30 September, 2008

Why No Anti-Zionist DVDs in Newspaper?

Posted by Socrates in jewed foreign policy, jewhad, jewish hate & hypocrisy, Jewish Tyranny, Socrates, Zionism at 4:56 pm | Permanent Link

by Harmony Grant and Rev. Ted Pike.

Zionism is Jewish imperialism. It’s hostile, aggressive and racist. It causes wars. It’s plain bad news. Why do so few Americans oppose it?


  • 20 Responses to “Why No Anti-Zionist DVDs in Newspaper?”

    1. ericthered Says:

      I’ve been getting the NPN alerts thru a google mail account for several months now without fail but this one got tossed into the spam bin. Harmony and Ted must have struck a nerve or maybe it was just a fluke, we all know how errant computers are.

    2. Justin Huber Says:

      What I find curious in all of this, is the fact that we’re living in the so-called age of diversity where everyone is ok and racism is not to be tolerated. However, there seems to be one major exception to the rule-especially in the circles of the Rush Limbaugh/Sean Hannity “conservatives”. That exception, of course, is the racism often expressed against Arabs and others of the Islamic faith. All of a sudden, when it comes to these people it’s OK to “racist” and say all sorts of nasty things. I wonder why this is? Especially when all other groups are off limits. My point here is that whites need to stop falling for this clever yet disingenous method of the Jew. White nations need to be wary of all non-white invaders. Not just Arabs. Furthermore, if there is one group we should really be on the lookout for it is most certainly the Jews.

    3. Z.O.G. Says:

      Why do so few Americans oppose Zionism? Because Americans will do whatever their Jew overlords tell them to do. Americans love and cherish their slavery to the Jews. They revel in it.

    4. Z.O.G. Says:

      I actually received one of these DVD’s in the mail. I knew right away that if I looked at the film credits I would find nothing but Jewish names. The film credits were printed on the mailer that was attached to the DVD, and, sure enough, every single damn name on the list was Jewish. A real shocker, huh?

    5. Zararthustra Says:

      The Rev. Pike glosses over the threats that are made against non-believers in the New Testament, whereas Judaism does not want any converts, they simply want the world to bow down before them and their King of Israel. All those near-eastern religions should be avoided by civilized Whites, since they were invented by non-White minds and are not compatible with Western, Aryan thought. You know I’m right when you see blacks jumping up and down at their church services priaising Halelujah the Baby Jesus’ name or Mestizoes parading big, morbid crucifixes down the street in their weird, superstitious festivals. Do you really want to worship the same god(s) they do?

      IMO, you don’t need to worship an invisble man who lives in the sky or who spends his time being nailed to a piece of wood in order to be a decent person. As civilized, intellegent Whites, you already know the difference between right and wrong. I think Nature and the Sun should be revered, like our ancestors did.

    6. Justin Huber Says:

      Good comment above. I’ll probably never completely renounce my Catholic faith though. Now, I only go to church at Christmas, Easter and funerals.

    7. Z.O.G. Says:

      Hey, guys. Here are the credits of the film, “Obsession: Radical Islam’s War Against the West”. This list is taken directly from the mailer that is attached to the DVD that I received in the mail. Let’s play a game of “count the Jews”, shall we?

      Executive Producer: Peter Mier(JEW)
      Producer: Raphael Shore(JEW)
      Conceived By: Peter Mier(JEW)
      Production Manager: Brett Halperin(JEW)
      Written By: Wayne Kopping(JEW), Raphael Shore(JEW) & Brett Halperin(JEW)
      Music By: Bareman(???)
      Directed and Edited By: Wayne Kopping(JEW)


    8. JewTracer Says:

      I’m getting sick of all this anti-Islam/Muslim stuff. It’s all kikery. Hating Israel’s regional enemies. Islam isn’t so bad you know.

      The average Kwan doesn’t realise when he watches JewTV and watches some kike-produce slander against Muslims, that the kike-produces feel the exact same hatred for them, the White Goyim viewer.

      Yet they applaud this kikery and think you can never have enough corpses and depleted uranium dispensed around Iraq.

    9. JewTracer Says:

      “IMO, you don’t need to worship an invisble man who lives in the sky or who spends his time being nailed to a piece of wood in order to be a decent person. As civilized, intellegent Whites, you already know the difference between right and wrong. I think Nature and the Sun should be revered, like our ancestors did.”

      You espouse Paganism, in other words. That has its drawbacks too.

    10. shabbos s. shabazz Says:

      If you want to worship a sky g-d, pick one that you can see.

    11. Zararthustra Says:


      Let’s ask the Greeks and the Slavic people in the Balkans what life was like under the Turks and their Ottoman Empire. I know there is no one alive today who can remember those days, but the bitterness about it lives on.

      Having said that, Palestine was much better off under Ottoman rule than it is now. Jews, Christians and Muslims lived together with no problems.

      Muslims are fine with me, as long as they live in their parts of the world and don’t try to invade or colonize our part of it. I don’t like all that Ramadan and Mecca stuff, but I respect their right to believe in it if they want to. And they have every right to expel Crusaders, infidels and Jews from the lands of the Prophet. How’s that for being fair?

    12. JewTracer Says:

      My main problem with Paganism is that is seems directly congruent to environmentalism, egalitarianism, matriarchy and feminism: all of which are causing us huge problems today.

    13. Zararthustra Says:

      Revering Nature and the Goddesses of Nature, along with a love of justice, is all very, very Aryan. Our Cro-Magnon ancestors had those same qualities tens of thousands of years ago, qualities that separated them from the Neanderthals and Aboriginies. What’s going on now is a perversion or corruption of sacred, ancient Aryan beliefs at the hands of feminists, liberals and environmentalists.

    14. gw Says:

      “If you want to worship a sky g-d, pick one that you can see.”

      Why pick any?

    15. JewTracer Says:

      “What’s going on now is a perversion or corruption of sacred, ancient Aryan beliefs at the hands of feminists, liberals and environmentalists.”

      Ah, but it would be my assertion that European Pagans were the original feminists, liberals and environmentalists.

      Goddess-worshipping egalitarian Paganism might have made sense 1000 years ago. In this time of high technology and mass people transportation, I don’t think so. Those values will not, put into practice in the year 2008, lead to a cohesive White gene-base and society.

    16. JewTracer Says:

      Don’t forget either that Goddess-worshipping promotes matriarchy and a prime female instinct is to maximise the gene pool. I.e. get as many different colours and races into your locality as possible. We’re all familiar with the phrase “diversity is good for you”. Perhaps it is from this female mating instinct that it originates?

    17. Jesus Christus Rex Judaeorum Says:

      Goddess-worshipping egalitarian Paganism might have made sense 1000 years ago.

      Goddess worshipping?

      FYI: Odin, Zeus and Jupiter were all *male* deities.

    18. Zarathustra Says:

      The only problems with our Aryan ancestors are that they were not racially concious enough and they were too trusting of outsiders. We now see the results of their naive foolishness all around us every day.

    19. JewTracer Says:

      “You all have to understand something. We live in an all-encompassing matrix. A matrix? Yes, I know. The word has been worn a little recently. But it’s still an appropriate metaphor. Stay with me on this one.

      Our matrix consists of a physical and sociological system which is governed by laws and cultural expectations which evolved over decades, and in some cases, centuries. On top of the European tradition of assigning women relatively high status, we find an omnipresent Judeo-feminist ethos and an interlinked repressive legal regime. This matrix, by both default and design, intimidates men and extracts their resources. This has gone on for so long that people now think that it is normal. That is, people think it is normal to read editorials dismissing an entire generation of men as useless without providing any comparable critique of young women andtheir behavior. We can blame the Jews for getting radical feminism rolling, but they are only a few percent of the population. Fifty percent of the population is female and they vote. They, just as much as the Jews, are responsible for the present legal regime and for promoting and supporting the Judeo-feminist ethos. They have lobbied for this regime and its spoils and exploit its rules at every opportunity. Even among our own, this feminist ethos has been embraced and normalized. [When I write that “most women — not the elite, but the majority — will disappoint you,” I’m not joking. I mean it. This is simply the unvarnished truth. Their permissiveness and short-sightedness are toxic to sustainable civilization. They promote decadence and thrive in its froth. More to the point: decadence is both symptom and cause of decay in one thousand subtle ways.]”

      – “The Useless Young Male” by John Allington, The Aryan Alternative #3

    20. JewTracer Says:

      If we want to get away from this mulitcult/NWO mess we have to abandon from Matriarchal Paganism, and all ideas derived from it. Any attempts to reconcile or integrate it will end up in failure. Proposing it as an antidote to the Feminist Jew World Order will not improve our position, but worsen it.

      The only way out is through Patriarchal Conservative Right-Wing Racialism. Paganism is opposed to all of these elements.