7 September, 2008

You, Too, Can Be a Holocaust Survivor

Posted by Socrates in Holocaust, holocaust racket, Socrates at 11:00 pm | Permanent Link

Two-day-long gassings? Electrocutions via “millions” of volts? Death by creative tree felling? You can be a “survivor” of all of them:


  • 4 Responses to “You, Too, Can Be a Holocaust Survivor”

    1. Zarathustra Says:

      Typical quote from a 40-something Holocaust Survivor(TM):

      “Oy vey! Zose terrible Chermanns! Zey took my whole family avay, cut zem up vit a chain saw, und den dey started to feed zem to ze guard doks und make me vatch it! How can I evar forgiff ze Chermann peoples for zis owtrage?” Und vere iss my Holokost reparationz check for zis munt? I’m vaiting!

    2. Hans Schneider Says:

      a certain race was never known for their honesty and correctness !

    3. Howdy Doody Says:


      100 years of intense media induced brain washing that after Dec. 7 1941 went in to over drive to remove any opposing views whats so ever to the enemy aliens.

    4. Andrei Yustschinsky Says:

      “You, Too, Can Be a Holocaust Survivor” was written some years back by one-time White racialist, Alex Curtis.