12 September, 2008

Kick the Darkness Until it Bleeds Daylight

Posted by Socrates in blogs, Socrates, White media, White thought at 1:40 pm | Permanent Link

The latest from spiritwaterblood.com: [Here].

  • One Response to “Kick the Darkness Until it Bleeds Daylight”

    1. Zarathustra Says:

      I like how the author of the article goes after CON-servatives. WNs ought to distance themselves from those establishment reactionaries and Jew-worshippers at all costs. No Birchers, no Ditto-heads, no CCC or Sarah Palin fans……..to hell with them all!!!!!!!!! Tom Metzger is correct, the best way to go is White Liberalism, White Socialism or White Populism. No more right-wing crap for me.