11 September, 2008

Radio Istina, September 11th, 2008

Posted by Archives in audio, Linder Radio, Radio Istina, VNNB, VNNB-Thursday at 5:48 pm | Permanent Link

  • 5 Responses to “Radio Istina, September 11th, 2008”

    1. Whitepride Says:

      Now that’s the ticket.

    2. Andrew Says:

      The Day Of The Jew – 7 Years Later. What We’ve Learned:


    3. ty grant Says:

      Oh yes the female jew Who has 4 children (Your opening story) and is single, deffinately wants other jews there… Especially women. how can she share the utter abuse she endured all her life.. Her failed marriage and being treated like shi&t, can only be understood by her fellow hate fill kikes … I love it, Thanks for your work and leadership…

    4. Helmut Says:

      to Ty Grant:

    5. rob Says:

      Ari Fleisher says, “Alex Linder knows more about jews than I do,and I’m a kike!!”