11 October, 2008

A Nationwide Protest Against the Federal Reserve

Posted by Socrates in Federal Reserve system, jewed finance, Socrates at 10:25 pm | Permanent Link

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  • 26 Responses to “A Nationwide Protest Against the Federal Reserve”

    1. fdtwainth Says:

      This is a very good initiative. Why won’t we join it to educate the public about the jews who are behind FRS and who are responsible for the present crisis.

    2. -jc Says:

      “If the American people ever allow a [private] central bank [e.g., The Federal Reserve] to gain control of the issuance of their currency, the banks and the corporations that will grow up around the banks will, first by inflation and then by deflation, leave them homeless in the land their forefathers conquered.” –Thomas Jefferson

    3. Karen Says:

      Agreed, this is a fine idea, but gents gold is not the answer. The Rothschilds have all the gold. They have hoarded for two hundred and fifty years. They own or control the gold mines. Why should we give in to want gain of this metal as the jews always have.

    4. Heather Blue Says:

      I thought the site looked like Aaron Russo is connected. He’s a Jew. I don’t trust Jews. It’s like this “a parasite is a parasite is a parasite…..

      Sure, he gave some good information, but Russo only mentions “bankers” and never mentions Jews. If I am wrong, correct me.

    5. fdtwainth Says:

      And yet we need to be here precisely to educate the White public attracted to such sites about the jews, dear lady.

      We have to learn to use single-issue campaigns to our advantage.

    6. ericthered Says:

      “We have to learn to use single-issue campaigns to our advantage.”

      Right, baby steps. It’s how I got here. For a couple of years I would steer around the “anti-semitic” stuff, but it kept coming up.

      I started looking at it and after finding that these “anti-semites” were pretty intelligent and knew what the hell they were talking about the light came on.

    7. Olde Douche Sucks Says:

      From the website:

      Activists will demand an end to private banker control over the nation’s money supply and the return to a hard, commodity backed monetary system.

      The organizers recognize that the Fed is privately owned.

      That’s interesting.

      I was expecting the usual libertarian misdirection about “government interference” in the so-called free market (since the government doesn’t own the Fed, how could the Fed’s actions be considered “government interference”?).

      I still don’t trust this group, though.

      I don’t trust any group that refuses to name the jew.

    8. jim donaldson Says:

      The “big jews'” reaction to the meltdown:


      From wikipedia (please forgive me):”Jacob Aharon Frenkel (Hebrew: ???? ???? ??????; born in 1943) is an Israeli-American economist and businessman.”

      WTF is an “Israeli-American”?

    9. Z.O.G. Says:

      “…the return to a hard, commodity backed monetary system.”

      Out of the frying pan and into the fire. Now that the Jew banksters’ fiat money system has been carried to its mathematical and logical limits and its collapsing under its own weight of debt and interest, the Jew banksters are trying to corral us into another money system that they will control just as tightly as they control the current one.

    10. shabbos s. shabazz Says:

      “What Has Government Done to Our Money?” by Murray Rothbard

      Thanks to Burton S. Blumert of Camino Coin,
      Burlingame, California, for the coins used on the cover.


      Yes, and Crockwell does the same in recent writings, claiming inflation is of the government. I wonder why he he doesn’t blame the jew?

    11. Olde Douche Sucks Says:

      I wonder why he he [sic] doesn’t blame the jew?

      Because he’s a libertarian and libertarians are compulsive liars and con artists.

    12. Olde Douche Sucks Says:

      Actually, jewish libertarians are compulsive liars and con artists.

      Non-jewish libertarians are merely idiots.

    13. Cpt. Candor Says:

      Z.OG. said: “Out of the frying pan and into the fire. Now that the Jew banksters’ fiat money system has been carried to its mathematical and logical limits and its collapsing under its own weight of debt and interest, the Jew banksters are trying to corral us into another money system that they will control just as tightly as they control the current one.”

      Mencken didn’t call the American People idiots for nothing.

    14. shabbos s. shabazz Says:

      Rockwell can’t name the jew as his site is paid for by jew burton blumert.

    15. Z.O.G. Says:

      “Rockwell can’t name the jew as his site is paid for by jew Burton Blumert.”

      Yep. ;-)

    16. Z.O.G. Says:

      “Yes, and Crockwell does the same in recent writings, claiming inflation is of the government.”

      Inflation isn’t of the government. The government, i.e. the U.S. Treasury Dept., has almost nothing to do with the money supply. And, contrary to popular belief, the Federal Reserve System per se doesn’t have much to do with the money supply either. The money supply is almost entirely(98%) created by COMMERCIAL BANKS.

    17. Lutjens Says:

      Maybe protesting the World Bank and IMF is more productive. Finding out who all works in these organizations and getting some of their home addresses and phone numbers would be a good start. It is time these swindling fucks get scared.

    18. Fr. John Says:

      Forgive my vulgarity, but after reading this site, all I can say is:

      aww, the whole thing is a useless piece of …..

      ‘We pledge no violence,’ etc.

      Why? Why cannot white Americans show their ‘rage,’ when the nigs and spics do? Why are they permitted when we are not?

      Isn’t rage a function of the American distrust of Government?
      Isn’t the Heeb to blame for it ALL?
      Lord, how cowardly are the Kikes. To be blunt.

    19. Olde Douche Sucks Says:

      Rockwell can’t name the jew as his site is paid for by jew burton blumert.

      Even if Rockwell wasn’t receiving any money from Blumert, you know damn well he still wouldn’t name the jew because non-jewish libertarians are jew-worshipping useful idiots.

    20. shabbos s. shabazz Says:

      “In any case, most of today’s buttoned-down P.C. libertarians go beyond merely eschewing martyrdom, whether of the career or fund-raising variety. They go beyond eschewing heroism, even. The current climate is scary, to be sure; but, still, it’s hardly a heroic, super-manly feat of derring-do to post a little link to an article on the war that doesn’t revise the Holocaust but just happens to reside at a site opposed to shouting down Holocaust revisionists. No: the P.C. libertarians seem actually to have internalized society’s reigning orthodoxies and taboos. They instinctively know what dogmas to accept without question and what ideas to black out. But, on second thought, even their internalization of orthodoxies and taboos may be understandable, and forgivable, since critical thinking and the pursuit of truth are negative Darwinian survival traits in today’s world. Those possessing such traits will ultimately be weeded from the gene pool, and already many are unable to subsist economically at even a semi-decent level of poverty.

      Perhaps, then, P.C. libertarianism is a perfectly understandable psychological phenomenon. It allows a man to feel good about being a rebellious champion of freedom while safely conforming to society’s enforced dogmas. One is thus free to be an intellectual coward, or a complete non-thinker, and still enjoy self-esteem and brilliant repute as a fearless intellectual.

      From the perspective of our rulers, such P.C. libertarians are perfectly harmless and can be left alone. They can even be allowed to flourish, as a false opposition. Today’s P.C. libertarians may be nothing like the principled 200-proof libertarian truth-seekers of old. However, adherence to a belief system that is logically incoherent but psychologically comforting is probably all that we can expect of them, as Western civilization sloughs ever deeper into the garbage dump of history.”


      There are anti-jew libertarians. . .

    21. shabbos s. shabazz Says:

      Libertarian John Birdman Bryant, on the jewish question:


    22. Olde Douche Sucks Says:

      There are anti-jew libertarians…




      No way.

    23. Olde Douche Sucks Says:

      “In the present day, however, I no longer consider myself a libertarian…” ~The Birdman


    24. shabbos s. shabazz Says:

      I believe he meant that he is not part of a libertarian movement.

      “LIBERTARIANISM – There is no doubt about the importance of libertarian philosophy; nor is there any doubt that the libertarian movement has gone off in several very crazy non-libertarian directions. The essays here will give some of the vital facts which both libertarians and non-libertarians need to know, but almost never do. In addition, Birdman’s essay on Actonite Libertarianism provides the next vital step in the evolution of libertarian thought.”


    25. Olde Douche Sucks Says:

      I believe he meant that he is not part of a libertarian movement.

      It doesn’t matter one way or the other because the Birdman is a friggin nut job.

    26. Zarathustra Says:

      Heather Blue (sounds like a porno actress name), Mr. Russo is dead, so you should stop refering to him in the present tense. I think he was a guinea, btw, not a hebe; The “Birdman” needs to get over himself; his website is too unweildly and he fancies himself a know-it-all. Knowing the ways of the Jew, this anti-Fed website is probably a libertarian Jew-run operation that is more interested in selling anti-Fed T-shirts than in overthrowing the System. Libertarians are either con-artists like Ron Paul or they are simply idiots.