps if the Klan avoided papering those Jewish neighborhoods it would alleviate the problem. “

      Perhaps if the Klan wrote on the fliers excluding jews and non-Whites…then….

      The jews and the negroes would still have a hissy fit and claim discrimination. LOL! Can’t win for losing. For a stronger PR, I think the Klan should have find out the names of the house owners/dwellers and write their names on the fliers…just to add that special personal touch you know?!

      Kidding aside…when you have pea brains in our society and unfortunately growing out of control, you’ll have these emotional pin-heads screaming to the police every time a “White” thing happens or the pin-head negroes/jews get left out and scream discrimination.

      Shame on you KKK for not personally axing these pin-heads to join your organization!

    7. gw Says:

      Zara says: “The hoods and burning crosses are as comical now as pot-bellied Brownshirts goose-stepping with their right arm raised. New tactics are needed.”

      Yes. It’s now forgotten that these were real people who had ideals and beliefs, just like anyone else. They believed in what they stood for. They believed their cause was moral and right. Now, (thanks to media “celebrities” like Jerry Springer and Geraldo Rivera), they are portrayed as utterly depraved fiends, the very face of Evil.

      After a long war of incessant, massive propaganda, they have been so dragged through the slime and the mire that you will NEVER get their image scrubbed clean. No way. Not in our lifetimes anyhow. Maybe not for centuries to come, if ever.

      Not, at least, so long as we allow the same gang to operate our newsmedia, write our books, and teach our history.

    8. gw Says:

      I would hope the KKK didn’t ax any heads! — whether pinheads or not. I’m against that sort of violence. But it wouldn’t hurt just to ask them though. No harm there.

    9. Zarathustra Says:

      “Shame on you KKK for not personally axing these pin-heads to join your organization”. Do you mean “axing” in the nigger sense of the word, as in “I axed LeShawn if he wanted to rob dat muthafuggin liquor sto’.” ? Or do you mean it in the sense of literally splitting someone’s head open with an axe? I’m just axin’ a question, yo.

    10. Coup d'Etat Says:

      # gw Says:
      1 November, 2008 at 6:22 pm

      “I would hope the KKK didn’t ax any heads! — whether pinheads or not. I’m against that sort of violence. But it wouldn’t hurt just to ask them though. No harm there.”

      My last sentence was purely satire. Negroes pronounce “ask” as “ax.” Furthermore, personally asking these pin-heads would not be funny. More than likely they would have been arrested. But, you are right in your first post. The KKK has a bad wrap against their name, because back in the day most people didn’t understand what had to be done and saw the violence as going overboard. As we can see now, we have affirmative action and Title VII permeating throughout our society causing reverse discrimination, and uncontrolled immigration all created by the garbage can jews who miraculously became wealthy lawyers and wealthy media owners overnight.

    11. myhouse Says:

      I didn’t receive a flier… where can I get one.