17 September, 2008

International Insurance and Financial Services Giant AIG Rescued With $85 Billion Loan

Posted by Socrates in Big Finance, economy, Federal Reserve system, jewed finance, Socrates at 4:07 pm | Permanent Link

Look how this matter is being framed in many media outlets: at first glance, it looks like the U.S. government is bailing out AIG. But actually, it’s the Federal Reservea private bank that nonetheless has a “.gov” web address – that’s bailing out AIG with taxpayer money. The company will also be 79.9% “nationalized” by the Federal Reserve, not the U.S. government. American taxpayers – the majority of them White – will be bailing out the company:


  • 16 Responses to “International Insurance and Financial Services Giant AIG Rescued With $85 Billion Loan”

    1. Olde_Dutch Says:

      The Federal Reserve is violating their charter—again!

    2. Olde Douche Sucks Says:

      The Federal Reserve is violating their charter— again!

      Gee, what a surprise.

    3. Olde_Dutch Says:

      “Gee, what a surprise.”

      I’m sure it is for you. LOL.

    4. Olde Douche Sucks Says:

      Jews acting jewishly is hardly surprising, Olde Douche.

    5. Olde_Dutch Says:

      Has anyone seen if the Federal Reserve loan to AIG is being treated as a system repo, or is the Fed breaking all new ground here?

    6. xtg Says:

      What fucking Charter?…..the judeo-bolshevik FED/IRS are unvetted, unconstitutional, crime syndicates…….
      No audit/oversight since 1914.

    7. Campbell Crawford Clan Says:

      It’s time to start naming names. Who are these Wall Street jews who created the collateralized debt obligations and credit swaps thereby placing the world’s financial system in jeopardy? Who exactly came up with the idea that no money down on a home loan was a good bet? Name the jew who decided that offering loans to illegal immigrants without the need for a social security card and no credit history was a prudent business decision.

      Will there be criminal investigations of these kike-crooks who have robbed us blind? Let’s stop the whining. I want some names and addresses, please.

    8. mark Says:

      it’s taxpayer money (85 Bil) being put up for AIG, but only the Federal Reserve gets the (11%) return, or the 85 Billion back.

      WE take all the risk, and get no return.
      Call your senators and representatives and ask them to explain this to you.

    9. Arch Stanton Says:

      That Nazi guy predicted this outcome for the western world. As you look into the festering abscess of this economic cancer, you find a huge nest of Jew’s blinking back in the bright light of truth. I am truly astounded that everywhere I look throughout this debacle, I see jew after jew after jew. After 37 years as chief executive of AIG, Jew Greenberg quietly stepped aside in the nick of time to let a shabbos goy step into his former position and take the heat. Yet no one recognizes the astoundingly disproportionate number of Jewish names that continually arise as America “deconstructs.” As the Great Mogambo would say: We’re freakin’ doomed!

    10. Olde_Dutch Says:

      “it’s taxpayer money (85 Bil) being put up for AIG, but only the Federal Reserve gets the (11%) return, or the 85 Billion back.

      WE take all the risk, and get no return.
      Call your senators and representatives and ask them to explain this to you.”

      That’s why my guestion, is the Fed handling this AIG loan as a system repo—I dunno? Is this Treasury money funneled through the FED acting as a Central Bank? Just what are the mechanics of this AIG loan, and who benefits?

      Yep, everyone should be calling and asking questions, and demanding answers.

    11. Olde_Dutch Says:

      “What fucking Charter?…..the judeo-bolshevik FED/IRS are unvetted, unconstitutional, crime syndicates…….
      No audit/oversight since 1914.”

      Tough talk tard. Call the Fed and tell ’em how you feel; the Fed does have a big public relations staff waiting for your call. LOL. Another fellow suggested calling you Congressman & US Senators, that couldn’t hurt. Knock yourself out.

    12. Zarathustra Says:

      Campbell Crawford Clan, you have displayed a superior understanding of this whole Wall Street debacle. I too would like to know which Jews were specifically responsible for dragging the Goy investor and Goy taxpayer into this mess. The public really needs to see this crisis from a racialist perspective if they want to understand what’s going on and why. I’ve watched and heard hours worth of analysis by financial “experts” and read entire pages of reporting on the subject, but your posting comes right to the point and does so with an economy of words.

    13. Vaultner Says:

      Wall Street Journal
      Sat/Sun, July 19-20, 2008
      Page B7

      (AIG insurance products and services in United States offering auto insurance, life insurance, accident and health.)

      American International Group Inc. said Friday that Robert B. Willumstad received a one-time grant of $24.5 million in restricted company stock in connection with his appointment as the insurance giants new chief.

      Mr. Willumstad also received a one-time stock option award that the New York Company valued at $12 million, according to a filing with the Securities & Exchange Commission. New York based AIG said Mr. Willumstad’s annual salary will be $1 million & guaranteed his 2008 bonus will be at least $4 million.

      Mr. Willumstad is required to use corporate aircraft for personal travel, the company said.

      They’ve got money to pay their people like this? But not handle their debts.

    14. Voir Dire Says:

      Yet no one recognizes the astoundingly disproportionate number of Jewish names that continually arise as America “deconstructs.”
      –Arch Stanton

      Not to be missed:



    15. TrainKeptaRollin Says:

      So what happens to people who have claims pending with AIG? I can’t keep up- first banks, now insurance.
      Watched a cheesy action movie with my son the other night- usually I’m not much for this kind of thing but the premise was interesting.


      In Live Free or Die Hard, released in mid-2007, Bruce Willis goes after the bad guys who are sabotaging the US computer systems to steal the assets of the financial markets. In the computer hackers’ term, they are creating a “fire sale” that threatens the entire system.

      Minus the computer hackers, this is akin to what European credit markets are suffering right now.

      Alan Greenspan warned us back in 1998 about the real possibility of the world’s banking and stock markets locking up and crashing through cascading cross defaults. ….
      Originally caused by the burgeoning US sub-prime meltdown, the rot has now begun to spread around the world as bank after bank begins to falter and the international overall system of lending money between banks, the so-called LIBOR facility, has ceased to function. It may cease to exist.

    16. rockfinger Says:

      ask yourself this. would the world be better off with or without jews? I say the more i see, the more Hitler looks like a good man. Of course we won’t b able to prove a trail, it’s what they do. The best thing to do is organise and draw your own conclusions. We all feel it. It must be stopped before its too late