7 September, 2008

The Political Cesspool Joins RBN

Posted by Socrates in radio, Socrates, White media, white nationalism, White solutions at 3:57 pm | Permanent Link

Nationalist media is gaining ground. The Cesspool has featured guests such as Sunic, Steele and MacDonald:


  • 11 Responses to “The Political Cesspool Joins RBN”

    1. Shamus Says:

      They’ve featured Dr. Duke, as well as MarK Weber, Gordon Lee Baum, and many, many other pro-White guests. SPLC and ADL has been after them.

      In other words, great show all around.

    2. New America Says:

      A few quick observations:

      One, RBN is the “false-flag” that is home to the Patriotards, and fired VOR’s Peter Schaenk after Schaenk’s “straight-down-the-middle” interview with Bill White.

      Peter was fired before he could make it our the door that very night.

      It’s an interview well worth listening to; White just destroyed the very foundations of the Patriotars Cult of The Constitution, which is part and parcel of the target demographic of RBN.

      When Peter was there, they had a “if we don’t get some money, we’re going out of business” fund-raising drive – of course, they didn’t make any money, yet, somehow, “as if by magic,” they remain on the air, acting as a useful tool to keep the old, the simple-minded, and the helpless – the Patriotards – chasing the false flags.

      Nothing new in this – Dr. Revilo Oliver wrote about this same technique with the John Birch Society.

      For fun, go to the RBN Archives and download the 26 july 06 show, where Stadtmiller laid out his Exciting Vision for RBN “The Plan For The Future,” when his new partner was some black guy named Hubert Ashley. If memory serves, you can hear Ashley describe how he and his associates in Chicago overthrew the “tyranny” of the Daley Machine, apparently replacing it with the Enlightened Wisdom of Harold Washington.

      You can hear Stadtmiller’s shock and horror as he describes how his listeners were turning him off in real-time; it really is a voice of shock and amazement.

      It says what his “followers” really think.

      Let me take a minute and tell you about the RBN “audience”:

      There was one moving moment where one of the audience called in, and said he could not afford to run the fan needed to cool off the satellite receiver he used for RBN.

      I guess that comes to about, oh, a quarter a month…

      A word of advice for the guys at the Political Cesspool:

      Don’t you DARE mention anything about a positive theory of RACE, and don’t you dare criticize ANYTHING about the Jews, OR dare mention a word about Peter Schaenk.

      It would be fun to have Peter call in, but the screeners will NEVER let him, or anything supportive of his ideas, on the air.

      We SHALL Prevail.

      New America

      An Idea Whose Time Is HERE!

    3. Zarathustra Says:

      I used to listen to RBN, but it became so boring and politically correct that it wasn’t worth waiting through the same 3 or 4 ads being played at 9 minute intervals. And I noticed they don’t like using the word “jew” in their broadcasts, either. They prefer the more euphemistic word “zionist” or “neo-con”. No racism allowed on RBN? You just lost another listener, Stadtmiller, you flake.

      “Cult of the Constitution”…….Well said, New America. The typical RBN listener is just a patriotard/John Bircher/right-wing reactionary. What good are such people for the upcoming struggle?

    4. Stu Gavin Says:

      This won’t end well for us, I can already hear the trembling in the voice of James Edwards at the mere mention of the word “Jew”, even when he rarely says it he has this sound in his voice like he feels guilty using it.

    5. New America Says:

      in reply to Stu Gavin:

      you wrote:

      This won’t end well for us, I can already hear the trembling in the voice of James Edwards at the mere mention of the word “Jew”, even when he rarely says it he has this sound in his voice like he feels guilty using it.

      in reply:
      I suspect the GREATER Ending will go very well, for us.

      Linder spoke of the folly of pursing “the paste-glass jewel of middle-class respectability,” and this is simply proof that the vast “middle-class” (actually, RBN’s listeners, for the most part, can’t afford to buy, well, anything) is not going to Awaken to the need for defining all issues in terms of RACE until it is way too late, for them.

      This is just as well, for us.

      Good for the Political Cesspool guys, but they might as well know that any issue that deals substantively with RACE, for us, or about the Jews, in a truthful, and thus, negative manner, will simply disappear. the first time, and they will disappear, the second time.

      Some of us are laying the Foundation for a new nation, starting where we are, as best we can.

      Others are learning the word “Jews” will NOT be tolerated on RBN, unless it is with hosannahs of praise.

      We SHALL Prevail.

      New America

      An Idea Whose Time Is HERE!

    6. Mark Says:

      John Stadtmiller has said on air that he doesn’t consider himself a white man, just a man, and anyone who is a racialist is akin to homosexuals and pedophiles. He’s a very strange man.

      We’ll see how long TPC lasts on RBN, good luck to them.

    7. New America Says:

      in reply to Zarathustra:

      you wrote:

      I used to listen to RBN, but it became so boring and politically correct that it wasn’t worth waiting through the same 3 or 4 ads being played at 9 minute intervals. And I noticed they don’t like using the word “jew” in their broadcasts, either. They prefer the more euphemistic word “zionist” or “neo-con”. No racism allowed on RBN? You just lost another listener, Stadtmiller, you flake.

      in reply:
      It’s safe, reliable entertainment for the old, the elderly, the “Self-Proclaimed greatest Generation,” and that’s all it is.

      Rest assured – it seems to be little more than a false flag designed to make sure the militia movement has one central meeting place.

      There was something called “The Republic of Texas” that was part of their core demographics, but they seem to have vanished.

      I guess it’s all of those commercials for organic coffee, tea, gold and silver – and organic soap. “You bathe, right?”

      If the questions has to asked…

      I haven’t listened since Brother Hubert, a fine Colored Gentleman who “took on the tyrannical Daley machine,” came on with his Plan For The Future.

      I guess nobody bothered to tell Brother Hubert, or John Milkmiller, that the Daley Machine seems to be doing rather well, these days.

      As well, isn’t it remarkable that RBN always seemed to be on the verge of going of the air, and yet, somehow, the money just seems to keep coming it to keep it going.

      Incidentally, I think RBN is part of something called the “Republic Trading Group.” RBN might just be the broadcast arm of Republic Trading Group.

      you wrote:

      “Cult of the Constitution”…….Well said, New America. The typical RBN listener is just a patriotard/John Bircher/right-wing reactionary. What good are such people for the upcoming struggle?

      in reply:
      I listened to Officer Jack McLamb one night, as he described his many followers in the law enforcement and military communities, just chomping at the bit, asking him, “When do we start, Jack? When is it TIME?”

      I fell off of the chair laughing.

      When all of these guys strap on the “old shooting irons, just like Hopalong Cassidy,” all you have to do is get them in one place and go:

      “ATTENTION. This Is The Medicare Coordinator for Region Seven. All Of You Are Running Out Of Tranquilizers, and Blood Pressure Medication. It is Also Time For Your Mile and Cookie Naptimes!”

      That’s that!

      I think “Jack” McLamb’s real first name in Geritol.

      “And now, it’s “Geritol Jack,” and his delusional ramblings about the New World Order. Take it away, Geritol Jack!”

      Incidentally, as The Political Cesspool will soon realize – no one goes on RBN “Live, Unscreened, Uncensored.”

      NO ONE.

      We SHALL Prevail.

      New America

      An Idea Whose Time Is HERE!

    8. Truthteller Says:

      Once again along comes ANDREI YUSTSCHINSKY to soil a thread, with his long copy n paste tomes. I have a brief word for the front page admin.

      Please prevent people from posting copy n paste articles, which break up the thread. Now this time I am asking nicely.

    9. Zarathustra Says:

      Will the new Michael Vick Sports Ejumacation Center have midnight basketball and semi-pro dog-fighting?

    10. Yorath Says:

      I second Truthteller. This Andrei character is getting quite obnoxious. Everything he posts is always completely off topic as well. It disrupts the flow of the commentary and makes it more difficult for newbies to digest the material. Try to imagine yourself as a first time visitor who knows nothing about our struggle and you’ll see what I mean.

      VNN has improved since the forum has been cleaned up. Perhaps the front page needs some attention as well.

    11. Socrates Says:

      ANDREI YUSTSCHINSKY: Stop posting long, off-topic stuff.