28 August, 2008

Why We Write

Posted by Socrates in Kevin MacDonald, Socrates at 7:17 pm | Permanent Link

by Dr. Kevin MacDonald: (a .pdf file): [Here].

  • 94 Responses to “Why We Write”

    1. Blightblingdouche Says:

      Unlike social Marxism, genuine nationalism within the present system is a permanent career-ending move. That is why our public demonstrations are comprised of the aged and unemployable. Going public without some form of legal and economic protection doesn’t require guts. It requires stupidity or total disregard for the welfare of one’s family. “My name is C*** M******, what’s yours?” asks the ‘brave, dedicated nationalist’ and recipient of government checks or private donations. “I chose to do this!” claims this man who is permanently blacklisted within his industry for having indiscreetly run his mouth about jews and subsequently fired or forced to quit work. “The White Race comes before my family!” shouts the faux revolutionary who has broken his promise to care for his wife and children, or is incapable of finding/forging a relationship with a woman. “If only we could all come together!” pleads the man who would tolerate costumes, ink, typing hours of inconsequential shit on Internet forums and calling it ‘activism,’ getting photographed by the FBI/SPLC/ADL, carrying signs from behind police lines, voting for Obama, listening to hours upon hours of the late, great Dr. Pierce, and advocates the Turner Diaries as a useful ‘strategic’ plan.

      All bullshit.

      Unlike the Sixties jews and their useful Gentile idiots, the system is not ours. We cannot effectively infiltrate the system because the jews and their sycophants are watchful. Generous, they are not. Open, they are not. Trusting, they are not. Forgiving, they are not. Europid-Aryan-White, they are not. The loopholes which allowed Professor Kevin MacDonald to publish jew-truth after tenure will be closed. Bank on it! Our Susan, here, is right that something must be done, but sign-carrying ain’t the answer. Demonstrations are for system-dependent and protected people – people who retain a degree of faith in a system that isn’t our own. It is the tactic of foundationally conservative people who call themselves Marxist, left-liberal, liberal, libertarian, conservative, paleo-conservative, green, animal rights, Democrat, Republican, Constitutionalist, and Independent – not White nationalists. It is the tactic of people who retain civil rights as criminals – excluding White nationalists. It is the tactic of people who are the beneficiaries of system-sanctioned organizations – none of which are White nationalist. It is the tactic of people who believe in “Justice for All” – except for all of those goddamned White nationalists. There system has informal ‘rules’ for us and formal rules for all others.

      Zarathustra wrote: We need an Al Qaeda-style revolutionary underground guerrilla resistance.

      Yes, we do. However, underground resistance requires above-ground economic and political support. How do we acquire this from within the system? The answer to the economic problem is to beg, borrow, steal, buy, or salvage whatever we can from the judaeo-economy and create small, local, legally informal, and semi-independent socioeconomic communities, develop alternate production (industrial) facilities, develop local trade networks, engage in above/below table barter, and engage in below table currency transactions. Except for small “gift-giving” activities, all below table transactions must be kept within one’s immediate group, of course, which is (preferably) comprised of family members and long-term friends (not “movement” acquaintances) for security reasons. The answer to the political question depends on our ability to sell the idea of alternate communities, production, and trade to our neighbors. It also depends upon our willingness and ability to identify local, “implicitly-White” social, educational, and cultural needs, create new organizations/activities where needed, and move into leadership roles of existing, implicitly White organizations. In other words, we cannot afford to socially isolate ourselves from the greater White community. Assuming we are successful at implicitly-White social integration, local political engagement would the next step. In rural areas, stuffing a fork up the asses of local Republican ‘good ole boys’ and agribusinesses could generate quite a bit of appeal – once again, as long as we are (relatively) independent on the economic side and are socially engaged with our White neighbors. Watchwords in establishing the American Al Qaeda’s above-ground operations are “informal, implicit, local, small, family & friends, alternate, quasi-independent, bypass, and network.”

      That’s activism.

    2. Zarathustra Says:

      According to the Jews and liberals, only White women should consider getting abortions, for the sake of their careers and for the sake of the environment. However, I believe the only time a White woman should get an abortion is if the fetus is retarded or seriously deformed. Or if she had intercourse with a non-White.

      On the bright side, thanks to Peking’s strictly-enforced one child policy, it has been estimated that as many as 300 MILLION CHINKS were prevented from ever being born or conceived. 300 MILLION FEWER CHINKS IN THE WORLD! What’s more, aborted Chink fetuses are considered a delicacy in China, even more so than rats or dogs. So, the Chink appetite for aborted Chink fetuses also keeps a check on the excess Chink population, as does the preference for male Chink offspring. The Wogs in India likewise kill off their female offspring in favor of male dot-heads. Also, as China and India become more yuppie-ized, there will be less inclination among their professional class of females to reproduce.

      Jews don’t exactly breed like mice, so we don’t have to worry about being outnumbered by their kind. And the Niggers are dropping like flies thanks to AIDS, diabetes, high blood pressure, sickle-cell, crack cocaine and gang violence.

      The only two groups that are likely to dramatically increase in population for the forseeable future are the Mohammedans (mostly Arabs) and the Mestizoes. We should gear our race-survival strategies towards dealing with those two mud-groups.

    3. New America Says:

      in reply to Blightblingdouche:

      My congratulations on writing the sort of Adult analysis that has been all too rare from our side.

      I’d like to discuss some of your points, if I may:

      you wrote:

      Unlike social Marxism, genuine nationalism within the present system is a permanent career-ending move. That is why our public demonstrations are comprised of the aged and unemployable.

      in reply:
      This is so true, and the phrase “permanent, carer-ending move,” is not at all an exaggeration.

      you wrote:

      Going public without some form of legal and economic protection doesn’t require guts. It requires stupidity or total disregard for the welfare of one’s family. “My name is C*** M******, what’s yours?” asks the ‘brave, dedicated nationalist’ and recipient of government checks or private donations. “I chose to do this!” claims this man who is permanently blacklisted within his industry for having indiscreetly run his mouth about jews and subsequently fired or forced to quit work. “The White Race comes before my family!” shouts the faux revolutionary who has broken his promise to care for his wife and children, or is incapable of finding/forging a relationship with a woman. “If only we could all come together!” pleads the man who would tolerate costumes, ink, typing hours of inconsequential shit on Internet forums and calling it ‘activism,’ getting photographed by the FBI/SPLC/ADL, carrying signs from behind police lines, voting for Obama, listening to hours upon hours of the late, great Dr. Pierce, and advocates the Turner Diaries as a useful ‘strategic’ plan.

      All bullshit.

      in reply:
      All too true.

      I like to ask the question raised by VOR’s Peter Schaenk:

      “Suppose, just suppose, all of the Jews, the illegals, the blacks, all of them just disappeared tomorrow morning. What would you do then, and why aren’t you doing that NOW?”

      THAT is the question most White Nationalists dare not answer. because it points to the painful, Adult realization that where you are is a result of the choices you made, and YOU are responsible for this state of affairs.

      I guess most everyone is waiting patiently for Sky God Rockwell, and Sky God Pierce, to return, and do the heavy lifting for them.

      Certainly, then, they will all join in the torchlight parade, trying to go the front of the line.

      Small children believe in Magic; Adults believe in purposeful Work.

      you wrote:
      Unlike the Sixties jews and their useful Gentile idiots, the system is not ours. We cannot effectively infiltrate the system because the jews and their sycophants are watchful. Generous, they are not. Open, they are not. Trusting, they are not. Forgiving, they are not. Europid-Aryan-White, they are not. The loopholes which allowed Professor Kevin MacDonald to publish jew-truth after tenure will be closed. Bank on it! Our Susan, here, is right that something must be done, but sign-carrying ain’t the answer.

      in reply:
      This reminds me of Harold Covington’s Insight, Covington’s Conundrum, which stares:

      “The system is designed to PREVENT the very thing we are trying to accomplish. Why, then, do we persist in attempting to work within the system?”

      Let me emphasize the key words in Covington’s Conundrum:

      The system is designed to PREVENT the very thing we are trying to accomplish.

      Brilliant – just damn brilliant.

      EVERYTHING the System does is designed to PREVENT us from accomplishing our Goals, and fulfilling our RACIAL duties.


      We are not unlike Christians in the (Jew-created-and-controlled) former Soviet Union.

      We are barely tolerated, and then, only if we acknowledge fealty, first.

      you wrote:

      Demonstrations are for system-dependent and protected people – people who retain a degree of faith in a system that isn’t our own. It is the tactic of foundationally conservative people who call themselves Marxist, left-liberal, liberal, libertarian, conservative, paleo-conservative, green, animal rights, Democrat, Republican, Constitutionalist, and Independent – not White nationalists. It is the tactic of people who retain civil rights as criminals – excluding White nationalists. It is the tactic of people who are the beneficiaries of system-sanctioned organizations – none of which are White nationalist. It is the tactic of people who believe in “Justice for All” – except for all of those goddamned White nationalists. There system has informal ‘rules’ for us and formal rules for all others.

      in reply:
      We, the one group that can actually make “America” WORK, are the one group in America that can be discriminated against with impunity.

      How long do you think “America” can stand without us?

      Look at Rhodesia, for one example, and look to Detroit, for another.

      Yet, to quote George Carlin, “THEY don’t care about you at all, at all, at all!”

      Got that right.

      you wrote:

      Zarathustra wrote: We need an Al Qaeda-style revolutionary underground guerrilla resistance.

      Yes, we do. However, underground resistance requires above-ground economic and political support. How do we acquire this from within the system? The answer to the economic problem is to beg, borrow, steal, buy, or salvage whatever we can from the judaeo-economy and create small, local, legally informal, and semi-independent socioeconomic communities, develop alternate production (industrial) facilities, develop local trade networks, engage in above/below table barter, and engage in below table currency transactions. Except for small “gift-giving” activities, all below table transactions must be kept within one’s immediate group, of course, which is (preferably) comprised of family members and long-term friends (not “movement” acquaintances) for security reasons. The answer to the political question depends on our ability to sell the idea of alternate communities, production, and trade to our neighbors. It also depends upon our willingness and ability to identify local, “implicitly-White” social, educational, and cultural needs, create new organizations/activities where needed, and move into leadership roles of existing, implicitly White organizations. In other words, we cannot afford to socially isolate ourselves from the greater White community. Assuming we are successful at implicitly-White social integration, local political engagement would the next step. In rural areas, stuffing a fork up the asses of local Republican ‘good ole boys’ and agribusinesses could generate quite a bit of appeal – once again, as long as we are (relatively) independent on the economic side and are socially engaged with our White neighbors. Watchwords in establishing the American Al Qaeda’s above-ground operations are “informal, implicit, local, small, family & friends, alternate, quasi-independent, bypass, and network.”

      That’s activism.

      in reply:
      I think the better example might be Hezbollah, which is running medical facilities, social services, television and radio stations, and, oh, by the way, is involved in training some young men in another form of “activism.”

      The mistake many of us have made is the mistake of the Impotent:

      We have allowed people you would not to be in the same room with, people who not only can’t get a job at the gas station, they can barely work the gas pump, to fill our time with their whiskey-powered liquid courage delusions. These idiots talk about taking on the foremost military power in world history, when they spend their time ducking bill collectors, and cracking back on the applejack.

      To extend Peter Schaenk’s Question, these people are like barking dogs trying to catch a locomotive.

      If they CAUGHT the damn thing, what would they DO with it?

      I suspect that a small group of disciplined, determined, and focused White Aryans decided to transform the world around them in an earlier time.

      The time might be coming up to develop that sort of focused discipline for ourselves, and use it to build a White nation, damn near from scratch.

      We SHALL Prevail.

      New America

      An Idea Whose Time Is HERE!

    4. New America Says:

      I’d like to take a minute and clarify some of my remarks in the last post.

      Blightblingdouche wrote:

      Zarathustra wrote: We need an Al Qaeda-style revolutionary underground guerrilla resistance.

      Yes, we do.

      in reply:
      Never happen, in the extant social order.

      This is the ONE thing the System is designed to neutralize, and destroy – the “organization,” and ANYONE remotely affiliated with it.

      Ask Matt Hale.

      Go to Steele’s website and hear him describe EXACTLY how little it took to send Hale to a Federal Supermax, forever.

      The people who believe that political power comes out of the barrel of a gun, ignore the fact that this power exists as long as the gun is trained on someone.

      Or, the other guy gets a gun.

      VOR’s Peter Schaenk has wrote and spoken eloquently about how the demons-known-as-Jews took over America, without firing a shot, by controlling the picture you see, and the words you hear.

      Speaking of the use of force, what ever happened to “The Order?”

      Oh, that’s right…

      So, put aside the fantasies of impotent schoolboys, and look at the challenges before us in developing a White NATION, from the ground, up.

      If that ground is in Montana, so much the better!

      you wrote:

      However, underground resistance requires above-ground economic and political support.

      in reply:
      See above.

      When asked about the legendary French Resistance, Speer laughed.

      The IRA has been thoroughly neutralized.

      You see a Pattern here, don’t you?

      Let’s not make the mistake of these Children.

      Let’s think like Adults, with a focus on the world our Posterity will inherit, from what we Create.

      Let’s lay the Foundation for a better System.

      you wrote:

      How do we acquire this from within the system? The answer to the economic problem is to beg, borrow, steal, buy, or salvage whatever we can from the judaeo-economy and create small, local, legally informal, and semi-independent socioeconomic communities, develop alternate production (industrial) facilities, develop local trade networks, engage in above/below table barter, and engage in below table currency transactions. Except for small “gift-giving” activities, all below table transactions must be kept within one’s immediate group, of course, which is (preferably) comprised of family members and long-term friends (not “movement” acquaintances) for security reasons.

      in reply:
      This is good advice.

      It’s what the Jews do, by the way.

      It works for them…

      you wrote:

      The answer to the political question depends on our ability to sell the idea of alternate communities, production, and trade to our neighbors. It also depends upon our willingness and ability to identify local, “implicitly-White” social, educational, and cultural needs, create new organizations/activities where needed, and move into leadership roles of existing, implicitly White organizations. In other words, we cannot afford to socially isolate ourselves from the greater White community.

      in reply:
      There was a great piece on the old VNN Forum – in the Archives – on using the Jehovah’s Witnesses as an organizational model.

      The Witnesses are the most successful religion in America, for a lot of good reasons.

      To anticipate your answer, Judaism is not a religion.

      But, you knew that already!

      you wrote:

      Assuming we are successful at implicitly-White social integration, local political engagement would the next step. In rural areas, stuffing a fork up the asses of local Republican ‘good ole boys’ and agribusinesses could generate quite a bit of appeal – once again, as long as we are (relatively) independent on the economic side and are socially engaged with our White neighbors.

      in reply:
      This worked for Huey Long, a remarkably astute politician who saw himself as the statesman of the dispossessed White underclass.

      It will work for us, as well.

      you wrote:

      Watchwords in establishing the American Al Qaeda’s above-ground operations are “informal, implicit, local, small, family & friends, alternate, quasi-independent, bypass, and network.”

      That’s activism.

      in reply:
      Replace Al Quaeda – a synthetic organization that is routinely neutralized – with a new version of the Jehovah’s Witnesses, and you might make some headway.

      John deNugent is writing a book about a possible future for our selves, and our White children.

      Perhaps he has some ideas he would care to share with us!

      Just remember a great strength of the Witnesses:

      They see themselves as ambassadors from God, and deport themselves accordingly.

      That’s a good example for us.

      After all, if we fulfill our RACIAL Destiny,…

      We SHALL Prevail.

      New America

      An Idea Whose Time Is HERE!

    5. Howdy Doody Says:

      Huey P. Long by T Harry Williams 1971

      Reads like fiction. If you have a brain please enjoy this missing link of 20th century US politics and his death cleared the way for FDR and the war of White destruction.

      Worthy indeed, and this book was a ten year work. Many of the hundreds of sources were not to be revealed till 2004 or 10 if I remember.

    6. Howdy Doody Says:


      Huey P. Long

      If you have never read this your in for a treat!

    7. Howdy Doody Says:

      Villywood would never ever make a movie/story based on this book/facts of the man.

      For sure, Oy Vey !

    8. Susan Says:

      To New America: I don’t disagree with most of what you write. I, too, would like to see Whites build our own homeland in America for future generations. However, I can’t do that right now! Right now, I’m just surviving day to day. If anyone would like to pay me, I will gladly work on all kinds of White issues full time. Doubt this is going to happen, though.

      So, in the meantime, I do what I can do which is to try to *educate* and *agitate* wherever possible. Which means holding signs! I mean my time here on earth may not be all that much longer….who knows? I just like to feel that I’m doing something to promote the White race.

      And one never knows who will be awakened by reading a sign. Maybe our White savior!!! Oh well…….just a thought.

    9. New America Says:

      in (thoughtful) reply to Susan:

      Bill White can claim to be the heir to Rockwell, and a lot more.

      The rest of us are doing what we can, where can can.

      White is trying to form a new Civilization.

      You might want to consider joining his ANSWP.

      There are levels of membership, you do NOT have to wear the brownshirt/red swastika armband, and you will have the pleasure of working with someone who has intelligent plans for developing the organization(s) we need to move forward.

      Everyone else wants good people; White wants to create an organization that will help good people to be better people.

      Incidentally, I also recommend getting a copy of Covington’s masterful book, “A Distant Thunder,” – it’s available for download, but paper allows you leisure – and focus on his description of the essential difference between national socialism, and other economic systems.

      Covington gives you a mind set, a world view, that is invaluable in allowing you to see WHERE we should be going.

      White is building the bridge to get there.

      We SHALL Prevail.

      New America

      An Idea Whose Time Is HERE!

    10. Zarathustra Says:

      The Jehovah’s Witnesses are a more effective organization than Al Qaeda???????????? How many enemy troops have the Witnesses killed or disabled? How many skyscrapers or enemy installations have they destroyed? How many planes have they hijacked or shot down? How many people are filled with terror knowing that there are Witnesses nearby? The Jehovah’s Witnesses are nothing but a fringe Christian church that simply annoy most people or amuse them, nothing more. WTF????????

      If you didn’t agree with my Al Qaeda analogy, you could have chosen the Hell’s Angels or the Weather Underground as a more suitable model for White resistance. But the Jehovah’s Witnesses???????? WTF?????????

    11. shabbos s. shabazz Says:

      Perhaps he meant Symbionese Liberation Army:



    12. Susan Says:

      I wasn’t going to say anything……but when the Jehovahs’ Witnesses come to my neighborhood, I call the pigs on them. Bwahahaha They are annoying as hell, and we are lucky enough to get the all nigger crew up here in my area. Oh joy!!!

      I don’t think I’ll be joining anyone just yet, but thank you for the advice New America. John de Nugent is someone I’m keeping my eye on too. He’s doing some interesting things, and he too says he’s building a White community up his way in the Pittsburgh area. That may be an interesting place to move to, depending upon what’s going on in the next few years. But, Montana’s still my dream…..

    13. Blightblingdouche Says:

      New America writes: “So, put aside the fantasies of impotent schoolboys, and look at the challenges before us in developing a White NATION, from the ground, up. If that ground is in Montana, so much the better!”

      When in Rome, this blightblinger does as the Romans do. VNNers use the words “revolutionary guerrilla resistance.” What you’re referring to, I think, is the acquisition of legitimate civil power through electoral means in rural locations throughout the northern half of the continent and implementation of the Founder’s idea of the original state militias in accordance with the Constitution. The long-term goal is secession. If so, then it’s good to see the word getting out – especially to long-time VNNers. No objection to your clarification whatsoever, assuming that is what it was.

      Secession – not Revolution. Take the rural, isolate and pull the plug on the urban: The Coming Urban Terror, by John Robb. Read and head, folks. http://www.city-journal.org/html/17_3_urban_terrorism.html

    14. New America Says:

      in reply to Susan:

      Good points, and don’t limit your options. Certainly, subscribing to the ANSWP magazine will provide good content and analysis for you, and might help you as a speaker on behalf of deNugent!

      deNugent’s description of the area outside Pittsburgh is accurate, and quite enticing.

      You still might want to take a few weeks off in the off-season and take the bus/train/whatever to Montana.

      And, I was not saying JOIN the Witnesses. I’m looking for some old pieces on the VNN Archive describing some ideas based on the Witnesses’ organizational models. There’s a LOT in the Witness organization we can learn from.

      If you decide to hold up signs, you might want to use the phrase “STOP WHITE GENOCIDE!” on one side, and Bob Witaker’s Mantra – short version – on the other.

      The Mantra, and its variations, can be seen at www dot whitakeronline dot org/blog/

      Sending some folding money to Linder each and every month – addresses at the top and bottom of the screen – is one of the best forms of activism I know.

      We SHALL Prevail.

      New America

      An Idea Whose Time Is HERE!

    15. Howdy Doody Says:

      J.W.’s are enemy aliens and if you knew what they were really up to, you would not be posting anything about them except for a warning.

    16. New America Says:

      in reply to Zarathustra:

      you wrote:

      The Jehovah’s Witnesses are a more effective organization than Al Qaeda???????????? How many enemy troops have the Witnesses killed or disabled? How many skyscrapers or enemy installations have they destroyed? How many planes have they hijacked or shot down? How many people are filled with terror knowing that there are Witnesses nearby? The Jehovah’s Witnesses are nothing but a fringe Christian church that simply annoy most people or amuse them, nothing more. WTF????????

      in reply:
      The Jehovah’s Witnesses are a fast growing religious community – not just a Church, but a community – that has a lot more success in all areas of human endeavor than some Wordist bunch of failures that are all but removed from the face of the Earth.

      A rag tag bunch of losers, they are routinely taken out by intelligently organized tribes (the Taliban, for example), and organizations such as Hezbollah.

      People are “filled with terror the Witnesses are nearby.”

      They DO hold them in some sort of respect, regardless of how we may mock them.

      If they knew what the Witnesses have accomplished, they would be all the more impressed.

      “C’mon! Google dat!”

      you wrote:

      If you didn’t agree with my Al Qaeda analogy, you could have chosen the Hell’s Angels or the Weather Underground as a more suitable model for White resistance. But the Jehovah’s Witnesses???????? WTF?????????

      in reply:
      “White resistance” that takes the form of supporting the use of armed force against the most powerful military in the history of the world is the height of folly, as still-living members of “The Order” can tell you.

      Even hinting of support for it – even not actively denying it – cost Matt Hale his freedom, forever.

      So, it is doomed to failure, and so are its practitioners, today, and its supporters, tomorrow.

      I have been working on an alternative history of the late Dr. Sam Francis, with Francis turning to the primacy of RACE as a social organizing principle.

      In it, around 2025, Idaho’s Senator Robert Mathews helps to form the organizing committee for the Northwest Republic.

      That just might have been his future, had he not sought to do the ONE thing the government – NO government – will ever allow.

      Oh, did I mention that Bob Mathews was set up by someone he trusted?


      It didn’t work for him, it didn’t work for “The Order,” and it will not work because the outcomes it seeks are not socially stable, or politically viable.

      Again, please recall the great observation of VOR’s Peter Schaenk:

      The Jews have all but taken over America without firing a shot, through control of the pictures you see, and the words you read and hear.

      That’s an example we could emulate, fairly easily, and very effectively.

      VERY effectively.

      “We SHALL Prevail.”

      New America

      An Idea Whose Time Is HERE!

    17. New America Says:

      in reply to Howdy Doody:

      you wrote:

      J.W.’s are enemy aliens and if you knew what they were really up to, you would not be posting anything about them except for a warning.

      in reply:
      I was referring to the Witnesses from the perspective of organizational design, not theology.


      We SHALL Prevail.

      New America

      An Idea Whose Time Is HERE!

    18. New America Says:

      in reply to Howdy Doody:

      you wrote:


      Huey P. Long

      If you have never read this your in for a treat!

      in reply:
      THAT is the masterful biography that inspired me to reconsider Long, and see him as he was – a man from reduced circumstances, who dealt with the dispossessed Whites on terms they could relate to, while battling a totally ruthless oligarchy that, if memory serves, had given Louisiana less than three hundred miles of paved road by the time Long ran for public office.

      I suspect Long was our first modern National Socialist.

      We can learn quite a bit from him.

      Thanks for the advice!

      We SHALL Prevail.

      New America

      An Idea Whose Time Is HERE!

    19. New America Says:

      in reply to Blightblingdouche:

      you wrote:

      New America writes: “So, put aside the fantasies of impotent schoolboys, and look at the challenges before us in developing a White NATION, from the ground, up. If that ground is in Montana, so much the better!”

      in reply:
      Yes, I did!

      you wrote:

      When in Rome, this blightblinger does as the Romans do.

      in reply:
      Perhaps it might be useful to keep an eye on what the people who DEFEATED the Romans did.

      Simply “doing what the Romans do” gets you where the Romans are.

      you wrote:
      VNNers use the words “revolutionary guerrilla resistance.” What you’re referring to, I think, is the acquisition of legitimate civil power through electoral means in rural locations throughout the northern half of the continent and implementation of the Founder’s idea of the original state militias in accordance with the Constitution. The long-term goal is secession. If so, then it’s good to see the word getting out – especially to long-time VNNers. No objection to your clarification whatsoever, assuming that is what it was.

      in reply:
      That was my idea.

      It was derived from Covington’s masterful analysis of how empires collapse, with wars begun by the politicians, and ended by the bookkeepers, as the cost of maintaining the provinces grows too dear.

      The resultant power vacuum is filled by those who are locally trained, to international levels of competence.

      Think of men like Jefferson, Adams, Hamilton, and Uncle Adolph.

      Why aren’t we developing such capabilities in our young men?

      you wrote:

      Secession – not Revolution. Take the rural, isolate and pull the plug on the urban: The Coming Urban Terror, by John Robb. Read and head, folks. http://www.city-journal.org/html/17_3_urban_terrorism.html

      in reply:
      The functional equivalent of secession lays the foundation to make actual secession possible.

      I KNOW no one on VNN would support anything as foolish as the use of force against the lawfully established government.

      And, if Covington is right – and he usually is – we won’t need to.

      We will need to learn to defend ourselves, and our Families, as a matter of course, in any case.

      That should do it!

      A word to the wise:

      Representative David Duke counseled one and all that, if ANYONE comes up to you and proposes ANYTHING remotely illegal – like using force inappropriately, for example – then KNOW that person is either a law enforcement agent, or an informer/agent provocateur, and the only response it to WALK away from them, saying, loudly, “I DON’T KNOW WHAT YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT! STAY AWAY FROM ME OR I AM GOING TO THE POLICE.” Then, if they continue, GO TO THE POLICE!

      Think of where Matt Hale would be today, if he had followed that advice.

      think of where Robert Mathews would be today, if he had followed that advice.

      My guess?

      He’d have Senator Larry Craig’s job

      Don’t be a victim!

      We SHALL Prevail.

      New America

      An Idea Whose Time Is HERE!

    20. Zarathustra Says:

      Let’s not get bogged down with reactionary thinking. The present System cannot be salvaged. It must be replaced, peacefully IF possible, with a confederation of revolutionary White republics. No more centralized Superstates.

      If the Founding Fathers had a legitimate reason to declare independence from the Crown, then we are a hundred times more justifed in declaring independence from Regime Central. I’m sure Jefferson, Paine, Franklin and all the rest would agree.

    21. New America Says:

      in reply to Zarathustra:

      you wrote:

      Let’s not get bogged down with reactionary thinking. The present System cannot be salvaged. It must be replaced, peacefully IF possible, with a confederation of revolutionary White republics. No more centralized Superstates.

      in reply:
      People who speak of using force, who consider those who counsel against it, as “reactionary,” should understand that they are counseling the ONE tool that will have the user, and his immediate associates, neutralized by The System.

      It is right to advocate a “replacement” for The System, but everyone gets very vague on the details of exactly how this could come to pass.

      The “replacement” will not happen by magic.

      It WILL happen through a process of DISPLACEMENT.

      For instance, we should use the Robinson Curriculum as the foundation for home schooling, rather than sending our Posterity to the public indoctrination system.

      These ideas worked spectacularly well for the demonic Jews.

      The use of force has ALWAYS resulted in horrific results, for the White Nationalist Community.

      Ask “The Order.”

      Even a casual discussion that does not refute this folly is enough to send you to a Federal Supermax forever.

      Ask Matt Hale.

      I always look at those who proposed the use of force, when we have the best Idea, and the best Ideals, and wonder why they won’t give those Ideals a try, to bring about the best Idea.

      The painfully obvious reason is this:

      It is too much damn WORK for them to WORK steadily towards a goal they might not achieve in their lifetime.

      Far easier to dream of somehow, somehow, challenging the most powerful military force in the history of the world.

      Then, they crack back on the applejack, and reread “The Turner Diaries.”

      They were losers, they are losers, and they will be losers, pure and simple.

      They will also try to take you down with them.

      you wrote:

      If the Founding Fathers had a legitimate reason to declare independence from the Crown, then we are a hundred times more justifed in declaring independence from Regime Central. I’m sure Jefferson, Paine, Franklin and all the rest would agree.

      in reply:
      The Founders represented the men who owned the country, versus the men who claimed to represent the foreign ownership.

      They were Aristocrats, superbly educated, groomed to rule, and – this is rarely discussed in your System history books – had the support of the French to the point that the equivalent of six – SIX – carrier groups of the French Navy neutralized the British Navy at the end of hostilities.

      Not only were our Aristocrats supported by our businessmen, they had the French helping them at all points – financially, militarily, you name it.

      I can’t get enough of our people to send twenty damn dollars a month to Linder, for God’s sake.

      So, we must be what we want the world to become, and build outward from there.

      That requires work – not much of it, at any one time, but great consistency – which most of us are totally unwilling to do, even for the sake of our Posterity.

      I can assure you, one day, our Posterity will return the favor.

      We SHALL Prevail.

      New America

      An Idea Whose Time Is HERE!

    22. ein Says:

      The “replacement” will not happen by magic.
      It WILL happen through a process of DISPLACEMENT.

      For instance, we should use the Robinson Curriculum as the foundation for home schooling, rather than sending our Posterity to the public indoctrination system.

      These ideas worked spectacularly well for the Jews.

      The use of force has ALWAYS resulted in horrific results, for the White Nationalist Community.
      The “Robinson Curriculum”? What????? This is far too recondite for most. You make an excellent point here. no doubt. Unfortunately, YOUR MESSAGE IS totally LOST! You are far, far too obscure to make your point. You are babbling to the stars and to the heavens. You have to make it clear and SPELL IT OUT for the masses.
      And, please, drop the word “demonic”. It only makes you sound fanatical; It detracts credibility from everything you say. And it just happens that I care greatly about what you say.

    23. New America Says:

      in (thoughtful) reply to ein:

      Thanks for your constructive criticism.

      The Robinson Curriculum is a complete home school curriculum that can be bought for about 200 USD. they have a website.

      My focus on “Displace and Replace” is based on the idea that most of our people define “rebellion” in terms that simply do not work in the Real World.

      My point comes from Alex Linder, when he said, addressing the (rebellious) adolescents, “The best rebellion is excellence.”

      That seems to be where all too many of us fall down, and escape into the fantasies of the impotent, as if, somehow, we can force dramatic societal change with people who consider bed sheets and pillow cases with eye holes to be formal attire, and their old squirrel rifle and their ’68 Chevy Nova will somehow “Take America Back.”

      Losers, to a man.

      I have written here twice on a comment Briseis made concerning the general ineffectiveness and widespread incompetence of all too many of our young men, and have not received ONE comment on this very important issue.

      I think this is because the topic reminds all too many of our critics just how sad their lives have become, because they failed to see the world through the mindset of a Positive Theory of RACE.

      Yet, forming a great NATION begins with great PEOPLE, and this is where we seem to fall somewhat short of the mark.

      And, as for “demons” to refer to the Jews, well, they ARE.

      That having been said, I will moderate my comments in the hope they may be more effective!

      “The Race Known As Jews.”

      That sounds a bit more moderate!

      Thanks again for your constructive criticism.

      We SHALL prevail.

      New America

      An Idea Whose Time Is HERE!

    24. Zarathustra Says:

      New America:

      You bring up a good point about the Founding Fathers, whether you intended to or not. Those men were all very wealthy lawyers, gentlemen farmers and businessmen. They were Colonial America’s ruling class and became Federal America’s ruling class after the so-called Revolution. They did not really care about what was in the best interests of middle-class or working- class White people. They were only interested in perpetuating their wealth and their control over society.

      If they really cared about their fellow Whites they would have shipped all the Niggers back to Africa and told the Jews to leave the Continent or else. This present System has always been a System for the rich, of the rich and by the rich. Jews are welcome to participate and non-White labor is imported so that greedy employers don’t have to pay a decent wage to White workers.

      We need a new way, one that does not exploit or enslave anyone, not even the colored inferiors, one that is pro-White and makes sure every White citizen’s basic needs are taken care of. No more laissez-faire capitalism, which only benefits the rich and their Jewish cohorts at the expense of everyone else. I’m hoping for something along the lines of NS Germany, the CSA, Periclean Athens, Bismarck’s Germany and Plato’s Republic. Is it possible or just a racialist pipe-dream?

    25. Susan Says:

      But what are the simple logistics of how this is going to happen? How are we going to build White homelands and communities away from our enemies if we can’t even trust each other and agree to meet each other without thinking we are all feds and antis.

      I simply do not see anything happening in the foreseeable future, because no one is willing to step outside of his or her comfort zone and make it happen.

      Until we come together in large groups, or small groups, for that matter, and start planning and strategizing, what is going to change? Nothing.

      We’ll all just continue to post on the Internet about what we’d like to see happen, what should happen, but what will never happen because we simply don’t trust each other.

      And, more to the point, HOW do we come to trust each other? Maybe that is even more important a question at this point.

      As soon as someone mentions meeting, everyone scatters like cockroaches when the light is flicked on.

    26. New America Says:

      in reply to Susan:

      Thank you for your excellent comments.

      They directly address important issues, and need addressing themselves.

      you wrote:

      But what are the simple logistics of how this is going to happen? How are we going to build White homelands and communities away from our enemies if we can’t even trust each other and agree to meet each other without thinking we are all feds and antis.

      in reply:
      We build Communities by starting with Families, and extended Families.

      We prove the worth of our Community by being Better People, and manifesting constructive rebellion as excellence.

      I simply assume the feds are watching and listening, and given them them something to be proud of.

      I also know that the minute anyone beings to speculate about anything remotely illegal, I never talk to them again, and will not be in their presence.


      First, let’s assume they are not Feds, and mean what they say.

      As Terrible Tommy Metzger said, “If they are going to do these things, what do they need YOU for?”

      Second, let’s assume they are Feds, or just low-rent agents provocateurs.

      Again, follow the example of David Duke.

      The days of the Antis are numbered, for excellent demographic reasons.

      And, be mature, adn admit that the Feds will ALWAYS be watching.

      Give them something to be proud of!

      you wrote:

      I simply do not see anything happening in the foreseeable future, because no one is willing to step outside of his or her comfort zone and make it happen.

      in reply:
      An excellent first step would be to join the ANSWP – Bill White is a first rate catalyst for these issues.

      Another first step would be to work on behalf of john deNugent’s campaign.

      Another first step is to create, say, a poster with the words – done in large stenciled letters – STOP WHIT GENOCIDE, and then hand anyone who wishes a flyer with Bob Whitaker’s Mantra on one side, and Duke’s commentary on the demographic death of America on the other.

      Don’t argue!

      Another would be to discreetly put this flyer in public places.

      you wrote:

      Until we come together in large groups, or small groups, for that matter, and start planning and strategizing, what is going to change? Nothing.

      in reply:
      What will happen is what we can DO, what we can MAKE happen.

      THAT lays the necessary foundation.

      If we wait for the torchlight parades, we shall wait in vain.

      If we BE WHAT WE WANT THE WORLD TO BECOME, we will Create the Foundation for the torchlight parades.

      you wrote:

      We’ll all just continue to post on the Internet about what we’d like to see happen, what should happen, but what will never happen because we simply don’t trust each other.

      in reply:
      Adults trust within limits.

      The test of an Adult is what you DO, particualrly when no one is looking.

      I suspect the Foundations for White Communities are being laid slowly, softly, even as we speak.

      Every time a White Family leaves Southern California (or, to be more precise, New New Mexico), they flee to Whitelandia. If this means they have to “double up” with their families in Whitelandia for a while, so be it.

      These people are the strongest evangelists for the formation of a White NATION we could hope for.

      It’s a start.

      you wrote:

      And, more to the point, HOW do we come to trust each other? Maybe that is even more important a question at this point.

      in reply:
      I don’t trust anyone to do anything other than what is in their interest.

      My comments of the Feds stand.

      The Place To Begin is to get Harold Covington’s Northwest Quadrology, all of which are available online. in particular, start with “A Distant Thunder,” and read it nightly, to help develop the proper mental framework, the Mindset, you will need.

      When the time is ready, the next step will present itself.

      Just remember – the person who proposes using force is the agent provocatuer.

      Just tell him if he mentions it again, you are going to call the police.

      When you call the police, HIS cell phone will ring!

      you wrote:

      As soon as someone mentions meeting, everyone scatters like cockroaches when the light is flicked on.

      in reply:
      Not Bill White, but these things must be done intelligently.

      That’s where we have failed, and can no longer afford the luxury of failure.

      I’m not saying Bill White is perfect.

      He DOES lead by example, and he IS intelligent, and he DOES have strategic and tactical plans that are proven by history, and are battle-tested.

      Being discreetly with White’s ANSWP, and openly with deNugent’s campaign, are options you might want to consider.

      We SHALL Prevail.

      New America

      An Idea Whose Time Is HERE!

    27. Zarathustra Says:

      I guess we will all just have to wait for the situation to become so bad and intolerable that even Regime Central won’t be able to control things anymore. At that point, instead of Whites uniting against the common enemy, it will be the Odinists fighting against the Identity types, the pan-aryans against the White nationalists, the left-wing racists against the right-wing racists, and so on…………………………When it’s all over, only the Aboriginies and the Hotentots will be left, a mindless swarm of peanut-butter colored savages urinating and defecating all over the ruins of the Louvre and the Parthenon.

    28. New America Says:

      in reply to Zarathustra:

      you wrote:

      New America:

      You bring up a good point about the Founding Fathers, whether you intended to or not. Those men were all very wealthy lawyers, gentlemen farmers and businessmen. They were Colonial America’s ruling class and became Federal America’s ruling class after the so-called Revolution. They did not really care about what was in the best interests of middle-class or working- class White people. They were only interested in perpetuating their wealth and their control over society.

      If they really cared about their fellow Whites they would have shipped all the Niggers back to Africa and told the Jews to leave the Continent or else. This present System has always been a System for the rich, of the rich and by the rich. Jews are welcome to participate and non-White labor is imported so that greedy employers don’t have to pay a decent wage to White workers.

      We need a new way, one that does not exploit or enslave anyone, not even the colored inferiors, one that is pro-White and makes sure every White citizen’s basic needs are taken care of. No more laissez-faire capitalism, which only benefits the rich and their Jewish cohorts at the expense of everyone else. I’m hoping for something along the lines of NS Germany, the CSA, Periclean Athens, Bismarck’s Germany and Plato’s Republic. Is it possible or just a racialist pipe-dream?

      in reply:
      The only free markets have been flea markets; the assumptions required to make a “free market” are virtually never present in the Real World.

      What is needed is transparency, which reduces the friction involved in the transaction, and a system that acknowledges market-clearing prices.

      THAT is a true “free market,” from an NS economic perspective.

      And, the “proto-racialist” model can start with Families who support their members, and their extended membership, in an economic purpose.

      From the Families – which is the necessary precondition for a Nation – will come the Foundation for a WN Nation, and, in time, a WN State, in a WN Country.

      Covington has dealt with these issues with a rare depth of wisdom and insight.

      We SHALL Prevail.

      New America

      An Idea Whose Time Is HERE!

    29. New America Says:

      in reply to Zarathustra (2):

      you wrote:

      I guess we will all just have to wait for the situation to become so bad and intolerable that even Regime Central won’t be able to control things anymore. At that point, instead of Whites uniting against the common enemy, it will be the Odinists fighting against the Identity types, the pan-aryans against the White nationalists, the left-wing racists against the right-wing racists, and so on…………………………When it’s all over, only the Aboriginies and the Hotentots will be left, a mindless swarm of peanut-butter colored savages urinating and defecating all over the ruins of the Louvre and the Parthenon.

      in reply:
      The Self-Defeating Behaviors that are the hallmark of Movement Past guarantee that anything that would lead to the Foundation of the Formation of a White Nationalist organization is, as a rule, hopelessly corrupted from the start.

      Yet, think of the examples of possible White Nationalism you see on television, and all you see are people you would not want to be in a room with.

      This Is Not By Accident.

      I think what is developing economically will FORCE extended Families to live under one roof, and letting one and all SEE what happens when the jungle savages end up in positions of control.

      We have seen what happens in the cities when the jingle savages put on business suits, act White to get elected, and act Black after they get in.

      The cities becomes Third World Enclaves, particularly at night, where there are entire sections where the police do not go without a LOT of backup.

      Yet, the historical White response has always been to flee, in horror, another five miles up the highway.

      That option is pretty much becoming foreclosed to them.

      This is why I am such an advocate for an Obama presidency.

      Either way, the illegal Mexicans will become legalized, and then their families, and America will become Mexico, with snow – and THEY will have the rights, under Affirmative Action, that have been foreclosed to the White Posterity, by the Self-Proclaimed Greatest Generation.

      We will have to evolve, or die, and the struggle that we have long denied will be brought before us, clearly and forcefully.

      In the end, it will come down to us adopting the same philosophy the goddamn Jews – Life Is A Battle Between Races.

      Family is the microcosm of RACE.

      RACE is the macrocosm of Family, and

      RACE is the Living Bridge between Family and Culture.

      Simple as that.

      I am to the point that I now see all – ALL – issues, as RACIAL issues, to one degree or another.

      I might add, this is the philosophy that has worked for the goddamn Jews, and this will – WILL – be the philosophy that words for us.

      We SHALL Prevail.

      New America

      An Idea Whose Time Is HERE!

    30. Blightblingingdoorag Says:

      New America writes: ‘Perhaps it might be useful to keep an eye on what the people who DEFEATED the Romans did.

      “Simply “doing what the Romans do” gets you where the Romans are.”

      1. The analogy concerned communication, not military strategy. Be advised, however, that Rome outlasted the U.S. by >800 years. Not bad, in this blightblinger’s opinion.

      2. Zarathustra is correct. You DO need to tone down the “demonic” rhetoric. Seriously.

      3. Last I heard, Al Quaeda was represented in Lebanon’s parliament. It has acquired political legitimacy.

      4. Joining the ANSWP is far from the only path one can take to advance the cause of rural economic independence, the acquisition of legitimate civil power in rural areas, and secession. The idea didn’t originate with Bill White. All are encouraged to pursue it. Be advised that organizational membership is not required for implementation. Implementation begins with family and long-term friends. Covington’s important contribution to the overall plan is the Northwest migration. The men loudly pushing microcommunities, alternate production & education, barter-alternate currencies-gift giving, acquiring local political legitimacy, the merger of Canada with the Northern United States, and secession in recent years are Maguire, James Bowery, and GT, with important contributions from McCulloch (PLE), Rienzi’ (balkanization, Legion Europa), and Thomas Chittum (CW2). At least three of this group consider the solicitation of donations for Internet ‘speech’ to be immoral.

    31. New America Says:

      in reply to Blightblingingdoorag:

      you wrote:

      New America writes: ‘Perhaps it might be useful to keep an eye on what the people who DEFEATED the Romans did.

      “Simply “doing what the Romans do” gets you where the Romans are.”

      1. The analogy concerned communication, not military strategy. Be advised, however, that Rome outlasted the U.S. by >800 years. Not bad, in this blightblinger’s opinion.

      in reply:
      A more viable example might be the example of governance cited most often by the Founders in their discussions of the most perfect form of government, the Venetian Republic.

      When Roman military prowess outran Rome’s economic success, the Roman Empire shifted from the political-military model, based in Rome, to the political-economic model, based in Constantinople.

      you wrote:

      2. Zarathustra is correct. You DO need to tone down the “demonic” rhetoric. Seriously.

      in reply:
      That was “ein” who made that criticism, and, out of respect for ein’s maturity and wisdom, I have dialed it back a bit.

      We’ll see where it leads.

      I’ve heard no complaints for “crackhead niggers,” so I guess that one’s still on.

      you wrote:

      3. Last I heard, Al Quaeda was represented in Lebanon’s parliament. It has acquired political legitimacy.

      in rely:
      A mere fig leaf.

      It was a synthetic organization, and was little more than a catch-all for various local forces we had no knowledge whatsoever about.

      Al Quaeda’s day is done. Their position in the Lebanese parliament literally – literally – sits under the Sword of Damascus, with the strength of one hair stopping the sword from impaling them.

      Hezbollah is another story. With a wide range of community organizations, they have established deep-rooted legitimacy among their people.

      My larger concern about the citation of Al Quaeda as a model for anything, other than ineptiude, was the support of them, and the implicit support of “an Al Qaeda-style revolutionary underground guerrilla resistance.”


      Again, should we ask the still living members of The Order, or ask the spirit of Robert Mathews, or David Lane?

      What do you think Robert Mathews would do, today, if he knew what we knew?

      You tell me.

      My guess: he was be running for Senator Larry Craig’s position.


      you wrote:

      4. Joining the ANSWP is far from the only path one can take to advance the cause of rural economic independence, the acquisition of legitimate civil power in rural areas, and secession. The idea didn’t originate with Bill White. All are encouraged to pursue it. Be advised that organizational membership is not required for implementation.

      in reply:
      I never said White was the only way.

      He – alone – has the skill, intelligence, focus and discipline to build an organization from scratch.

      In the past, I have mentioned that our people could easily join local political parties, which offer free training in running campaigns and winning elections.

      This helps us to gain the skills necessary to be political leaders, and statesmen, in a better world, a Brighter, Whiter America.

      White is building an organization – and he has a strategy that is most thoughtful.

      Hell, White is trying to lay the Foundation for a new Civilization!

      Top THAT!

      you wrote:

      Implementation begins with family and long-term friends. Covington’s important contribution to the overall plan is the Northwest migration.

      in reply:
      Yes, one one, and No, on the other.

      Covington’s contributions go well beyond the Northwest migration.

      “A Distant Thunder” just taps the surface of Covington’s contributions to us, our Families, and our RACE.

      Covington’s Analytical Framework is so comprehensive that we can say, if it doesn’t fit in Covington’s Analytical Framework, it is not White Nationalism.

      you wrote:

      The men loudly pushing microcommunities, alternate production & education, barter-alternate currencies-gift giving, acquiring local political legitimacy, the merger of Canada with the Northern United States, and secession in recent years are Maguire, James Bowery, and GT, with important contributions from McCulloch (PLE), Rienzi’ (balkanization, Legion Europa), and Thomas Chittum (CW2). At least three of this group consider the solicitation of donations for Internet ’speech’ to be immoral.

      in reply:
      None of whom have transformed Dreams into Plans, or have a strategic plan of any substance whatsoever to GET THEM THERE.

      I don’t mean to criticize them totally, and am glad for the good works they have done.

      But, April Gaede showed more courage than they ever have, when she chose to move to Kalispell, and NOT BE PUSHED OUT.

      And, as for the idea that “At least three of this group consider the solicitation of donations for Internet ’speech’ to be immoral,” let me point out that the price of their moral purity is political impotence, and total organizational ineffectiveness.

      That’s why I remind one and all that money can – and should – be sent to Linder, address at the top and bottom of your screen – for all the good he has done, and is doing, for us, both personally, and as members of the only RACE that Creates a better world.

      We SHALL Prevail.

      New America

      An Idea Whose Time Is HERE!

    32. Zarathustra Says:

      New America, I like the idea of White, family-oriented microcommunities………..That is pretty much what the hippies were trying to do after they left SF, NYC and LA, and built communes so they could “get back to Nature.” The Establishment laughed at their naievete, but the hippies, most of whom were White, learned to be self-sufficient and were definately on to something.

      White communes, White communal living…….Our Cro-Magnon ancestors practiced it, as did our more recent Germanic, Slavic and flower-power ancestors. It’s an idea whose time has come, yet again.

      Just one thing……NO FAT CHICKS ALLOWED.

    33. ein Says:

      you wrote:
      Zarathustra is correct. You DO need to tone down the “demonic” rhetoric. Seriously.

      in reply:
      That was “ein” who made that criticism, and, out of respect for ein’s maturity and wisdom, I have dialed it back a bit.

      I did? I’m just now reading this. Thank you for the nice compliment, but I don’t recall ever saying that — though I’ll admit I’ve certainly thought it. But I’ve tried to forego criticism and hold my tongue (in this case, the “enter” button). But I am still glad that someone has mentioned it, because nothing is to be gained by an excess of adjectives. “Demonic” we can do without. We get the message. However waranted it may be, it will rub a lot of people the wrong way. It’s overkill.

      Whoever said it, I’l glad you agree.

    34. New America Says:

      in reply to ein:

      See “ein Says at 3 September, 2008 at 12:47 am,” directly above.

      It might be “overkill,” but there are times – MANY times – when it is called for.

      I’m glad to see “crackhead nigger” still makes the good list!

      We SHALL Prevail!

      New America

      An Idea Whose Time Is HERE!

    35. New America Says:

      One quick comment concerning why the conventional Form of political organization is not to our advantage, and why, implicitly, Harold Covington’s Northwest Republic Analytical Model presents our best hope:

      Am I the only person who noticed Sarah Palin had an Israeli flag pin on her left collar during her RNC speech?

      Anyone else?

      Anyone at all?


      We SHALL Prevail.

      New America

      An Idea Whose Time Is HERE!

    36. Zarathustra Says:

      Cap’n America, I’m glad you brought up that DINGBAT Sarah Palin. What a joke. That’s the best McCain could find for a running mate? Isn’t she married to Nanook of the North, ie, a Mongoloid Eskimo? And all that bullshit about Republican”family values”…….Her own slut daughter got knocked up out of wedlock! Great parenting skills, douchebag!

      And I think you are right about the Israeli flag lapel. I wonder if these politicians were scum befrore they became politicians, or became scum as a result of being politicians? In any case, they just can’t wait to suck up to their Jew masters.

    37. Howdy Doody Says:

      Any one posting at VNN anything that is dis-respectful of Dr. K MacDonald is IMO a total useful idiot, collaborator, or flat out and enternal enemy alien.

    38. shabbos s. shabazz Says:

      JFK issued silver certificates in competition with jew paper, dead six months later:


    39. Zarathustra Says:

      Congressman Henry B. Gonzales of Texas called for an audit of the Federal Reserve 7 or 8 years ago. He then recieved a bunch of mysterious death threats and died a short time later.

    40. ein Says:

      Am I the only person who noticed Sarah Palin had an Israeli flag pin on her left collar during her RNC speech?

      Anyone else? Anyone at all?
      – – – – – – – – – – –
      I saw a video about that.

      There’s something that’s not quite right there. But I just can’t pinpoint it.

      And that name! Uh, uh. Nothing such. Palinsky?

      I can’t speak of her specifically, but I’ve written this before: Jews like to be mayors, even of small, remote, little towns.

      And she was already a TV personality before getting into politics. Hmmm.

    41. ein Says:

      Let me take this opportunity to back up Howdy Doody.
      I’m behind him (and Prof. MacDonald) one hundred percent.

    42. Howdy Doody Says:

      I can’t speak of her specifically, but I’ve written this before: Jews like to be mayors, even of small, remote, little towns.

      ein, you right!
      In the Western US states they slithered their way in many positions and turmoil goes with them, and it really got going in the West the during the 80’s and picking up steam in numbers by the 90s.

    43. Howdy Doody Says:

      Your, not you.

    44. Zarathustra Says:

      Sarah Palinsky…..Sounds like a Hebress to me! ;(