Norbert Schlei Redux
Posted by Socrates in "civil rights", Celler, immigration, immigration bills/laws, jewed Congress, jewed culture, jewed immigration policy, jewed law, Norbert Schlei, Socrates, voting at 12:28 pm | 
Some of you already knew that Jewish lawyer Norbert Schlei wrote most of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965. But what isn’t as well known is his involvement with the 1965 immigration act, a.k.a., the Hart-Celler Act, which was introduced into Congress by Jewish representative Emanuel Celler. The 1965 immigration act flooded America with non-White immigrants:
31 October, 2008 at 1:13 pm
You know, old_dutch, you are treading in “anti” territory, and you have been for some time. First, you say that the Klan founded the Federal Reserve (!!), and now you say this.
31 October, 2008 at 1:18 pm
Schlei as Jewish:
31 October, 2008 at 5:04 pm
I’m curious. What did old_douche say?
31 October, 2008 at 6:52 pm
Z.O.G. Says: “I’m curious. What did old_douche say?”
“Hey, sonny you have no proof that Scheli was a jew!”
1 November, 2008 at 6:37 am
Everything the Jew does is done, either conciously or unconciously, with the intention of harming the GOYIM. Schlei couldn’t be more Jewish if he tried. Just look at that sly, cruel Oriental grin on his sinster, Asiatic face. No fully-evolved human can look like that.
1 November, 2008 at 9:02 am
Broadcast Date: November 1, 2008
The Jewish Assault on White American Values by Erich Gliebe
Broadcast Date: 11-01-08
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Erich Gliebe says, “Jews back the rap and hip-hop music scene, which promotes anarchy and Black power. By the way, it does all of this while continuing to promote illegal drug use, gang activity, and the exploitation of women. Oh, yes — and Blacks are still victims of THE MAN! The Jews often use Blacks as puppets to bring down White America. Do Jews allow their own children to watch and listen to the crap they produce? Of course not. Their children get the classics. Today, many confused White youth even dress like and listen to the music of Blacks. The bottom line is that the Jews have pursued racial world dominance for centuries. That is why they have been opposed by every nation they entered — until recently. Now they are at the forefront in destroying the White race, the race that has contributed more of a positive nature to world civilization than any other race in history.”
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1 November, 2008 at 12:48 pm
I think the Wigger thing is starting to die out. A lot of White teenagers are listening to AC/DC these days, not Tupac or Puffy or jigaboo stuff like that.
3 November, 2008 at 4:45 pm
I think the Wigger thing is starting to die out. A lot of White teenagers are listening to AC/DC these days, not Tupac or Puffy or jigaboo stuff like that.
I agree, seems one hears less of this shit from passing cars.
As for Schlei, although one would assume he is a jew, apparently the sole claim comes from Hugh Davis Graham. There ARE non-jews pushing this stuff too – a good example is Nicholas Katzenbach, who was Schlei’s boss.
4 November, 2008 at 2:17 am
And, of course, “The Swimmer” himself, “the Duke of Chappaquiddick”, the depraved, flea-bitten “Lion” of the Senate, none other than Ted “the Sleazebag” Kennedy championed the 1965 Senate “Immigration Reform” law. He’s no Jew, but he works HAND IN GLOVE WITH THEM.
5 November, 2008 at 12:05 am
Kennedy was a “sponsor” of the Immigration Act of 1965. Sometimes I wonder if the yids pulled cowardly Ted aside, showed him the Zapruder film and then said “…you’re next if you don’t step forward for us.” Maybe not, but it’s plausible.
Was Schlei a jew? If you Google or Dogpile him, he was a member of the ADL.
Here’s a bio on Schlei:
“…In 1959, Schlei helped form the firm Greenberg, Shafton and Schlei…”.
With the LA Times calling his career “brilliant”, I’d bet this guy was a hebe. I almost never see jews use the term brilliant for anyone other than another jew – unless it’s a non-white they’re giving undeserved praise:
Schlei’s criminal activity is interesting, and typically jewish: “… A highly successful trial and securities lawyer who represented such clients as Howard Hughes’ Summa Corp. in lengthy litigation brought by ousted Hughes executive Robert Maheu, Schlei himself was tried in a Florida federal courtroom in 1995.
The charges and their aftermath were a cloud on Schlei’s brilliant career.
Schlei was acquitted of eight counts, including wire and bank fraud and money laundering, but was convicted by a jury of conspiracy and securities fraud for purportedly helping five others sell $16 billion in fake Japanese government bonds from the mid-1980s to 1992.
He was sentenced to five years in federal prison and lost his license to practice law for 3 1/2 years. But he never went to prison, remaining free on appeal. The 11th Circuit Court of Appeals vacated the judgment and, in 1998, Schlei abandoned motions for a new trial to clear his name. Instead he agreed to a negotiated settlement of a year’s unsupervised probation on one misdemeanor count of conspiracy to possess counterfeit foreign securities, and resumed his law practice in L.A.
Joan Schlei said Saturday that Schlei had been completely exonerated after federal prosecutors conceded that there was a “possibility the instruments are valid” and that Schlei had been wrongly prosecuted.
Schlei maintained all along that he had done nothing illegal, and that prosecutors who issued charges against the others after a sting operation had added him only because of his high profile in Democratic and government circles to “get in the papers” and make the trial newsworthy. “
6 November, 2008 at 10:30 pm
Massachusetts Sen. John F. Kennedy cautiously stepped out on immigration in the 1950s, sensing that a liberalization stance would gather vital ethnic voting blocs for his long-planned run for the presidency. His work on a refugee bill caught the attention of officials of the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) of B’nai B’rith, who convinced Kennedy to become an author of a pamphlet on immigration, with the help of an ADL-supplied historian, Arthur Mann, and Kennedy’s staff. The result was “A Nation of Immigrants”, a 1958 bouquet of praise for the contributions of immigrants and a call for an end to the National Origins System. The ADL, part of a Jewish coalition whose agenda included opening wider the American gates, had made a golden alliance. [Jewish Bulletin 7/23/93]
John F. Kennedy was no crusader on immigration (or anything else), but he was an activist young president comfortable with immigration reform as part of his agenda, and elected on a party platform that pledged elimination of the national origins system.
Kennedy’s victory had been narrow, and he moved very slowly on sensitive issues, especially those where he expected formidable resistance. That would come from, among others, Francis Walter, but his death in May 1963 came just as Kennedy was finally moving on civil rights legislation, and it seemed natural to link the two causes whose joint target, by long agreement among liberals, was “discrimination”. Kennedy sent a special message on immigration to Congress in July, asking for repeal of a policy that “discriminates among applicants for admission into the U.S. on the basis of the accident of birth.”…….
This initiative, along with the rest of the Kennedy program, was inherited by Lyndon Johnson . He also inherited Kennedy’s determined reformist advisors on immigration, among them: Myer Feldman, Norbert Schlei, and Abba Schwarz. The latter convinced the new President to endorse reform and to hold a meeting with ethnic leaders where Johnson repeated the key slogan of the attack on the national origins system: “We ought to never ask, “In what country were you born.?” 6 Still, expansionist reformers privately were pessimistic. In the words of the American Jewish Committee’s lobbyist in Washington, “there is no great public demand for immigration reform” which “is a very minor issue.”
It was indeed a minor issue to the public, not on the radar screen in a decade overheating with social movements and an escalating war in southeast Asia. There was emerging on the immigration question a pattern that could be found on many issues: elite opinionmakers selected a problem and a liberal policy solution, while grassroots opinion, unfocussed and marginalized, ran strongly the other way. Editorials in papers like The New York Times and The Washington Post, or in national magazines such as the Saturday Evening Post denounced the national origins system as the equivalent of Jim Crow, and endorsed repeal of it
Passage of the 1964 Civil Rights Act barred discrimination on the basis of race, creed, religion, sex, and “national origin.” This language in the civil rights legislation attracted frowning attention to the immigration status quo. How could the U.S. exert world leadership, Congressman Emanuel Celler asked, if our current immigration system was “a gratuitous insult to many nations” because of its race-conscious basis? The national origins system was not based on race but nationality, but in the intense climate of the civil rights crusade the two were easily elided into equivalent evils.
The National Origins System was now on the defensive, joined at the hip with Jim Crow. The defenders of the national origins system …seemed intellectually on the defensive.. .Visa Office head, Robert C. Alexander [said] in the American Legion Magazine in 1956: “What do the opponents of the national origins quota system want when they glibly advocate action which would result in a change in the ethnological composition of our people . . . perhaps they should tell us, what is wrong with our national origins?”
Sen. Ervin argued [that] “To put all the earth’s peoples on the same basis as prospective immigrants was to discriminate against the “people from England . . . France . . . Germany . . . Holland” who had first settled and shaped the country.” 11 Senator Byrd (among others) supported Ervin: “Why should the U.S. be the only advanced nation in the world today to develop a guilt complex concerning its immigration policies?”12
The American population who would have approved of this argument were mostly dead; and those living, by contrast to their ancestors in 1921-28, had little interest in immigration issues or knowledge of what was being proposed. The patriotic societies, the American Legion and the Daughters of the American Revolution …presented their traditional opposition but did not seem to exert much influence over the average legislator — especially when so many of these groups showed little knowledge of the legislation and seemed mostly concerned with the threat of communist subversives … The restrictions of the 1920s had lost important elements of their core support. A chief sponsor of limiting immigration had been organized labor. But in the 1950s, AFL-CIO leadership — though not the rank-and-file — had begun to shift on immigration…The same was true of another component of the potential restrictionist coalition. African-American leaders in the1960s were beginning a move toward political solidarity with all the world’s “people of color”…
A formidable coalition had mobilized [favoring] repeal of the old law and for a vaguely defined “liberalization.” The coalition included the numerous “Volags” from religious denominations, along with organizations claiming to represent the ethnic groups associated with the New Immigration. Joining them were business leaders, including western “big agriculture.” Sympathetic to these lobbying groups were most liberals, for whom immigration reform had surfaced as a smaller theatre of the civil rights movement, and one which did not involve the physical dangers of marching in Mississippi.
Sen. Ervin attempted to get the best bargain possible …asking pointed questions about the legislation’s impact on overall numbers… He was given reassuring and alarmingly wrong estimates. … On the question of Latin American immigration, Attorney General Katzenbach was obviously ignorant … that Mexico’s population had nearly doubled between 1940 and 1960. In the last decade, 400,000 Mexicans had migrated to the U.S. as 3 million braceros crossed the border seasonally. Yet Katzenbach, ignorant of all this, stated that “there is not much pressure to come to the United States from those countries.”
The two core ideas of the restrictionists — that America was better off without large-scale immigration and that the existing makeup of the American people should be preserved — had not been challenged. Indeed, they were explicitly reaffirmed. Attorney General Robert Kennedy said in Senate hearings in 1964 that abolishing the restrictions on the Asia-Pacific Triangle would result in “approximately 5,000 [immigrants] . . .after which immigration from that source would virtually disappear.” As a Senator in 1965, he testified that … “The [proposed new] distribution of limited quota immigration can have no significant effect on the ethnic balance of the United States,” and “the net increase attributable to this bill would be at most 50,000 a year” “Our cities will not be flooded with a million immigrants annually,” prophesied Sen. Edward Kennedy: “Under the proposed bill, the present level of immigration remains substantially the same.”
Yet, how could immigration reformers change a policy regime that was widely popular? A Harris Poll released in May 1965, showed the public “strongly opposed to easing of immigration laws” by a 2 to 1 margin.
The South-West coalition of the 1920s had shattered. The South, obsessively defending Jim Crow, was politically isolated and on the losing side of every national issue. The Senate bill passed by a vote of 76 to 18, all but two of the negative votes coming from southerners.
The Immigration Act of 1965 was not given much contemporary attention in a decade of social upheaval and a war in Vietnam, and it is routinely allotted one of two sentences in history textbooks.
This emphasis will change, and attention to the 1965 act will grow, because it represents a demographic turning point in American history. .Passage of time may position the 1965 immigration law as the Great Society’s most nation-changing single act,
Debating American Immigration, 1882–present: 1882-Present, By Roger Daniels, Otis L. Graham
[full article]