5 September, 2008


Posted by alex in Alex Linder at 6:44 pm | Permanent Link

Having some problems with our host, site will be back up as soon as these are resolved, don’t know how long that will be, hopefully not too long.

  • 7 Responses to “VNNForum”

    1. Howdy Doody Says:

      NNNF has been knocked out for two days. The kikes on the offensive one more time perhaps.

    2. podblanc Says:

      Antis not welcome:


    3. Howdy Doody Says:

      Well, podblanc is out for the count right now too.

    4. New America Says:

      in reply to Alex Linder:

      One, the blackout also seems to have wiped the thread dealing with Kevin Alfred Strom from here, as well.

      Hopefully, you have backups and can restore it.

      Two, someone made a good comment in the “Why We Write” thread concerning Dr. Kevin MacDonald.

      In that thread, blightbling douche wrote:

      The men loudly pushing microcommunities, alternate production & education, barter-alternate currencies-gift giving, acquiring local political legitimacy, the merger of Canada with the Northern United States, and secession in recent years are Maguire, James Bowery, and GT, with important contributions from McCulloch (PLE), Rienzi’ (balkanization, Legion Europa), and Thomas Chittum (CW2)….

      in reply:
      Note that several of them write from VNN, and I don’t seem them writing for VNN now.

      You might want to contact them, and tell them you are making the Foum a more adult place, and invite them back.

      As well, you might want to extend an offering to Geoff Beck to return with his comments, and his wonderful “The Truth Is No Defense” series.

      Incidentally, you might want to post a daily thread on the Blog for the VOR team; just one thread, which will allow comments on all of the discussions on VOR.

      Finally, someone might want to tell Podblan that no one can download videos from their site. Perhaps a “DOWNLOAD” button might help bring clarity to the situation.

      We SHALL Prevail.

      New America

      An Idea Whose Time Is HERE!

    5. ein Says:

      “Apparently, the thread dealing with Kevin Alfred Strom’s suspected release has also disappeared from the Forum, as well. ” NewAmerica

      I don’t understand what has happened there and I have no idea what’s going on; I was able to find it either. (I thought it was me.) But I must commend you once again for your principled and humane stance on this matter. He is only a flawed human being, not a demon to be exorcised, not a witch to be burned. As I said before, his affliction needs a psychiatrist not a jailer. You stood virtually alone against the howling pack baying for his blood. That deserves respect and credit. You have mine.

    6. gw Says:

      “The Jews, starting from little, took power from our Ancestors, and took over the country without firing a SHOT, by controlling the pictures we saw, and the words we heard.”

      I notice you have said that before, and I must say that I like that analogy A LOT. That is, in a nutshell, the perfect answer for those among us who are always calling for some useless, feckless, random violence. Where will it get them, except behind bars? Your answer says it all.

    7. alex Says:

      Kevin Strom is an admitted pedophile. Apart from that, he is an all-around scumbag and liar. Those of you who, for your various reasons, try to deny his guilt aren’t welcome here.

      New America, if you ever mention Strom here again, it will be your last post on any subject at VNN.