19 October, 2008

Bill White Arrested

Posted by Socrates in Socrates, White leaders, white nationalism, White Nationalists at 1:33 pm | Permanent Link

The American National Socialist Workers Party leader is accused of threatening a juror:


  • 22 Responses to “Bill White Arrested”

    1. old_dutch Says:

      There’s a jewish gambler of highly questionable background & record named Lyle Berman who is trying to get a ballot issue passed in Ohio that would give him, and his company a monopoly on casino gambling in Ohio.

      This jewish gambler character Berman is a B’ani B’rith award winner; and let’s not forget that the ADL is the child of the B’ani B’rith.

      So far no one has publically mentioned that Berman is a jew, and a major financier of jewish causes.

      As far a Fuhrer Bill goes, he’s a clown. But is he any worse than any jewish clown running around?

      I read this morning that the FBI claims to the New York Times that they don’t have the resources to investigate the various aspects of the bailout crisis—but they do have the resources to play footsie with a Fuhrer Bill.

      According to Fox News, and many others Charlie Schumer & Barney Frank are into up to their eyeballs with the Fannie Mae-Freddie Mack part of the bailout scandal.

      But, yes the Department of Justice has time to pursue a big mouthed clown like Fuhrer Bill! And put away the equally big clownish blowhard Matt Hale for 40 years.

    2. Neal Joitke Says:

      I wish Bill and his wife the best. ANSWP State leader for Michigan.

      As for old dutch you mentioned the Fannie Mae part of the bail out scandle. I was smelling that rat slowly know you mention it totaly as to the scandle of the bail out. Fannie Mae was in trouble several monthes ago. It smells like Sachs and all the others were doing Fannie Mae type activity on a grand scale. All these bad loans were jewish give aways to non whites. But the jew did not lose money tax payer to the rescue. Is what it is starting to look like.

    3. Osama bin Laden Says:

      Bill White published the name and address of a former juror who helped to convict Matt Hale. He did not threaten him in any way.

      Given that the juror has long since been relieved of his formal duties as a jury member, I think the 1st Amendment protects Bill White and anyone else to publish information of the people who we entrust to the duty of handing out justice.

      There is no law that says we do not have the right to go ring the juror’s doorbell and tell him that he is scum – that is one of our most basic rights in America!

      The FBI conducted multiple raids of White’s properties and took his notes, files, and computers – all of which will reveal that there was no violence being planned against the former juror – or anyone else.

      A lot of us don’t like Bill White or the things he says about other movement people, but this is one of those times where people need to grow up and stick up for him – not for his sake, but for OUR OWN SAKE. For those who are cheering on ZOG right now, it could easily be one of us next time.

      From Bill White’s notes over the past couple of weeks, this may very well be the direct result of disgruntled former members and related movement people intentionally perjuring themselves to claim that Bill White was planning violence when he wasn’t.

      If this turns out to be true, then there will need to be A LOT of introspection for serious movement people as to how we “clean up” these freaks, assholes, and clowns who have such low character.

    4. Osama bin Laden Says:

      According to posts on the forum, Bill White was denied bail this morning.

      Amazing – mud criminals and rapists can go free on bail, but a peaceful activist is treated like a capital offender?

      We truly live in an inverted world.

    5. Friedrich Braun Says:

      White activists should be particularly careful in what they do and say as they are being watched like a hawk by Z.O.G. Bill White was too reckless and too stupid. You don’t go around publishing Kill that Nigger? magazines in today’s climate.

    6. Osama bin Laden Says:

      Bill White didn’t get arrested for publishing “Kill This Nigger?”, he got arrested for publishing the address of a juror with no expressed or implied intention of violence.

      Its a bogus charge. Its not a case of “pushing the envelope” – its a case of exercising free speech.

      You might as well be telling Bill White to become a mainstream Republican or a Democrat.

    7. Friedrich Braun Says:

      I know. However, when you get a 40-year sentence those arguments fly out the door. The name of the game is not to give Z.O.G. an excuse to lock you up for life.

    8. Osama bin Laden Says:

      Publishing someone’s address for the purpose of going to their house or their phone number so that one may call them to tell them you do not agree with them and to encourage others to state their disagreement with their behavior is perfectly legal and perfectly within the realm of legitimate civilized behavior.

      The juror, by virtue of serving on a jury, becomes a public figure (as far as I am concerned he does, a ZOG judge may disagree) and is entitled to recieve whatever criticism people have for him for the decisions he made while serving as a jury member (Hal Turner thinks otherwise, despite years of thinly veiled threats against public officals, congressmen, and judges – which were much more provocative than BW’s publishing of mere contact information).

      The same already applies to our politicians and public servants – the personal information on them is widely available for people to exploit for the purposes of voicing their displeasure. Its not illegal to call up any public official’s personal residence to give him your peace of mind (assuming you’re not engaging in harassment, of course), nor is it illegal to encourage others to do so. It happens quite often – so often that its not newsworthy at all.

      This is what we are up against, folks. We are being denied our basic right to engage in the political process by having our ability to voice opinions squelched.

      What is happening to BW is a direct result of lobbying by Jewish pressure groups such as the ADL and SPLC who want to silence criticism of current policy that is detrimental to whites and good for the Jews.

      Do we march forward or do we say “Yes sir” to ZOG?

    9. Zarathustra Says:

      The System was out to silence White for his racial beliefs, period. But White made their job a lot easier and so did Matt Hale. Neither one of them actually did anything wrong, of course, but they made some really dumb, easily avoidable mistakes. Strange how Hal Turner is not in jail (IMO), since he frequently published the names, phone numbers and addresses of public officials he did not like as well as making numerous thinly-veiled threats against them on the air…………………..Yes, it’s strange, all right.

      I recently watched an episode of America’s Most Wanted, where a piece of shit Sand Nigger was released on bail one day after being arrested for the attempted rape of an INFANT. The shitheaded judge in that case deserves jail time for letting that Sand Nigger escape. And yet Bill White, a guy who as far as I know has never raped or molested anyone, has been denied bail and may very well be subjected to a Soviet-style show trial followed by 1000 years imprisonment. Where the hell is Amnesty International and the ACLU in all of this????

    10. Osama bin Laden Says:

      The indictment: http://www.roanoke.com/pdfs/white.pdf

      My opinion – the govt’s strongest evidence here is that BW expressed satisfaction that the crazy guy who went out and kidnapped Elie Wiesel was allegedly influenced by BW and hopes more people feel encouraged by him to do similar things. That was a bad thing to say (and I can’t really agree with him anyway).

      However, they have zero proof that BW actually intended for the Hale Juror to be harmed rather than have people call/visit him to express disagreement, which is 100% legal and protected speech.

      There is a case here that might be relevant: Planned Parenthood vs. American Coalition of Life Activists, that debates the merits of whether or not “WANTED” posters with pictures + personal information of abortion doctors constitute “true threats” that are not protected speech. The court ruled that the posters were not protected forms of speech, even though ACLA never advocated harm, because “a reasonable person would foresee that the statement would be interpreted by those to whom the maker communicates the statement as a serious expression of intent to harm or assault”.

      The ACLA knew that the posters sometimes resulted in the murder of the abortion doctors, and that the doctors who were featured on them feared for their lives.

      So, it seems a bit of a grey area as to whether or not a court would rule for or against BW on this basis, because BW has posted people’s personal information many times before without incident, but nonetheless his own rhetoric inspired some moonbat to kidnap Wiesel (allegedly).

      http://www.ca9.uscourts.gov/coa/newopinions.nsf/0F569EF00290007188256BC0005876E6/$file/9935320ebcorrected.pdf?openelement – pg 62

    11. Zipzap McGee Says:

      Uh, confreres, wasn’t Bill White caught using the proprietary Jew “virtual flashmob” software called MEGAPHONE?

      That means he’s One of Them.

      And not one of us.

      Can someone please clarify?

      And why DOES he spend so much time smearing individual White Nationalists?

    12. PKPK Says:

      “I read this morning that the FBI claims to the New York Times that they don’t have the resources to investigate the various aspects of the bailout crisis—but they do have the resources to play footsie with a Fuhrer Bill.”

      The FBI is comprised of a bunch of mindless, arrogant, politically correct perverts. I don’t even see how their services are necessary. If we are trying to capture a federal criminal that the local police to do not have the resources to capture, then shouldn’t that be the province of the National Guard?

    13. shabbos s. shabazz Says:

      How was he caught?


    14. Luek Says:

      If Bill White is guilty of witness intimation over a trial that happened years ago there is a lot of it going around. Here in the Atlanta, GA area a nigger was convicted and sentenced to death for killing a White police officer 19 years ago. All the usual maggots like Al Sharpton came out of the woodwork just before this nigger was going to be executed. They claimed that 7 of the original jurors have changed their minds about the guilt of the nigger in question. Obviously, some of these jurors are now elderly and easily persuaded by race hustlers like Shapton. All of this political theater did get a temp stay of execution from the USSC but they denied a new trial after reviewing the case and the execution date has been reset for later in October. The point is that the race hustlers got to many if not all of the jurors and browbeat a majority of them into thinking they made the wrong decision 19 years ago! Obviously, the race hustlers had a way of knowing who the jurors were and where they now live. SO WHAT DID BILL WHITE DO THAT WAS WORST THAN WHAT THE RACE HUSTLERS DID?

    15. Donald E. Pauly Says:

      Bail Denied to Pravda Bill


      Judge orders supremacist to stay in jail
      In denying bond, the federal magistrate judge cited William A. White’s stated plot to murder 15 to 20 people.
      By Laurence Hammack

      Sam Dean | The Roanoke Times

      William A. White is led into the Roanoke City Jail after appearing before U.S. Magistrate Judge Michael Urbanski Sunday afternoon.

      Read the criminal complaint filed against White by the FBI
      (PDF, 714 KB)
      Online editor’s note: This document contains language that some readers may consider offensive.
      Neo-Nazi activist William A. White remains in the Roanoke City Jail, a prisoner of his own words.

      On Sunday, U.S. magistrate Judge Michael Urbanski ordered White held without bond, at least for now, on a charge of encouraging violence against the foreman of a Chicago jury that convicted a fellow white supremacist in 2004. Urbanski said he was most concerned about an unrelated passage White posted to his Web site, overthrow.com.

      White wrote in May that he had developed an intricate plot to murder 15 or 20 people, including some of Roanoke’s “Negro nuisances and their annoying counterparts at The Roanoke Times.”

      As the head of a Roanoke-based white supremacy group, White frequently posts incendiary commentaries about race-related issues, both local and national. His online diatribes often include personal attacks against people in the news — and sometimes at the newspaper for its coverage of the resulting fallout.

      Legal experts have said that in most of the posts, White seems to choose his words carefully, stopping just short of the line between free speech and criminal activity.

      While not directly advocating the murder of a federal judge’s family, for example, White once wrote that he understood why someone who shared his neo-Nazi beliefs would feel compelled to commit such a crime.

      But the May posting to overthrow.com was different, Urbanski said.

      “That troubles me the most,” the judge said of White’s stated plan to murder 15 or 20 people. “He’s talking about doing something himself.”

      White was depressed at the time of that post as he dealt with the illness of his wife and newborn daughter, defense attorney William Cleaveland told the judge.

      Assistant U.S. Attorney Tom Bondurant countered that White’s comments represented “a danger to the community, no matter how you look at it.”

      At the end of an unusual Sunday afternoon hearing in U.S. District Court in Roanoke, Urbanski decided to keep White locked up until Wednesday, when he will consider a report on White’s background and prior criminal history before making a final decision on bond.

      Following a preliminary hearing here, White’s case will be transferred to federal court in Chicago for trial.

      Seldom at a loss for words, White was uncharacteristically quiet and subdued Sunday as federal agents led him in handcuffs to his seat at the defense table. Instead of the usual dark suit he wears for court appearances, White was dressed in a green-and-white striped jail outfit.

      White was arrested Friday on a charge of encouraging violence against the foreman of a Chicago jury that convicted Matthew Hale, a fellow white supremacist. Hale was convicted in 2004 of soliciting the murder of a federal judge and sentenced to 40 years in prison.

      The criminal complaint, unsealed at the beginning of Sunday’s hearing, states that on Sept. 11, White “solicited or otherwise attempted to persuade” another person to threaten or injure someone identified only as “Hale Juror A.”

      According to the complaint, White posted the juror’s name, home address and telephone numbers to his Web site, along with a commentary about how Hale was unfairly convicted.

      The 24-page complaint also lists other material posted to overthrow.com, including an image of presidential candidate Barack Obama, his head encircled by a rifle sight with cross-hairs that extend to form a swastika.

      Next to the image was the headline: “Kill This N—–?”

      White is not charged with a specific crime related to Obama. But the material is just one example of many cited by the complaint to show a common practice: White making veiled threats or posting personal information about his targets online.

      In addition to White’s talk of a murder spree in Roanoke, Urbanski said he was also concerned about the following passage in the complaint:

      “As long was we live in a society in which laws are not enforced against Jews, Marxists and other privileged members of the bourgeoisie,” White wrote on overthrow.com, “I will take advantage of that and use the lawless chaos they’ve created to push my view, which is that all Jews and Marxists … should be shot, rather than debated — along with their fellow travelers and chosen pets in the Negro ‘rights’ movement.”

    16. Osama bin Laden Says:

      “Uh, confreres, wasn’t Bill White caught using the proprietary Jew “virtual flashmob” software called MEGAPHONE? ”

      Someone posting a random picture and attributing it to BW doesn’t make it fact.

    17. Antagonistes Says:

      This guy is, in my opinion, not much different than MAD magazine–he is parody, satire, etc. but with a serious bite.

      Not something to be arrested for.

    18. Blightblingdouche Says:

      “…wasn’t Bill White caught using the proprietary Jew “virtual flashmob” software called MEGAPHONE?

      “That means he’s One of Them.”

      The problem is many WNs are unable to get their mind around the fact that one can simultaneously be a WN and a Feeb.

    19. Friedrich Braun Says:

      I totally agree. Bill White is a walking cartoon, a danger only to himself. He was dumb and reckless and gave Z.O.G. an easy excuse to lock him up for life.

    20. Donald E. Pauly Says:

      Pravda Bill is crafty and has a good record of success at twisting the tail of the Feds. My money says that he will beat this rap.

    21. Poindexter McCool Says:

      Bill White went to clown school and graduated first in his class. Bill White is the Elmer Fudd of WN. That is all.

    22. Pokagon Dave Says:

      Gentleman I know a lot about this Lyle Berman and he is not someone that you want to do business with nor do you want him any where near you. His business methods are not practical for anyone! If you have any information about Mr. Berman please email me at [email protected] it would greatly be appreciated.