8 October, 2008

Patrick Grimm Returns

Posted by Socrates in Patrick Grimm, Socrates, White media, White philosophy at 10:25 pm | Permanent Link

Welcome back, Mr. Grimm: [Here].

  • 18 Responses to “Patrick Grimm Returns”

    1. Antagonistes Says:

      Mr. Grimm says that the Jews were expelled from Greece BEFORE CHRIST (this is in about the eighth paragraph down in the article about the savage nature of Zionism.)

      I can find nothing about this by doing a search.

      Does anyone know anything about this?

      Help, please.

    2. Marwinsing Says:

      Ugh welcome back Mister (boring) Grimm. Oh BTW can we drop the God shit? – and focus on BIOLOGY?? Question: who (or what) invented G*d? There’s yer answer. Right! – me’s off to boil some alphabet soup – “Ta-dah…”

    3. Marwinsing Says:

      No Jews Gods. Just Right.

    4. Zarathustra Says:

      I like that picture of the elephant and the multi-armed Hindu guy (Lord Shiva?)….It looks like the cover of a Jimi Hendrix Experience album!

      Marwinsing is right, though……Biology, Genetics, Evolution, Determinism and Zoology are more important and relevant factors to focus on than supernatural ones.

      And Mr. Grimm, like The Bard said, “Brevity is the soul of wit”. Capish?

    5. Zarathustra Says:

      Cmdr. White/Weiss, this cat Grimm called you a “Jew agent” and “a dirty and compromised individual”. What say ye to the charge????

    6. Fr. John Says:

      Marwinsing is right, though……Biology, Genetics, Evolution, Determinism and Zoology are more important and relevant factors to focus on than supernatural ones.

      Hardly. You’ll never succeed without a cogent, equally valid religion to compete against the false religion of Talmudism. Since the Jews are neither Jews [Rev. 2:8,9] nor “God’s Israel,” [Gal. 6:16] only authentic Christianity can save Christendom (i.e., White Europe) and Christian America.

      Marvin, I find your vulgarity to be equally as ‘jewish’ as your hate for Christianity – for it was the Jews that killed Christ. And any Christ-killing advocate, whether for reasons of bad historical study, or a fear that his sinful nature may be exposed by the righteous, is merely a Jew inside, no matter how ‘aryan’ he may be on the outside.

    7. Zarathustra Says:

      It’s amazing how so many WNs accuse others of being Jews or secret Jews, but deny that actual Jews are really Jewish! Seems everyone’s a Jew or suspected of being a Jew, ‘cept the Jews themselves. Absurd argument.

    8. Zarathustra Says:

      Fr. John, does the Bible have an explanation for the dinosaurs, who lived over 60 million years ago, or Neanderthal people or Ice Ages? Why would the Bible God create all those strange creatures, only to let them become extinct later on? Did He change His mind about creating them? And what about all those distant stars, planets and galaxies, which are millions and billions of light-years away? It must mean that the Universe and probably the Earth too, are billions of years old. So, what were God and his Son Jesus doing for all those billions and billions of years? And why would they give a damn about some wretched little sandbox like Palestine when you consider how many other worlds and galaxies there are?

      And Christ’s “crucifixion” is only a symbolic event. It represents the beginning of the vernal equinox, when the Sun (Jesus) “crosses” from winter, or death, into spring, or life. You shouldn’t take the Bible so literally.

    9. Jesus Christus Rex Judaeorum Says:

      It’s amazing how so many WNs accuse others of being Jews or secret Jews, but deny that actual Jews are really Jewish!

      You mean actual jews like Yeshuah and his mom Miriam, right?

    10. Jesus Christus Rex Judaeorum Says:

      Fr. John believes that he’s the only genuine christian left on the planet and that all the other christians out there are heretics because they accept the fact that Jesus was a jew.

      In other words, he’s a certifiable mental patient.

    11. Zarathustra Says:

      Like Nietschze says, Jesus was the “Last Christian”.

    12. 2050 Says:

      Since first joining the vnn forums back when they first came online, I’ve maybe made 2 posts, though I comment here fairly often. The reason I’ve stayed away from the forums is this bickering and hatred of on type of WN or another.
      Some WNs HATE the CI folks. Why? They work towards the same end as you. Unlike most, I have studied CI deeply, I suppose because I was brought up in a Christian home. What I liked about it was that many things in the Bible that were weird or mysterious, became clear with this viewpoint.
      I also do not want to accept any Abrahamic religion if Abe wasn’t an Israelite but a jew.
      I myself do not know just what to believe.
      I find Kabbalist roots in the big bang theory, which may be a way for Kabbalist jews to explain away any gentile god, supplying the unimaginably long time span for things to form and life to come from nothing- naturally, thereby making themselves the g-ds on earth to herd the goyim.

      Anyway, time spent bashing our own, should be spent talking to your co-workers, and others about the problem with the self chosen.
      The funny thing is that I find myself agreeing with all sides of these interWN squabbles.
      btw, do you realize how much easier it would be to turn Christians away from judeo-christianity to Christian Identity, than away from Christianity altogether?

    13. Antagonistes Says:

      Oh yes, Christian Identity.

      Herbert W. Armstrong, Garner Ted, The United States and British Commonwealth in Prophecy, the End-times, the World Tomorrow, the Plain Truth . . .

      I well remember those days as a young teen, when I studied the publications of Ambassador College.

      While I now reject the CI scheme, it says to me that a large number of Christian Americans are not satisfied with mere Christianity, but want a racial, physical component to their religion–something that makes them special and set-apart.

      I think that Christianity and America itself work against that. Christianity, because it says that if any man (of any race) is born again and has the spirit of God, he is your brother, more so than any physical brother you may have. America, because it says that all men are created equal. I think the original meaning might have been “equal before the law” but it does not say that. It says, “created equal.”

      This is preposterous and demonstrably false . . . but so is the Christian teaching about biology being wiped out by supernatural brotherhood.

      I do agree with Father John when he says that we need a religion to compete with the other religions–a religion by Whites and for Whites.

      Scientific facts just don’t move many people.

    14. Jesus Christus Rex Judaeorum Says:

      I wish the Christian Identity crazies would just convert to Judaism and get it over with.

    15. ein Says:

      Marvin, I find your vulgarity to be equally as ‘jewish’ as your hate for Christianity.

      And so do I. It is distinctively so. Such grossness has “Jew” written all over it.

      It’s amazing how so many WNs accuse others of being Jews or secret Jews,

      It’s amazing how many ARE secret Jews.

      Fr. John believes that he’s the only genuine christian left on the planet

      Let’s not bash other WNs. After all, we’re all on the same side. (Or, come to think of it, are we?)

    16. Jesus Christus Rex Judaeorum Says:

      Let’s not bash other WNs.

      Fr. John considers his religion to be more important than his race.

      In my view, that makes him a christian nationalist, not a white nationalist.

      CNs are fair game.

      Furthermore, he has repeatedly insulted non-christian WNs on this website and elsewhere.

      Since he has never shown any respect for WNs who disagree with his strange religious beliefs, I don’t see how he is entitled to any in return.

    17. shabbos s. shabazz Says:

      He admires Dr. Gary North. Dr. North has called for stoning (to death) of non-believers.

      What about casting the first stone. . . they must be without sin. Good- we need folks with unbreached integrity.

    18. JewTracer Says:

      The Jew filter in force:


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