22 October, 2008

South Africa, USA: Kwaps prepare for ‘unrest’

Posted by Stan in Alex Linder at 12:34 pm | Permanent Link

Hey White American? When was the last time police were alerted nationally to quell ‘unrest’ during a Presidential election in the good ‘ol US of A? Why would they have to now?

“Some worry that if Barack Obama loses and there is suspicion of foul play in the election, violence could ensue in cities with large black populations. Others based the need for enhanced patrols on past riots in urban areas (following professional sports events) and also on Internet rumors.”

Ah yes, Violentis Niggerus! Win or lose, the Frobama jigaboos will be on the loose. And the kwaps will be there to fan the flames.


  • 19 Responses to “South Africa, USA: Kwaps prepare for ‘unrest’”

    1. Stan Says:


      Police prepare for unrest
      By Alexander Bolton
      Posted: 10/21/08 07:58 PM [ET]
      Police departments in cities across the country are beefing up their ranks for Election Day, preparing for possible civil unrest and riots after the historic presidential contest.

      Public safety officials said in interviews with The Hill that the election, which will end with either the nation’s first black president or its first female vice president, demanded a stronger police presence.

      Some worry that if Barack Obama loses and there is suspicion of foul play in the election, violence could ensue in cities with large black populations. Others based the need for enhanced patrols on past riots in urban areas (following professional sports events) and also on Internet rumors.

      Democratic strategists and advocates for black voters say they understand officers wanting to keep the peace, but caution that excessive police presence could intimidate voters.

      Sen. Obama (Ill.), the Democratic nominee for president, has seen his lead over rival Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) grow in recent weeks, prompting speculation that there could be a violent backlash if he loses unexpectedly.

      Cities that have suffered unrest before, such as Detroit, Chicago, Oakland and Philadelphia, will have extra police deployed.

      In Oakland, the police will deploy extra units trained in riot control, as well as extra traffic police, and even put SWAT teams on standby.

      “Are we anticipating it will be a riot situation? No. But will we be prepared if it goes awry? Yes,” said Jeff Thomason, spokesman for the Oakland Police Department.

      “I think it is a big deal — you got an African-American running and [a] woman running,” he added, in reference to Obama and GOP vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin. “Whoever wins it, it will be a national event. We will have more officers on the street in anticipation that things may go south.”

      The Oakland police last faced big riots in 2003 when the Raiders lost to the Tampa Bay Buccaneers in the Super Bowl. Officials are bracing themselves in case residents of Oakland take Obama’s loss badly.

      Political observers such as Hilary Shelton and James Carville fear that record voter turnout could overload polling places on Election Day and could raise tension levels.

      Shelton, the director of the NAACP’s Washington bureau, said inadequate voting facilities is a bigger problem in poor communities with large numbers of minorities.

      “What are local election officials doing to prepare for what people think will be record turnout at the polls?” said Shelton, who added that during the 2004 election in Ohio voters in predominantly black communities had to wait in line six to eight hours to vote.

      “On Election Day, if this continues, you may have some tempers flare; we should be prepared to deal with that but do it without intimidation,” said Shelton, who added that police have to be able to maintain order at polling stations without scaring voters, especially immigrants from “police states.”

      Carville, who served as a senior political adviser to former President Bill Clinton, said that many Democrats would be very angry if Obama loses. He noted that many Democrats were upset by Sen. John Kerry’s (D-Mass.) loss to President Bush in the 2004 election, when some Democrats made allegations of vote manipulation in Ohio, the state that ultimately decided the race.

      Experts estimated that thousands of voters did not vote in Ohio because of poor preparation and long lines.
      Carville said Democratic anger in 2004 “would be very small to what would happen in 2008” if the same problems arose.

      Carville said earlier this month that “it would be very, very, very dramatic out there” if Obama lost, a statement some commentators interpreted as predicting riots. In an interview Tuesday, however, Carville said he did not explicitly predict rioting.

      “A lot of Democrats would have a great deal of angst and anger,” said Carville, who predicted that on Election Day “the voting system all around the country is going to be very stressed because there’s going to be enormous turnout.”

      Other commentators have made such bold predictions.

      “If [Obama] is elected, like with sports championships, people may go out and riot,” said Bob Parks, an online columnist and black Republican candidate for state representative in Massachusetts. “If Barack Obama loses there will be another large group of people who will assume the election was stolen from him….. This will be an opportunity for people who want to commit mischief.”

      Speculation about Election-Day violence has spread on the Internet, especially on right-wing websites.

      This has caught the attention of police departments in cities such as Cincinnati, which saw race riots in 2001 after police shot a young black man.

      “We’ve seen it on the Internet and we’ve heard that there could be civil unrest depending on the outcome of [the election,]” said Lt. Mark Briede of the Cincinnati Police Department. “We are prepared to respond in the case of some sort of unrest or some sort of incident.”

      Briede, like other police officials interviewed, declined to elaborate on plans for Election Day. Many police departments have policies prohibiting public discussion of security plans.

      James Tate, second deputy chief of Detroit’s police department, said extra manpower would be assigned to duty on Election Night. He said problems could flare whichever candidate wins.

      “Either party will make history and we want to prepare for celebrations that will be on a larger scale than for our sports teams,” Tate said.

      He noted that police had to control rioters who overturned cars after the Tigers won the 1984 World Series.

      “We’re prepared for the best-case scenario, we’re prepared for the worst-case scenario,” he said. “The worst-case scenario could be a situation that requires law enforcement.”

      But Tate declined to describe what the worst-case scenario might look like, speaking gingerly like other police officials who are wary of implying that black voters are more likely than other voting groups to cause trouble.

      Shelton, of the NAACP, said he understands the need for police to maintain order. But he is also concerned that some political partisans may point their finger at black voters as potential troublemakers because the Democratic nominee is black.

      Shelton said any racial or ethnic group would get angry if they felt disenfranchised because of voting irregularities.

      Police officials in Chicago, where Obama will hold a Nov. 4 rally, and Philadelphia are also preparing for Election Day.

      “The Chicago Police Department has been meeting regularly to coordinate our safety and security plans and will deploy our resources accordingly,” said Monique Bond, of the Chicago Police Department.

      Frank Vanore, of the Philadelphia Police Department, said officials were planning to mobilize to control exuberant or perhaps angry demonstrations after the World Series, which pits the Phillies against the Tampa Bay Rays.

      He said the boosted police activity would “spill right over to the election.”

    2. Zipzap McGee Says:


      Police prepare for unrest
      By Alexander Bolton
      Posted: 10/21/08 07:58 PM [ET]
      Police departments in cities across the country are beefing up their ranks for Election Day, preparing for possible civil unrest and riots after the historic presidential contest.

      Public safety officials said in interviews with The Hill that the election, which will end with either the nation’s first black president or its first female vice president, demanded a stronger police presence.

      Some worry that if Barack Obama loses and there is suspicion of foul play in the election, violence could ensue in cities with large black populations. Others based the need for enhanced patrols on past riots in urban areas (following professional sports events) and also on Internet rumors.

      Democratic strategists and advocates for black voters say they understand officers wanting to keep the peace, but caution that excessive police presence could intimidate voters.

      Sen. Obama (Ill.), the Democratic nominee for president, has seen his lead over rival Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) grow in recent weeks, prompting speculation that there could be a violent backlash if he loses unexpectedly.

      Cities that have suffered unrest before, such as Detroit, Chicago, Oakland and Philadelphia, will have extra police deployed.

      In Oakland, the police will deploy extra units trained in riot control, as well as extra traffic police, and even put SWAT teams on standby.

      “Are we anticipating it will be a riot situation? No. But will we be prepared if it goes awry? Yes,” said Jeff Thomason, spokesman for the Oakland Police Department.

      “I think it is a big deal — you got an African-American running and [a] woman running,” he added, in reference to Obama and GOP vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin. “Whoever wins it, it will be a national event. We will have more officers on the street in anticipation that things may go south.”

      The Oakland police last faced big riots in 2003 when the Raiders lost to the Tampa Bay Buccaneers in the Super Bowl. Officials are bracing themselves in case residents of Oakland take Obama’s loss badly.

      Political observers such as Hilary Shelton and James Carville fear that record voter turnout could overload polling places on Election Day and could raise tension levels.

      Shelton, the director of the NAACP’s Washington bureau, said inadequate voting facilities is a bigger problem in poor communities with large numbers of minorities.

      “What are local election officials doing to prepare for what people think will be record turnout at the polls?” said Shelton, who added that during the 2004 election in Ohio voters in predominantly black communities had to wait in line six to eight hours to vote.

      “On Election Day, if this continues, you may have some tempers flare; we should be prepared to deal with that but do it without intimidation,” said Shelton, who added that police have to be able to maintain order at polling stations without scaring voters, especially immigrants from “police states.”

      Carville, who served as a senior political adviser to former President Bill Clinton, said that many Democrats would be very angry if Obama loses. He noted that many Democrats were upset by Sen. John Kerry’s (D-Mass.) loss to President Bush in the 2004 election, when some Democrats made allegations of vote manipulation in Ohio, the state that ultimately decided the race.

      Experts estimated that thousands of voters did not vote in Ohio because of poor preparation and long lines.
      Carville said Democratic anger in 2004 “would be very small to what would happen in 2008” if the same problems arose.

      Carville said earlier this month that “it would be very, very, very dramatic out there” if Obama lost, a statement some commentators interpreted as predicting riots. In an interview Tuesday, however, Carville said he did not explicitly predict rioting.

      “A lot of Democrats would have a great deal of angst and anger,” said Carville, who predicted that on Election Day “the voting system all around the country is going to be very stressed because there’s going to be enormous turnout.”

      Other commentators have made such bold predictions.

      “If [Obama] is elected, like with sports championships, people may go out and riot,” said Bob Parks, an online columnist and black Republican candidate for state representative in Massachusetts. “If Barack Obama loses there will be another large group of people who will assume the election was stolen from him….. This will be an opportunity for people who want to commit mischief.”

      Speculation about Election-Day violence has spread on the Internet, especially on right-wing websites.

      This has caught the attention of police departments in cities such as Cincinnati, which saw race riots in 2001 after police shot a young black man.

      “We’ve seen it on the Internet and we’ve heard that there could be civil unrest depending on the outcome of [the election,]” said Lt. Mark Briede of the Cincinnati Police Department. “We are prepared to respond in the case of some sort of unrest or some sort of incident.”

      Briede, like other police officials interviewed, declined to elaborate on plans for Election Day. Many police departments have policies prohibiting public discussion of security plans.

      James Tate, second deputy chief of Detroit’s police department, said extra manpower would be assigned to duty on Election Night. He said problems could flare whichever candidate wins.

      “Either party will make history and we want to prepare for celebrations that will be on a larger scale than for our sports teams,” Tate said.

      He noted that police had to control rioters who overturned cars after the Tigers won the 1984 World Series.

      “We’re prepared for the best-case scenario, we’re prepared for the worst-case scenario,” he said. “The worst-case scenario could be a situation that requires law enforcement.”

      But Tate declined to describe what the worst-case scenario might look like, speaking gingerly like other police officials who are wary of implying that black voters are more likely than other voting groups to cause trouble.

      Shelton, of the NAACP, said he understands the need for police to maintain order. But he is also concerned that some political partisans may point their finger at black voters as potential troublemakers because the Democratic nominee is black.

      Shelton said any racial or ethnic group would get angry if they felt disenfranchised because of voting irregularities.

      Police officials in Chicago, where Obama will hold a Nov. 4 rally, and Philadelphia are also preparing for Election Day.

      “The Chicago Police Department has been meeting regularly to coordinate our safety and security plans and will deploy our resources accordingly,” said Monique Bond, of the Chicago Police Department.

      Frank Vanore, of the Philadelphia Police Department, said officials were planning to mobilize to control exuberant or perhaps angry demonstrations after the World Series, which pits the Phillies against the Tampa Bay Rays.

      He said the boosted police activity would “spill right over to the election.”

    3. Brian Gareth Says:

      “if there is suspicion of foul play.”

      Hahaha. They’re trying to excuse nigger behavior. The Democrats have cried foul play every time a Republican wins. Of course there will be “suspicion” of foul play.

      Cast a write-in vote for Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. =)

    4. MadDog Says:

      Just like his African cousin, the Amercanus Niggerus will loot and kill when he/she/it does not get its way. White people be prepared for stuff to hit the fan.

    5. 2050 Says:

      I like your idea Brian

    6. N.B. Forrest Says:

      It would be fantastic if the coons go off. They might well go on a celebratory tear if Obooga wins, but that would probably be of short duration and focused more on property than people.

      But if the Magic Monkey loses in an upset….ah, then we’d surely have the dream scenario: a full-blown Rodney Kang-style nigging on a nationwide scale. Thousands of 21st Century Reginald Dennys forced to either kill or be killed.

      As much as I hate McCunt……

    7. Zipzap McGee Says:

      Worse is better.

      `Bout time we got the show on the road.

    8. Helmut Says:

      Brother McGee speaks the truth. Watch the dusky semi-striding bi-pedalists go “native” and we shall still yet have to marvel at the mental(?) gymnastics brought to bear by our white “brothers” in blaming us for it.
      The road stretches out ahead, rather lumpily.
      Buckle up.
      N.Y., NY

    9. Eff McCain Says:

      Be prepared to defend yourself, your family and your property throughout the reign of Nigger Obama, not just on election day. It was perpetual open season on whites during the dark days of the Dinkins regime in New York City. Because the boss was a nigger, the police were afraid to arrest his fellow savages, who commit virtually all of the violent crimes in New York. I know a white executive who had to flash his (illegal) handgun several times to deter nigger attacks, and I escaped from a potentially fatal nigging on Wall Street by running in front of a taxi. A friend who wasn’t as quick had his face smashed in by a giant urban gorilla. Niggers rode for free on the subways and buses, leaping over turnstiles in front of the useless cops, and once on board they terrorized whites with knives and guns. Whites who defended themselves and got caught, such as Bernard Goetz, were jailed and bankrupted.

      While many whites were killed, raped and crippled when Dinkins was mayor, the nigger reign of terror provoked a useful backlash, as will the Obama administration. Nigger jokes came back in bars where beers cost $10, and even Jew-controlled conservative talk radio had to adapt to give whites what they wanted to hear. Bob Grant referred to Dinkins as the “men’s room attendant”, leading to his firing by Jew Eisner, but he was immediately hired by another Jew radio station. Once while I was riding in a taxi in heavy traffic on Broad Street with a darkie driver, the cab was surrounded by traders who pounded on the windows and hood yelling “Nigger”.

      So many Jews were attacked by their dark comrades that there was a mass Hebrew defection to Giuliani in the next election. (Crime is on the increase again under kike Bloomberg.) Nobody as tough as Giuliani could possibly have been elected without a taste of Nigocracy. Similarly, much tougher candidates are likely to emerge after Louisville-style nigger crime spreads throughout the high-end business districts and gated communities around the country during the Obama regime.

      And to truly “spread the wealth around”, it’s going to be necessary to deal with the Jewish Question, since Jews own about 50% of the country’s wealth. The only country in the 20th Century that shared the wealth was Germany. Germany’s prosperity when the U.S. was still mired in depression was directly attributable to redistribution of the Jews’ grossly disproportionate share of the wealth. Obama is financed by Jew billionaires who expect to keep their money while stealing what little the goyim have left, but the smartest darkies know that Hymietown is where the money is. Will the Jews be able to trust Obama? Maybe not.

      The MLK religion could also be threatened by Obama. There is room for only one Ultimate Negro. It’s currently MLK, but once Obama is elected, it will have to be Obama. Watch for unflattering facts about MLK to be disclosed by the Obama government in a quiet campaign to take him down.

    10. Susan Says:

      I almost hope for a mass chimp out too. At least it’ll be interesting.

      The funniest thing about that article though is how they tried to lump the fact that a White woman is running for VP and if she isn’t elected (or is), that this could be a cause for rioting, etc. By whom? White women???

      Bwahahaha. That thought in and of itself is a riot. I wonder if they have any idea how ridiculous they look, in their zeal to try to appear fair and not at all racist, in trying to insinuate that White people would be either so upset or happy about Palin’s election to office that they would commit illegal violent acts.

      Yeah, you’ve gotta watch out for those thousands of rioting and looting middle to upper middle class college educated White women.

    11. Howdy Doody Says:


    12. MadDog Says:

      Susan, that is the trick that Niggers and Nigger loving White Trash use to justify everthing that the SNBs do. The myth that White People also are guilty of crimes. These foolish ideas were despelled by my parents when I was a young person. Some people(generous use of term) were not so enlightened about two wrongs never making a right,

    13. Arch Stanton Says:

      The last time I can remember the use of such force for a political event was during the 1968 DNC. While not an election per se, the police presence for that convention was notable as was the police presence at various demonstrations throughout the late sixties. I know, I was there. The difference is that that it was a police presence not a military presence. This time around it will most definitely be a military presence and that is a most notable difference. Police have (or once had) a much different mandate than the military and thus had different training. Historically, police training is directed toward quelling small, local disturbances among a generally peaceful population. This suppression is to be accomplished with a minimum of violence and bloodshed. Military training is directed towards total warfare over a large regions with no holds barred. While the police have to carefully consider the use of deadly force, the military maintains no such considerations. Military troops are not taught to bring peace but to bring war; they are not taught to maintain peace but to kill on command. In fact military thinking is one of “the higher the body count the better.” The precursor for the force that is about to be unleashed across America was plainly seen in the New Orleans debacle where Blackwater mercs were unleashed on the populace. Very little has been said about Blackwater’s free use of deadly force in New Orleans after the hurricane. While there are many allegations of orders for body bags that far outstripped the potential drowning victims and bodies with a single bullet delivered to the base of the skull, no investigation has ever been launched to find any facts about those allegations. But then the need for such force has become the reality of Negro America. Once Negroes go on the rampage, it takes the fear of god to stop them and that fear comes in the form of the priesthood’s purchased, elite troops that listen to no one and stop at nothing unless directly ordered from the top echelon. The Turner Diaries may have been far closer to the truth than one would like to imagine. One final comment for all you commandos out there impatiently waiting for the balloon to go up. Be very careful what you wish for because you may damn well get your wish. I can guarantee that if such a collapse occurs, within thirty days you will all be pining for the good old days when you still had electricity and running water. You will soon learn to curse the weapon you are forced to eat and sleep with always at the ready. You will grow to detest the fact that you haven’t had a peaceful nights sleep since it all began. You will often reflect fondly upon ice cream and cooking thick, juicy, steaks in the back yard while sipping a cold beer. You will often wonder if you will ever be warm and dry again. You will be tormented by never knowing what happed to the loved ones who lived so far away. It will be a hell far beyond your present imagination. And in the end you will wonder how you could have ever been so foolish to wish for such torment on yourselves and others in the first place. I suggest you enjoy this moment for the treasure it truly is, for what the future holds may deprive you of such pleasure for the remainder of your days. Just ask any white African

    14. Arminius Says:

      There is certainly some CHANGE to be expected soon:
      The United- correct: Divided- States are becoming openly a police state.

    15. Cpt. Candor Says:

      Arminius Said:

      “There is certainly some CHANGE to be expected soon:
      The United- correct: Divided- States are becoming openly a police state”

      Which is the only way that this multi-culti garbage dump of an empire can be maintained any longer. After the roof falls in and large numbers of North American Whites have been massacred, the remnants might claim a modest corner of the continent as their own, with the shitskins claiming the rest and failing to make anything of it.

    16. Gerald Edward Patrick Morris Says:

      Cpt. Candor has foreseen the same prognosis I have now for about 5 yrs, that the Jewnited States will be divided up, with a “white” section, and several others going to sundry others. I might add that China has dibs on the pacific coastal turf, with Japan getting about 8% of that. (Seattle, they have Hawaii now.) IFF this breaks Hymies access to the resources of this continent, then it will be worth it. I think it will too.

    17. The Red Skull Says:

      Hello All.Great Comment Arch!What is worse-The deprivations our people suffer now under the hand of ZOG,or the Depravations you describe so well that could very well come to pass.The point is,THERE IS a sea-change of feeling in this country.Even most “mainstream” folks i talk to can sense the ill-wind that is blowing over our nation.I told a good “republican” friend the other day to get armed and prepare for the coming troubles.He asked if i really thought the Cunt-Tree would break apart and i told him within 20 outside,10 quite possible,or even in as little as 5 years the country will break apart.He asked why i was so sure and i replied that there is more dividing us than uniting us nowadays.All it will take is a trigger event.He’s sceptical,of course,but even he agreed an Obongo Presidency(shudder) would do more to divide the nation.Look how the niggers are already starting to act.Oh,but i wonder who won this weeks niggerball game.People of every stripe see(if their paying attention at all) that we are in serious deep doo-doo.PS.if you live in what are soon to be Ethnic States of the wrong color,you might consider a relocation to a whiter area.And i wouldn’t put it past the Chinese to invade the west coast after we default on our debt to them that the jews created for us.Every Man For Himself!

    18. gw Says:

      [Re. China] “IFF this breaks Hymies access to the resources of this continent, then it will be worth it. I think it will too.”

      They are already preparing for this and are purposely cultivating China. And India too. I don’t have it at my fingertips, but I was reading this the other day. It’s documented!

    19. Bill Says:

      WHite people only have to blame theirselves for turning Niggers loose to ruin our society. Our Schools and social fabric have decayed and will never be the same,Nighers were NEVER intended to be in a civilaized world this is why God put them in Jungles, Most are Animals!. You only have to look at an Ape to figure out that Niggers have a striking similarity. Niggers are crime prone a look where they live will confirm this,No Gas Stations or Stores,Niggers looted and robbed them out of business