24 September, 2008

Night of the Living Debt

Posted by Socrates in economics, economy, Edgar Steele, Socrates at 9:00 pm | Permanent Link

by Edgar J. Steele.

“Close your eyes and picture your children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren, all alone and scared, in an old, abandoned graveyard. The moon disappears behind one of the gathering storm clouds. Lurching forms begin to emerge from behind tilting gravestones.”

The rest is [Here].

  • 12 Responses to “Night of the Living Debt”

    1. -jc Says:

      It gives me no satisfaction to have my friends phoning and apologizing for giving me such a hard time, calling me negative, all these years.

      Indiscriminate breeding, government schools, and the so called mass media of news and entertainment brought us to this pass.

      Let the hangings begin.

    2. Garrett Says:

      Good article. Steele has to change his motto, because a new America idea looks finished.

    3. sgruber Says:

      We knew it was coming to this.

      In a very few years, probably, there won’t be a United States.

      Hell – is there one now? Only in the sense that a [fill in name of your favorite store] on the corners of everywhere…and that all our friends and relations swim in the Propaganda-Sphere.

    4. sgruber Says:

      s/b “IS on the corners of everywhere”

    5. Olde_Dutch Says:

      All of this, “you are spending the grand-children’s milk money”, is getting hackneyed to say the least.

    6. aji Says:

      They did it, they finally killed the “golden goose”

    7. Zarathustra Says:

      What’s happening now in the stock market and the economy is the inevitable result of poorly or lightly regulated capitalism. How many more times do we have to go throught this bullshit before the lesson has finally been learned? And don’t forget, this 1 trillion dollar bailout means that, in essence, you will be spending the grand-children’s milk money. Just think about it that way!!!!!!!!

    8. Olde_Dutch Says:

      I’m against the bailout, to say the least. But, this you are spending the grandchildren’s __________ , bullshit is soooo old even the Republicoons who coined it obviously don’t believe their own bullshit anymore. LOL.

    9. JD Says:

      The grandchildren aren’t going to pay back the government bonds in the end. Those who trust government promises will lose out either through inflation or default.

    10. Antagonistes Says:

      Speaking of New America, where is the poster by that name?

    11. shabbos s. shabazz Says:

      Alex said if he ever mentioned Strom again, he would be banned.

    12. Z.O.G. Says:

      Death to the bankers and death to all debt based, interest based money systems.